“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.”

William Gibson

William Gibson, the author of the seminal sci-fi book Neuromancer, famously said that, and it’s often quoted in acknowledgement of its truth. My interpretation of the quote is that technologies, luxuries, and lifestyles that are today available only to rich people and elite institutions (like the U.S. military or Google’s most secret R&D labs) can be expected to percolate down to the masses in the future.

For example, the first TVs were luxuries that only upper-income people could afford (see the ads below and consider that, in 1939, the average American only made $1,092 – $1,456 per year, most of which went to rent, food, and other basic needs), but they were ubiquitous by 1965, and were found even in most poor households. Additionally, the TVs of the 1960s were qualitatively better, having higher resolution displays and lower screen size to volume ratios.

With this in mind, here are some services, technologies, and lifestyles that today are the reserve of the select few, but which, per William Gibson, should someday be available to everyone.


  • Rich people can afford to pay for human chauffeurs. This benefits the former’s quality of life since they have free time during car trips, and aren’t as stressed out by the driving experience.
  • Autonomous cars will someday make human chauffeurs obsolete, and will become affordable for ordinary income people. The cost of renting luxury autonomous vehicles for special occasions will also come down, so average people will be able to ride in vehicles with the same trimmings as the rich.


  • Rich people can afford to pay for butlers, maids, cooks, and yard care people. This benefits the former’s quality of life since they don’t have to do routine drudge work like washing their dishes, and instead have more free time. Clean, orderly, aesthetically pleasing surroundings also have positive effects on one’s mood. Rich people can also hire personal assistants to do higher-level cognitive tasks, like researching people, or things of interest.
  • Household robots will eventually get cheap enough for average people to own or rent them to do all the same tasks.
  • Intelligent virtual assistants will be able to answer complex questions about all types of subjects, giving ordinary people free or cheap access to high-quality information and advice.

Interior decorators and fashion consultants

  • Most rich people have nicer-looking homes and wear more attractive clothing not because they are aesthetically talented, but because they can pay for advice from professionals who are.
  • AIs will be able to look at photos of your home’s interior and come up with unique decorative motifs that could also be implemented at low cost. Reality TV shows like Junk Gypsies and Flea Market Flip demonstrate how a little artistry can transform cheap, throwaway furniture and random objects into stylish, impressive furnishings and decorations, and machines will someday possess the same creativity, bringing professional-quality decorating services within financial reach of nearly everyone. Similarly, AIs will be able to analyze your appearance and other variables, suggest attractive outfits, and do the hard work of finding whatever clothing you want at whatever your price point is.


  • The rich can hire full-time nannies to care for their children, increasing the rich parents’ free time and decreasing their stress. The children can also benefit from getting more adult attention than they otherwise would have. The cost of quality childcare is so high in developed countries that it has lowered birthrates among even upper middle class people.
  • Once again, robots could level the playing field by providing this service to all households. Longer human lifespans will also mean more grandparents will be around to serve as babysitters. Birth rates in developed countries could rise above replacement level in the future.

Good lawyers

  • Rich people and deep-pocketed institutions can afford to hire smarter lawyers and large numbers of lawyers. They can defeat or deter opponents through better argumentation (quality advantage) or by burying them in paperwork and time-consuming procedural requests (quantity advantage).
  • Machines will take over the legal profession and offer their services for very little money, giving everyone equal or nearly equal access to quality lawyers. This will be of particular benefit to poor people accused of crimes, who today rely on inexperienced and overworked public defenders.

Enormous TVs

  • Rich people and deep-pocketed institutions can afford very large TVs and movie theater-sized projector screens.
  • At the rate things are going, paper-thin TVs that are big enough to cover an 8′ x 14′ wall should get cheap enough for middle income people to buy sometime in the 2030s. The TVs will have 8K resolutions or greater, and will be rollable so people will be able to fit them through the exterior doors of their houses.

High-quality meals

  • Rich people can afford to eat out at fancy restaurants or to hire personal chefs. As a result, they tend to eat finer meals and greater varieties of food. Not needing to cook or clean dishes also increases the amount of free time rich people have.
  • Robot chefs could enable ordinary people to eat like the rich do today. Consider that, in a typical restaurant, only 25 – 35% of a meal’s price pays for the cost of ingredients. Moreover, there are many ways cheaper ingredients can be substituted for more expensive ones without altering a meal’s taste (consider how widespread the illegal mislabeling of fish is, yet how rare it is for someone to taste that they’ve been cheated). If you had a robot chef that could make the best out of common ingredients, and if it worked for free, meaning you didn’t have to pay for wages, tips, theft, or any other business expenses, then you could have restaurant-quality food at around a 70% discount.
  • Additionally, machines will build detailed personal profiles of each human, and these will include their taste preferences. Just as Netflix and Pandora can reliably recommend movies and songs you’ll like based on your preferences, so will your robot chef be able to recommend meals that you’ll be sure to like.

Fine wines and liquors

  • Rich people can buy expensive wines and liquors that the rest of us can’t. (Admittedly, blind taste tests and the inherent subjectivity of a drink’s quality make it debatable how much tangible advantage the rich gain from this.)
  • Every type of alcoholic beverage, no matter its cost, rarity, or age, consists overwhelmingly of water, ethanol, and trace molecules that create a unique taste profile. Some independent breweries are in the early stages of using chemistry to create artificial versions of expensive, vintage drinks, and I think someone will eventually succeed. At some point in the future, cheap artificial versions of expensive alcoholic drinks (or “99% imitations” of them) will exist.

Leisure time

  • Rich people usually have the option of spending more of their time at leisure without sacrificing their financial security (whether the rich choose to do that over work is a different matter).
  • As mentioned, machines of all sorts will increase the amount of leisure time available to average people in the future. Additionally, if mass technological unemployment arises and a UBI or some package of generous welfare benefits were extended to everyone, leisure time would reach 100% for all people, regardless of income. The rich would no longer have an advantage.


  • Rich people have access to more sex partners (whether they choose to take advantage of the opportunity is a different matter) because wealth makes them more attractive and because they can afford prostitutes.
  • Sex robots will someday be better at sex than most humans (this simply derives from the broader precept that any job a human can do, a machine can eventually be taught to do as well) , and they will be available to everyone at low cost. Someday, the notion of there being nerdy or ugly people who could never obtain sex will be anachronistic.

Pet cloning

  • Rich people can clone their beloved, dead cats and dogs for $50,000.
  • The price will sharply drop thanks to better technology and the expirations of medical patents.

Medical immortality

  • As a general rule, rich people live longer partly because they can pay for expensive, cutting-edge medical treatments, which might also require overseas travel to obtain. There is no scientific reason why medical immortality technology couldn’t be created someday, and it will doubtless be expensive at first. This will predictably lead to social problems as poorer people get mad at the prospect of rich people living forever while they still have to die.
  • As with all medical technologies, the price of medical immortality tech will decrease as time passes, and become available to everyone. Since immortality is an absolute, the playing field between rich people and everyone else will be leveled.

Weaponized UAVs

  • Today, modern militaries have unmanned aerial vehicles that can drop bombs on or fire missiles at targets. The UAVs are remote-controlled and soon will be autonomous.
  • In the future, average people will be able to buy or build small UAVs that can kill people or destroy things. (On a related note, technology will also make it easier to secretly build guns and bombs.)


  • Rich people and government officials have bodyguards.
  • Wow, now this just opens up a HUGE can of worms, doesn’t it? It will be possible someday for average people to buy robots that can follow them around in public places and, on their own initiative or at their boss’ command, attack or kill other humans and machines. (I think it would be a good idea to pass laws that limit robots to being no faster or stronger than average humans and to prohibit machines from transporting weapons in public spaces.)

Advanced augmented reality glasses

  • Today, F-35 pilots wear $400,000 augmented reality helmet/visor units that overlay images from their planes’ sensors onto their field of vision. As a result, a pilot can look down at his lap and see a computer-generated image of the ground, derived from a camera mounted on the plane’s underside.
  • Augmented reality glasses that fill the wearer’s entire field of vision with real-time digital images will someday be available to average people. Google Glass failed in part because of the smallness of its projected screen and high price, and once those problems are inevitably remedied, the device category will see a renaissance.

Additionally, we can glimpse how we’ll live in the post-scarcity/UBI era by studying the few people in the present who already live like that, such as trust fund babies, lottery winners, and retired people who are in good health. My research has revealed a few common elements of their lifestyles and habits:

Frequent travel and vacationing

  • Richer people travel for pleasure more because they have the spare time and money for it.
  • If machines take over all human jobs in the future, then more people will have the free time to travel (work-related commutes and the agony they inflict will also vanish).
  • There are important caveats: 1) There will still be large differences in the quality of accommodations at vacation spots, so richer people will retain access to better hotels and experiences than average people subsisting on UBI. 2) If more people travel, then travel destinations will get more crowded, which will drive up prices in those place and make them less pleasant.
  • The problems could be overcome with full-immersion virtual reality (FIVR), which would let people “travel” to other places at a small fraction of the cost of physically visiting and renting a hotel. Virtual tourism might be better in other ways as well, such as not posing a risk of crime, harassment or disease that visitors commonly encounter in many parts of the world.

Pursuing passions and interests

  • There’s some truth to the stereotype of the trust fund baby who spends many years in college studying an unprofitable humanities subject, like film or art history. With their personal finances assured by their trust payouts, they’re free to study subjects that genuinely fascinate them, regardless of job prospects. Similarly, it’s common for older, wealthy business people to observe that wealth is usually self-perpetuating since the security of being rich allowed them to experiment with riskier investments that in turn paid off. The common thread is that, once people are freed from a hand-to-mouth existence and have a decent amount of money to play around with, they invest in themselves or in enterprises and causes that come to interest them.
  • Freed from drudgery and with a government-provided financial cushion, average people would pursue their passions and interests. For many, this would mean spending more time in various instructional settings trying to achieve mastery of skills or subjects, even if those things were obscure (e.g. – ancient Japanese samurai swordsmithing or innovations of the Mexican silent film era) and it was understood that mastery wouldn’t lead to a profitable career. For others, it would mean starting small businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations. Unfortunately, as is the case now, most of those enterprises would fail or only become modestly successful through great exertion, and many of the people who founded them would be crushed by the realization that their Big Idea wasn’t actually so great, or that they were not as talented, or that actually running the enterprise wasn’t as fun or as easy as they had assumed. And on an important but dour note, it must be acknowledged that many people are most passionate about unproductive things, like playing video games, having sex, or doing drugs. It’s common for rich people–particularly those born into wealth–to be idle and self-destructive, and so it can be assume that in a post-scarcity future world, many ordinary people would act the same.

Spending time with friends and family

  • People with money and no job commitments typically spend more time with their friends and family members. Additionally, most people rate those as the most enjoyable periods of their day.
  • In a post-scarcity, post-work future, I have no reason to believe that most people wouldn’t choose to hang out with their friends and family members more.

Acquiring and managing possessions and property

  • Bargain-hunting is a popular pastime among retired people, and trust fund babies will commonly spend large amounts of money impulsively, often on luxury goods and fickle things. Retired people also usually have immaculate lawns and houses because they have the time to care of and to organize the things they own.
  • The impulse to find and hoard valuable things is deeply rooted in the human psyche, and is satisfying to us as it accords with our hunter-gatherer nature. For better or worse, I think people will spend more time obtaining things, mostly through shopping, and maintaining them, in a post-scarcity future.


  1. http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/wayf?target=https%3A%2F%2Fbabel.hathitrust.org%2Fcgi%2Fpt%3Fid%3Duiug.30112018120003%3Bseq%3D5%3Bpage%3Droot%3Bview%3D1up%3Bsize%3D100%3Borient%3D0
  2. http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2016/09/daily-chart-14
  3. https://www.theverge.com/2018/8/23/17703454/wine-whiskey-synthetic-climate-change-lab-made-ava-winery-endless-west
  4. https://variety.com/video/barbra-streisand-cloned-her-favorite-dog/

Roundup of interesting articles, January 2019

This chart of how prices of various goods and services have changed over the last 20 years in the U.S. shows the impact of Moore’s Law, trade, private sector competition (or lack thereof), and government regulation.

Here’s an interesting article on how changes in technology have altered our houses over time.

At CES 2019, LG unveiled a 65″ TV that is only 3mm thick and can roll up like a carpet. It costs tens of thousands of dollars, but serves as a crucial proof of concept. Someday, average people will own wall-sized TVs that are paper-thin and 8K in resolution.

The U.S. cancer death rate has been declining for 25 consecutive years. It mostly owes to people quitting smoking, and would be even lower if it weren’t for a rise in obesity-induced cancers.

Only 14% of Americans were smokers in 2017, the lowest ever. Smoking is more common among poor people, blacks, and Hispanics, partly explaining their lower lifespans.

A new deep learning AI called “DeepGestalt” can scan images of human faces for the telltale signs of over 200 genetic disorders like Down Syndrome.

There’s evidence that primitive human societies become less violent by killing off violent males and/or refusing to let them breed. Impulsive behavior–which can lead to violence–has a heritable, genetic component, and measurable changes to a human genepool can happen after just three generations of consistent natural selection.

Scientists genetically engineered mice so they only gave birth to females. If successfully applied to farm animals, the technique could lower the cost of meat and avert the extermination of billions of male animals per year. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/515064v2

Agricultural scientists used genetic engineering to make tobacco plants that grew much faster and larger thanks to more efficient photosynthesis. It might someday massively boost farm productivity, providing more food for the human population.

Bird lungs are more efficient at respiration than mammal lungs. With radically advanced genetic engineering, could we make humans that looked no different on the outside, but had bird lungs on the inside?

“Juice,” a popular dog that has appeared in many Chinese films, has been cloned by his owner to ensure the money keeps flowing after the original dog dies. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/753111/china-celebrity-dog-juice-cloned-cloning-experiment-pets

“Juice” alongside his younger clone.

Human fingerprints are partly heritable.

The Russian BMP-3 armored vehicle can be fitted with a powerful, rapid-fire 57mm gun, which could destroy light and medium armored vehicles and also aircraft.

Twenty years after joining NATO, Hungary is finally getting rid of its Soviet-era rifles and handguns and is buying new ones that use the same bullets as the West.

“Draken International” is a private military contractor that owns over 150 military jets, principally meant to be aggressor squadrons in air force training. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/25927/check-out-cockpit-in-draken-internationals-private-mirage-f-1m-aggressor-jet

The U.S. military was thinking about building the kinds of stealth helicopters used in the 2011 bin Laden raid as early as 1978.

Yemeni rebels flew small UAV into a group of government soldiers and detonated it, killing six. It’s useful to think of these sorts of weapons as small guided missiles, which illuminates the fact that their use is just part of the decades-long trend for the technology to get smaller and cheaper. Small groups of people can now afford them.

The nearly-forgotten Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 was the first instance when two, modern armies equipped with machine guns clashed, and old infantry tactics were shown to be terribly vulnerable to the weapons. Unfortunately, few generals heeded the war’s lessons, and the same mistakes were made ten years later in WWI. http://weaponsman.com/?p=23151

Passive sonar operators on U.S. subs sometimes hear noises underwater that don’t match with natural or manmade phenomena.

After the U.S. started building a Space Shuttle, Soviet scientists and economists correctly determined that NASA’s claims the Shuttle would launch cargo into orbit cheaper than rockets were false, and in fact, it would cost more. This led the Soviets to conclude that the Shuttle in fact had a clandestine military purpose, and they found it could serve as a very high-speed nuclear bomber and that it could snatch Soviet spy satellites in orbit. The Soviets didn’t consider that Shuttle in fact had no military function, but that the U.S. government would waste billions of dollars chasing an unattainable goal (but we did).

China landed a rover on the dark side of the Moon and did an experiment where it sprouted seeds in a sealed container full of soil, demonstrating that crop plants can be grown on the Moon.

The Large Hadron Collider has a 16.6 mile circumference. Europe and China now have competing plans to build particle colliders with 62 mile circumferences.

A brain-computer interface (e.g. – a skullcap embedded with electrodes that monitor the wearer’s brain activity) was used to decipher spoken words a person was hearing based on their brain waves.

My future predictions (2019 iteration)

If it’s January, it means it’s time for me to update my big list of future predictions! I used the 2018 version of this document as a template, and made edits to it as needed. For the sake of transparency, I’ve indicated recently added content by bolding it, and have indicated deleted or moved content with strikethrough.

Like any futurist worth his salt, I’m going to put my credibility on the line by publishing a list of my future predictions. I won’t modify or delete this particular blog entry once it is published, and if my thinking about anything on the list changes, I’ll instead create a new, revised blog entry. Furthermore, as the deadlines for my predictions pass, I’ll reexamine them.

I’ve broken down my predictions by the decade. Any prediction listed under a specific decade will happen by the end of that decade, unless I specify some other date (e.g. – “X will happen early in this decade.”).


  • Better, cheaper solar panels and batteries (for grid power storage and cars) will make clean energy as cheap and as reliable as fossil fuel power for entire regions of the world, including some temperate zones. As cost “tipping points” are reached, it will make financial sense for tens of millions of private homeowners and electricity utility companies to install solar panels on their rooftops and on ground installations, respectively. This will be the case even after government clean energy subsidies are inevitably retracted. However, a 100% transition to clean energy won’t finish in rich countries until the middle of the century, and poor countries will use dirty energy well into the second half of the century.
  • Fracking and the exploitation of tar sands in the U.S. and Canada will together ensure growth in global oil production until around 2030, at which time the installed base of clean energy and batteries will be big enough to take up the slack. There will be no global energy crisis.
  • Foldable smartphones will enter mass production, though it’s uncertain how much the market will embrace them. These phones will have one, rigid screen on their “front cover,” and one, flexible screen that is twice as big spanning their inner space.
  • Improvements to smartphone cameras, mirrorless cameras, and perhaps light-field cameras will make D-SLRs obsolete. 
  • Vastly improved VR goggles with better graphics and no need to be plugged into desktop PCs will hit the market. They won’t display perfectly lifelike footage, but they will be much better than what we have today, and portable. Augmented reality (AR) glasses that are much cheaper and better than the original Google Glass will also make their market debuts.
  • “Full-immersion” audiovisual VR will be commercially available by the end of the decade. They will be capable of displaying video that is visually indistinguishable from real reality: They will have display resolutions, refresh rates, head tracking sensitivities, and wide fields of view that together deliver a visual experience that matches or exceeds the limits of human vision. The goggles won’t be truly “portable” devices because their high processing and energy requirements will probably make them bulky, give them only a few hours of battery life, or even require them to be plugged into another computer. Moreover, the tactile, olfactory, and physical movement/interaction aspects of the experience will remain underdeveloped.
  • LED light bulbs will become as cheap as CFL and even incandescent bulbs. It won’t make economic sense NOT to buy LEDs, and they will establish market dominance.
  • “Smart home”/”Wired home” technology will become mature and widespread in developed countries.
  • Video gaming will dispense with physical media, and games will be completely streamed from the internet or digitally downloaded. Business that exist just to sell game discs (Gamestop) will shut down.
  • Instead of a typical home entertainment system having a whole bunch of media discs, different media players and cable boxes, there will be one small, multipurpose box that, among other things, boosts WiFi to ensure the TV and all nearby devices can get signals at multi-Gb/s speeds.
  • Self-driving vehicles will start hitting the roads in large numbers in rich countries. The vehicles won’t drive as efficiently as humans (a lot of hesitation and slowing down for little or no reason), but they’ll be as safe as human drivers. Long-haul trucks that ply simple highway routes will be the first category of vehicles to be fully automated. The transition will be heralded by a big company like Wal-Mart buying 5,000 self-driving tractor trailers to move goods between its distribution centers and stores. Last-mile delivery–involving weaving through side streets, cities and neighborhoods, and physically carrying packages to peoples’ doors–won’t be automated until after this decade. Self-driving, privately owned passenger cars will stay few in number and will be owned by technophiles, rich people, and taxi cab companies.
  • Thanks to improvements in battery energy density and cost, and in fast-charging technology, electric cars become cost-competitive with gas-powered cars this decade without government subsidies, leading to their rapid adoption. Electric cars are mechanically simpler and more reliable than gas-powered ones, which will hurt the car repair industry. Many gas stations will also go bankrupt or convert to fast charging stations. [Moved from the 2030s because I discovered the technologies are improving faster than I thought.]
  • Quality of life for people living and working in cities and near highways will improve as more drivers switch to quieter, emissionless electric vehicles. 
  • A machine will pass the Turing Test by the end of this decade. The milestone will attract enormous amounts of attention and will lead to several retests, some of which the machine will fail, proving that it lacks the full range of human intelligence. It will lead to debate over the Turing Test’s validity as a measure of true intelligence (Ray Kurzweil actually talked about this phenomenon of “moving the goalposts” whenever we think about how smart computers are), and many AI experts will point out the existence of decades-long skepticism in the Turing Test in their community.
  • The best AIs circa 2029 won’t be able to understand and upgrade their own source codes. They will still be narrow AIs, albeit an order of magnitude better than the ones we have today.
  • Machines will become better than humans at the vast majority of computer, card, and board games. The only exceptions will be very obscure games or recently created games that no one has bothered to program an AI to play yet. But even for those games, there will be AIs with general intelligence and learning abilities that will be “good enough” to play as well as average humans by reading the instruction manuals and teaching themselves through simulated self-play.
  • The cost of getting your genome sequenced and expertly interpreted will drop below $1,000, and enough about the human genome will have been deciphered to make the cost worth the benefit for everyone. By the end of the decade, it will be common for newborns in rich countries to have their genomes sequenced.
  • Cheap DNA tests that can measure a person’s innate IQ and core personality traits with high accuracy will become widely available. There is the potential for this to cause social problems. 
  • At-home medical testing kits and diagnostic devices like swallowable camera-pills will become vastly better and more common.
  • China’s GDP will surpass America’s, India’s population will surpass China’s, and China will never claim the glorious title of being both the richest and most populous country.
  • Space tourism will become routine thanks to privately owned spacecraft. 
  • Marijuana will be effectively decriminalized in the U.S. Either the federal government will overturn its marijuana prohibitions, or some patchwork of state and federal bans will remain but be so weakened and lightly enforced that there will be no real government barriers to obtaining and using marijuana. 
  • By the end of this decade, photos of almost every living person will be available online (mostly on social media). Apps will exist that can scan through trillions of photos to find your doppelgangers. 
  • Drones will be used in an attempted or successful assassination of at least one major world leader (Note: Venezuela’s Nicholas Maduro wasn’t high profile enough).


  • VR and AR goggles will become refined technologies and probably merge into a single type of lightweight device. Like smartphones today, anyone who wants the glasses in 2030 will have them. Even poor people in Africa will be able to buy them. A set of the glasses will last a day on a single charge under normal use.  
  • Augmented reality contact lenses will be invented, though they won’t be as good as AR glasses and they might need remotely linked, body-worn hardware to provide them with power and data.
  • The bulky V.R. goggles of the 2020s will transform into lightweight, portable V.R. glasses thanks to improved technology. The glasses will display lifelike footage. 
  • Wall-sized, thin, 8K or even 16K TVs will become common in homes in rich countries, and the TVs will be able to display 3D picture without the use of glasses. A sort of virtual reality chamber could be created at moderate cost by installing those TVs on all the walls of a room to create a single, wraparound screen.
  • The video game industry will be bigger than ever and considered high art.
  • Books and computer tablets will merge into a single type of device that could be thought of as a “digital book.” It will be a book with several hundred pages made of thin, flexible digital displays (perhaps using ultra-energy efficient e-ink) instead of paper. At the tap of a button, the text on all of the pages will instantly change to display whichever book the user wanted to read at that moment. They could also be used as notebooks in which the user could hand write or draw things with a stylus, which would be saved as image or text files. The devices will fuse the tactile appeal of old-fashioned books with the content flexibility of tablet computers.
  • Loneliness, social isolation, and other problems caused by overuse of technology and the atomized structure of modern life will be, ironically, cured to a large extent by technology. Chatbots that can hold friendly (and even funny and amusing) conversations with humans for extended periods, diagnose and treat mental illnesses as well as human therapists, and customize themselves to meet the needs of humans will become ubiquitous. The AIs will become adept at analyzing human personalities and matching lonely people with friends and lovers, and at recommending daily activities that will satisfy them, hour-by-hour. Machines will come to understand that constant technology use is antithetical to human nature, so in order to promote human wellness, they find ways to impel humans to get out of their houses, interact with other humans, and be in nature.
  • House robots will start becoming common in rich countries. They will be slower at doing household tasks than humans, but will still save people hours of labor per week. They may or may not be humanoid. For the sake of safety and minimizing annoyance, most robots will do their work when humans aren’t around. As in, you would come home from work every day and find the floors vacuumed, the lawn mowed, and your laundered clothes in your dresser, with nary a robot in sight since it will have gone back into its closet to recharge. You would never hear the commotion of a clothes washing machine, a vacuum cleaner or a lawnmower. All the work would get done when you were away, as if by magic.
  • Chatbots will steadily improve their “humanness” over the decade. The instances when AIs say or do something nonsensical will get less and less frequent. Dumber people, children, and people with some types of mental illness will be the first ones to start insisting their AIs are intelligent like humans. Later, average people will start claiming the same. By the end of the decade, a personal assistant AI like “Samantha” from the movie Her will be commercially available.
  • People will start having genuine personal relationships with AIs and robots. For example, people will resist upgrading to new personal assistant AIs because they will have emotional attachments to their old ones. The destruction of a helper robot or AI might be as emotionally traumatic to some people as the death of a human relative.
  • Thanks to improvements in battery energy density and cost, and in fast-charging technology, electric cars become cost-competitive with gas-powered cars this decade without government subsidies, leading to their rapid adoption. Electric cars are mechanically simpler and more reliable than gas-powered ones, which will hurt the car repair industry. Many gas stations will also go bankrupt or convert to fast charging stations. [Moved to the 2020s because I discovered the technologies are improving faster than I thought.]
  • Self-driving cars will become cheap enough and practical enough for average income people to buy, and their driving behavior will become as efficient as an average human. Over the course of this decade, there will be rapid adoption of self-driving cars in rich countries. Freed from driving, people will switch to doing things like watching movies/TV and eating. Car interiors will change accordingly. Road fatalities, and the concomitant demands for traffic police, paramedics, E.R. doctors, car mechanics, and lawyers will sharply decrease. The car insurance industry will shrivel, forcing consolidation. (Humans in those occupations will also face increasing levels of direct job competition from machines over the course of the decade.)
  • The “big box” business model will start taking over the transportation and car repair industry thanks to the rise of electric, self-driving vehicles and autonomous taxis in place of personal car ownership. The multitudes of small, scattered car repair shops will be replaced by large, centralized car repair facilities that themselves resemble factory assembly lines. Self-driving vehicles will drive to them to have their problems diagnosed and fixed, sparing their human owners from having to waste their time sitting in waiting rooms.
  • Car ownership won’t die out because it will still be a status symbol, and having a car ready in your driveway will always be more convenient than having to wait even just two minutes for an Uber cab to arrive at the curb. People are lazy.
  • The ad hoc car rental model exemplified by autonomous Uber cabs and private people renting out their autonomous cars when not in use faces a challenge since daily demand for cars peaks during morning rush hour and afternoon rush hour. In other words, everyone needs a car at the same time each day, so the ratio of cars : people can’t deviate much from, say, 1:2. Of course, if more people telecommuted (almost certain in the future thanks to better VR, faster broadband, and tech-savvy Millennials reaching middle age and taking over the workplace), and if flexible schedules became more widespread (also likely, but within certain limits since most offices can’t function efficiently unless they have “all hands on deck” for at least a few hours each day), the ratio could go even lower. However, there’s still a bottom limit to how few cars a country will need to provide adequate daily transportation for its people.
  • Automation will start having a major impact on the global economy. Machines will compensate for the shrinkage of the working-age human population in the developed world. Countries with “graying” populations like Japan and Germany will experience a new wave of economic growth. Demand for immigrant laborers will decrease across the world because of machines.
  • There will be a worldwide increase in the structural unemployment rate thanks to better and cheaper narrow AIs and robots. A plausible scenario would be for the U.S. unemployment rate to be 10%–which was last the case at the nadir of the Great Recession–but for every other economic indicator to be strong. The clear message would be that human labor is becoming decoupled from the economy.
  • Combining all the best AI and robotics technologies, it will be possible to create general-purpose androids that could function better in the real world (e.g. – perform in the workplace, learn new things, interact with humans, navigate public spaces, manage personal affairs) than the bottom 10% of humans (e.g. – elderly people, the disabled, criminals, the mentally ill, people with poor language abilities or low IQs), and in some narrow domains, the androids will be superhuman (e.g. – physical strength, memory, math abilities). Note that businesses will still find it better to employ task-specific, non-human-looking robots instead of general purpose androids.
  • By the end of this decade, only poor people, lazy people, and conspiracy theorists (like anti-vaxxers) won’t have their genomes sequenced. It will be trivially cheap, and in fact free for many people (some socialized health care systems will fully subsidize it), and enough will be known about the human genome to make it worthwhile to have the information.
  • Markets will become brutally competitive and efficient thanks to AIs. Companies will sharply grasp consumer demand through real-time surveillance, and consumers will be alerted to bargains by their personal AIs and devices (e.g. – your AR glasses will visually highlight good deals as you walk through the aisles of a store). Your personal assistant AIs and robots will look out for your self-interest by countering the efforts of other AIs to sway your spending habits in ways that benefit companies and not you.
  • “Digital immortality” will become possible for average people. Personal assistant AIs, robot servants, and other monitoring devices will be able, through observation alone, to create highly accurate personality profiles of individual humans, and to anticipate their behavior with high fidelity. Voices and mannerisms will be digitally reproducible without any hint of error. Digital simulacra of individual humans will be further refined by having them take voluntary personality tests, and by uploading their genomes, brain scans and other body scans. Even if all of the genetic and biological data couldn’t be made sense of at the moment it was uploaded to an individual’s digital profile, there will be value in saving it since it might be decipherable in the future.
  • Life expectancy will have increased by a few years thanks to pills and therapies that slightly extend human lifespan. Like, you take a $20 pill each day starting at age 20 and you end up dying at age 87 instead of age 84.
  • Global oil consumption will peak as people continue switching to other power sources.
  • Earliest possible date for the first manned Mars mission.
  • Movie subtitles and the very notion of there being “foreign language films” will become obsolete. Computers will be able to perfectly translate any human language into another, to create perfect digital imitations of any human voice, and to automatically apply CGI so that the mouth movements of people in video footage matches the translated words they’re speaking.
  • Computer will also be able to automatically enhance old films by accurately colorizing them, removing defects like scratches, and sharpening or focusing footage (one technique will involve interpolating high-res still photos of long-dead actors onto the faces of those same actors in low-res moving footage). Computer enhancement will be so good that we’ll be able to watch films from the early 20th century with near-perfect image and audio clarity.
  • CGI will get so refined than moviegoers with 20/20 vision won’t be able to see the difference between footage of unaltered human actors and footage of 100% CGI actors.
  • Lifelike CGI and “performance capture” will enable “digital resurrections” of dead actors. Computers will be able to scan through every scrap of footage with, say, John Wayne in it, and to produce a perfect CGI simulacrum of him that even speaks with his natural voice, and it will be seamlessly inserted into future movies. Elderly actors might also license movie studios to create and use digital simulacra of their younger selves in new movies. The results will be very fascinating, but might also worsen Hollywood’s problem with making formulaic content.


  • The world and peoples’ outlooks and priorities will be very different than they were in 2019. Cheap renewable energy will have become widespread and totally negated any worries about an “energy crisis” ever happening, except in exotic, hypothetical scenarios about the distant future. There will be little need for immigration thanks to machine labor and cross-border telecommuting. Moreover, there will be a strong sense in most Western countries that they’re already “diverse enough,” and that there are no further cultural benefits to letting in more foreigners since large communities of most foreign ethnic groups will already exist within their borders. There will be more need than ever for strong social safety nets and entitlement programs thanks to technological unemployment. AI will be a central political and social issue. It won’t be the borderline sci-fi, fringe issue it was in 2019.
  • Automation, mass unemployment, wealth inequalities between the owners of capital and everyone else, and differential access to expensive human augmentation technologies (such as genetic engineering) will produce overwhelming political pressure for some kind of wealth redistribution and social safety net expansion. Countries that have diligently made small, additive reforms as necessary over the preceding decades will be untroubled. However, countries that failed to adapt their political and economic systems will face upheaval.
  • 2045 will pass without the Technological Singularity happening. Ray Kurzweil will either celebrate his 97th birthday in a wheelchair, or as a popsicle frozen at the Alcor Foundation.
  • Supercomputers that match or surpass upper-level estimates of the human brain’s computational capabilities will cost a few hundred thousand to a few million dollars apiece, meaning tech companies and universities will be able to afford large numbers of them for AI R&D projects, accelerating progress in the field. Hardware will no longer be the limiting factor to building AGI. If it hasn’t been built yet, it will be due to failure to figure out how to arrange the hardware in the right way to support intelligent thought, and/or to a failure to develop the necessary software. 
  • With robots running the economy, it will be common for businesses to operate 24/7: restaurants will never close, online orders made at 3:00 am will be packed in boxes by 3:10 am, and autonomous delivery trucks will only stop to refuel or exchange cargo.
  • Advanced energy technology, robot servants, 3D printers, telepresence, and other technologies will allow people to live largely “off-grid” if they choose, while still enjoying a level of comfort that 2019 people would envy.
  • It will be common for cities, towns and states to heavily restrict or ban human-driven vehicles within their boundaries. A sea change in thinking happens as autonomous cars become accepted as “the norm,” and human-driven cars are thought of as unusual and dangerous.
  • Over 90% of new car sales in developed countries will be for electric vehicles. Just as the invention of the automobile transformed horses into status goods used for leisure, the rise of electric vehicles will transform internal combustion vehicles into a niche market for richer people. 
  • A global “family tree” showing how all humans are related will be built using written genealogical records and genomic data from the billions of people who have had their DNA sequenced. It will become impossible to hide illegitimate children, and it will also become possible for people to find “genetic doppelgangers”–other people they have no familial relationship to, but with whom, by some coincidence, they share a very large number of genes. 
  • Improved knowledge of human genetics and its relevance to personality traits and interests will strengthen AI’s ability to match humans with friends, lovers, and careers.  
  • Realistic robot sex bots that can move and talk will exist.


  • This is the earliest possible time that AGI/SAI will be invented. It will not be able to instantly change everything in the world or to initiate a Singularity, but it will rapidly grow in intelligence, wealth, and power. It will probably be preceded by successful computer simulations of the brains of progressively more complex model organisms, such as flatworms, fruit flies, and lab rats.
  • Humans will be heavily dependent upon their machines for almost everything (e.g. – friendship, planning the day, random questions to be answered, career advice, legal counseling, medical checkups, driving cars), and the dependency will be so ingrained that humans will reflexively assume that “The Machines are always right.” Consciously and unconsciously, people will yield more and more of their decision-making and opinion-forming to machines, and find that they and the world writ large are better off for it.
  • In the developed world, less than 50% of people between age 22 and 65 will have gainful full-time jobs. However, unprofitable full-time jobs that only persist thanks to government subsidies (such as someone running a small coffee shop and paying the bills with their monthly UBI check) and full-time volunteer “jobs” (such as picking up trash in the neighborhood) are counted, most people in that age cohort will be “doing stuff” on a full-time basis.  
  • The doomsaying about Global Warming will start to quiet down as the world’s transition to clean energy hits full stride and predictions about catastrophes from people like Al Gore fail to pan out by their deadlines. Sadly, people will just switch to worrying about and arguing about some new set of doomsday prophecies about something else.
  • By almost all measures, standards of living will be better in 2050 than today. People will commonly have all types of wonderful consumer devices and appliances that we can’t even fathom. However, some narrow aspects of daily life are likely to worsen, such as overcrowding and further erosion of the human character. Just as people today have short memories and take too many things for granted, so shall people in the 2050s fail to appreciate how much the standard of living has risen since today, and they will ignore all the steady triumphs humanity has made over its problems, and by default, people will still believe the world is constantly on the verge of collapsing and that things are always getting worse.
  • Cheap desalination will provide humanity with unlimited amounts of drinking water and end the prospect of “water wars.” 
  • Mass surveillance and ubiquitous technology will have minimized violent crime and property crime in developed countries: It will be almost impossible to commit such crimes without a surveillance camera or some other type of sensor detecting the act, or without some device recording the criminal’s presence in the area at the time of the act. House robots will contribute by effectively standing guard over your property at night while you sleep. 
  • It will be common for people to have health monitoring devices on and inside of their bodies that continuously track things like their heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, and gene expression. If a person has a health emergency or appears likely to have one, his or her devices will send out a distress signal alerting EMS and nearby random citizens. If you walked up to such a person while wearing AR glasses, you would see their vital statistics and would receive instructions on how to assist them (i.e. – How to do CPR). Robots will also be able to render medical aid. 
  • Cities and their suburbs across the world will have experienced massive growth since 2019. Telepresence, relatively easy off-grid living, and technological unemployment will not, on balance, have driven more people out of metro areas than have migrated into them. Farming areas full of flat, boring land will have been depopulated, and many farms will be 100% automated. The people who choose to leave the metro areas for the “wilderness” will concentrate in rural areas (including national parks) where the climate is good, the natural scenery is nice, and there are opportunities for outdoor recreation.
  • Therapeutic cloning and stem cell therapies will become useful and will effectively extend human lifespan. For example, a 70-year-old with a failing heart will be able to have a new one grown in a lab using his own DNA, and then implanted into his chest to replace the failing original organ. The new heart will be equivalent to what he had when at age 18 years, so it will last another 52 years before it too fails. In a sense, this will represent age reversal to one part of his body.
  • The first healthy clone of an adult human is born.
  • Many factories, farms, and supply chains will be 100% automated, and it will be common for goods to not be touched by a human being’s hands until they reach their buyers. Robots will deliver Amazon packages to your doorstep and even carry them into your house. Items ordered off the internet will appear inside your house a few hours later, as if by magic. 
  • The last of America’s Cold War-era weapon platforms (e.g. – the B-52 bomber, F-15 fighter, M1 Abrams tank, Nimitz aircraft carrier) will finally be retired from service. There will be instances where four generations of people from the same military family served on the same type of plane or ship. 
  • Cheap guided bullets, which can make midair course changes and be fired out of conventional man-portable rifles, will become common in advanced armies. 
  • The richest person alive achieves a $1 trillion net worth.


  • China will effectively close the technological, military, and standard of living gaps with other developed countries. Aside from the unpleasantness of being a more crowded place, life in China won’t be worse overall than life in Japan or the average European country.
  • House robots and human-sized worker robots will be as strong, agile, and dexterous as most humans, and their batteries will be energy-dense enough to power them for most of the day. A typical American family might have multiple robot servants that physically follow around the humans each day to help with tasks. The family members will also be continuously monitored and “followed” by A.I.s embedded in their portable personal computing devices and possibly in their bodies. 
  • Cheap home delivery of groceries, robot chefs, and a vast trove of free online recipes will enable people in average households to eat restaurant-quality meals at home every day, at low cost. Predictive algorithms that can appropriately choose new meals for humans based on their known taste preferences and other factors will determine the menu, and many people will face a culinary “satisfaction paradox.”
  • Machines will understand humans individually and at the species level better than humans understand themselves. They will have highly accurate personality models of most humans along with a comprehensive grasp of human sociology, human decision-making, human psychology, human cognitive biases, and human nature, and will pool the information to accurately predict human behavior. A nascent version of a 1:1 computer simulation of the Earth–with the human population modeled in great detail–will be created.
  • There will be a small, permanent human presence on the Moon.
  • If a manned Mars mission hasn’t happened yet, then there’s intense pressure to do so by the centennial of the first Moon landing (1969).
  • The worldwide number of supercentenarians–people who are at least 110 years old–is sharply higher than it was in 2019: Their population size could be 10 times bigger or more. 
  • Advances in a variety of technologies will make it possible to cryonically freeze humans in a manner that doesn’t pulverize their tissue. However, the technology needed to safely thaw them out won’t be invented for decades. 


  • 100 years after the U.S. “declared war” on cancer, there still will not be a “cure” for most types of cancer, but vaccination, early detection, treatment, and management of cancer will be vastly better, and in countries with modern healthcare systems, most cancer diagnoses will not reduce a person’s life expectancy. Consider that, diabetes and AIDS were once considered “death sentences” that would invariably kill people within a few years of diagnosis, until medicines were developed that transformed them into treatable, chronic health conditions. 
  • It will be technologically and financially feasible for commercial aircraft to produce zero net carbon emissions. The aircraft might use conventional engines powered by synthetic fossil fuels, or they might have electric engines and very energy-dense batteries or fuel cells. 


  • Humans probably won’t be the dominant intelligent life forms on Earth.
  • Latest possible time that AGI/SAI will be invented. By this point, computer hardware will so powerful that we could do 1:1 digital simulations of human brains. If our AI still falls far short of human-like general intelligence and creativity, then it might be that only organic substrates have the necessary properties to support them.
  • Worst case scenario is that AGI/Strong AI hasn’t been invented yet, but thousands of different types of highly efficient, task-specific Narrow AIs have (often coupled to robot bodies), and they fill almost every labor niche better than human workers ever could (“Death by a Thousand Cuts” job automation scenario). Humans grow up in a world where no one has to work, and the notion of drudge work, suffering through a daily commute, and involuntarily waking up at 6:00 am five days a week is unfathomable. Every human will have machines that constantly monitor them or follow them around, and meet practically all their needs.
  • The world could in many ways resemble Ray Kurzweil’s predicted Post-Singularity world. However, the improvements and changes will have accrued thanks to decades of AGI/Strong AI steady effort. Everything will not instantly change on DD/MM/2045 as Kurzweil suggests it will.
  • Hundreds of millions, and possibly billions, of “digitally immortal avatars” of dead humans will exist, and you will be able to interact with them through a variety of means (in FIVR, through devices like earpieces and TV screens, in the real world if the avatar takes over an android body resembling the human it was based on). 
  • A weak sort of immortality will be available thanks to self-cloning, immortal digital avatars, and perhaps mind uploading. You could clone yourself and instruct your digital avatar–which would be a machine programmed with your personality and memories–to raise the clone and ensure it developed to resemble you. Your digital avatar might have an android body or could exist in a disembodied state. 
  • Life expectancy escape velocity and perhaps medical immortality will be achieved. It will come not from magical, all-purpose nanomachines that fix all your body’s cells and DNA, but from a combination of technologies, including therapeutic cloning of human organs, cybernetic replacements for organs and limbs, and stem cell therapies that regenerate ageing tissues and organs inside the patient’s body. The treatments will be affordable in large part thanks to robot doctors and surgeons who work almost for free, and to medical patents expiring.
  • All other aspects of medicine and healthcare will have radically advanced. There will be vaccines and cures for almost all contagious diseases. We will be masters of human genetic engineering and know exactly how to produce people that today represent the top 1% of the human race (holistically combining IQ, genetic health, physical attractiveness, and likable/prosocial personality traits). However, the value of even a genius-IQ human will be questionable since intelligent machines will be so much smarter.
  • Augmentative cybernetics (including direct brain-to-computer links) will exist and be in common use.
  • FIVR exists wherein AI game masters constantly tailor environments, NPCs and events to suit each player’s needs and to keep them entertained. Every human has his own virtual game universe where he’s #1. With no jobs in the real world to occupy them, it’s quite possible that a large fraction of the human race will willingly choose to live in FIVR. (Related to the satisfaction paradox)
  • The vast majority of unaugmented human beings will no longer be assets that can invent things and do useful work: they will be liabilities that do (almost) everything worse than intelligent machines and augmented humans. Ergo, the size of a nation’s human population will subtract from its economic and military power, and radical shifts in geopolitics are possible. Geographically large but sparsely populated countries like Russia, Australia and Canada might become very strong.
    [Changed to reflect the fact that some extraordinarily talented, unaugmented humans like Einstein could still compete with the future “average.”]
  • The transition to green energy sources will be complete, and humans will no longer be net emitters of greenhouse gases. The means will exist to start reducing global temperatures to restore the Earth to its pre-industrial state, but people will resist because they will have gotten used to the warmer climate. People living in Canada and Russia won’t want their countries to get cold again.
  • Synthetic meat will taste no different from animal meat, and will be at least as cheap to make. The raising and/or killing of animals for food will be be illegal in many countries, and trends will clearly show the practice heading for worldwide ban. 
  • The means to radical alter human bodies, alter memories, and alter brain structures will be available.
  • Brain implants will make “telepathy” possible between humans, machines and animals.
  • Flying cars designed to carry humans could be common, but they will be flown by machines, not humans. Ground vehicles will retain many important advantages (fuel efficiency, cargo capacity, safety, noise level, and more) and won’t become obsolete. Instead of flying cars, it’s more likely that there will be millions of small, autonomous helicopters and VTOL aircraft that will cheaply ferry people through dense, national networks of helipads and airstrips. Autonomous land vehicles would take take passengers to and from the landing sites. 
  • The notion of vehicles (e.g. – cars, planes, and boats) polluting the air will be an alien concept. 
  • Advanced nanomachines could exist.
  • Vastly improved materials and routine use of very advanced computer design simulations will mean that manufactured objects of all types will be optimally engineered in every respect, and might seem to have “magical” properties. For example, a car will be made of hundreds of different types of alloys, plastics, and glass, each optimized for a different part of the vehicle, and car recalls will never happen since the vehicles will undergo vast amounts of simulated testing in every conceivable driving condition in 1:1 virtual simulations of the real world. 
  • Relatively cheap interplanetary travel (probably just to Mars and to space stations and moons that are about as far as Mars) will exist.
  • Androids that are outwardly indistinguishable from humans will exist, and humans will hold no advantages over them (e.g. – physical dexterity, fine motor control, appropriateness of facial expressions, capacity for creative thought).
  • Drones, miniaturized smart weapons, and AIs will dominate warfare, from the top level of national strategy down to the simplest act of combat. The world’s strongest military could, with conventional weapons alone, destroy most of the world’s human population in a short period of time. 
  • The construction and daily operation of prisons will have been fully automated, lowering the monetary costs of incarceration. As such, state prosecutors and judges will no longer feel pressure to let accused criminals have plea deals or to give them shorter prison sentences to ease the burdens of prison overcrowding and high overhead costs. 
  • The term “millionaire” will fall out of use in the U.S. and other Western countries since inflation will have rendered $1 million USD only as valuable as $90,000 USD was in 2019 (assuming a constant inflation rate of 3.0%).  

2101 – 2200 AD

  • Humans will definitely stop being the dominant intelligent life forms on Earth. 
  • Many “humans” will be heavily augmented through genetic engineering, other forms of bioengineering, and cybernetics. People who outwardly look like the normal humans of today might actually have extensive internal modifications that give them superhuman abilities. Non-augmented, entirely “natural” humans like people in 2019 will be looked down upon in the same way you might today look at a very low IQ person with sensory impairments. 
  • Physical disabilities and defects of appearance that cause untold anguish to people in 2019 will be easily and cheaply fixable. For example, male-pattern baldness and obesity will be completely ameliorated with minor medical interventions like pills or outpatient surgery. Missing or deformed limbs will be easily replaced, all types of plastic surgery (including sex reassignment) will be vastly better and cheaper than today, and spinal cord damage will be totally repairable. The global “obesity epidemic” will disappear. 
  • The means to halt and reverse human aging will be created. The human population will come to be dominated by people who are eternally young and beautiful. 
  • Humans and machines will be immortal. Intelligent beings will find it terrifying and tragic to contemplate what it was like for humans in the past, who lived their lives knowing they were doomed to deteriorate and die. 
  • Extreme longevity, better reproductive technologies that eliminate the need for a human partner to have children, and robots that do domestic work and provide companionship (including sex) will weaken the institution of marriage more than any time in human history. An indefinite lifetime of monogamy will be impossible for most people to commit to. 
  • Immortality, the automation of work, and widespread material abundance will completely transform lifestyles. With eternity to look forward to, people won’t feel pressured to get as rich as possible as quickly as possible. As stated, marriage will no longer be viewed as a lifetime commitment, and serial monogamy will probably become the norm. Relationships between parents and offspring will change as longevity erases the disparities in generational outlook and maturity that traditionally characterize parent-child interpersonal dynamics (e.g. – 300-year-old dad doesn’t know any better than his 270-year-old son). The “factory model” of public education–defined by conformity, rote memorization, frequent intelligence testing, and curricula structured to serve the needs of the job market–will disappear. The process of education will be custom-tailored to each person in terms of content, pacing, and style of instruction. Students will be much freer to explore subjects that interest them and to pursue those that best match their talents and interests. 
  • Extinct species for which we have DNA samples (ex – from passenger pigeons on display in a museum) will “resurrected” using genetic technology.
  • The technology for safely thawing humans out of cryostasis and returning them to good health will be created. 
  • It will be possible to upload human minds to computers. The uploads will not share the same consciousness as their human progenitors, and will be thought of as “copies.”
  • Gold, silver, and many other “precious metals” will be worth far less than today, adjusting for inflation, because better ways of extracting (including from seawater) them will have been developed. Space mining might also massively boost supplies of the metals, depressing prices. Diamonds will be nearly worthless thanks to better techniques for making them artificially. 
  • The first non-token quantities of minerals derived from asteroid mining will be delivered to the Earth’s surface. (Finding an asteroid that contains valuable minerals, altering its orbit to bring it closer to Earth, and then waiting for it to get here will take decades. No one will become a trillionaire from asteroid mining until well into the 22nd century.)
  • Intelligent life from Earth will colonize the entire Solar System, all dangerous space objects in our System will be found, the means to deflect or destroy them will be created, and intelligent machines will redesign themselves to be immune to the effects of radiation, solar flares, gamma rays, and EMP. As such, natural phenomena (including global warming) will no longer threaten the existence of civilization. Intelligent beings will find it terrifying and tragic to contemplate what it was like for humans in the past, who were confined to Earth and at the mercy of planet-killing disasters. 
  • “End of the World” prophecies will become far less relevant since civilization will have spread beyond Earth and could be indefinitely self-sustaining even if Earth were destroyed. Some conspiracy theorists and religious people would deal with this by moving on to belief in “End of the Solar System” prophecies, but these will be based on extremely tenuous reasoning. 
  • The locus of civilization and power in our Solar System will shift away from Earth. The vast majority of intelligent life forms outside of Earth will be nonhuman. 
  • A self-sustaining, off-world industrial base will be created.
  • Spy satellites with lenses big enough to read license plates and discern facial features will be in Earth orbit. 
  • Space probes made in our Solar System and traveling at sub-light speeds will reach nearby stars.
  • All of the useful knowledge and great works of art that our civilization has produced or discovered could fit into an advanced memory storage device the size of a thumb drive. It will be possible to pair this with something like a self-replicating Von Neumann Probe, creating small, long-lived machines that would know how to rebuild something exactly like our civilization from scratch. Among other data, they would have files on how to build intelligent machines and cloning labs, and files containing the genomes of billions of unique humans and non-human organisms. Such machines could be distributed throughout our Solar System as an “insurance policy” against our extinction, or sent to other star systems to seed them with life. 
  • We will find out whether alien life exists on Mars and the other celestial bodies in our Solar System. 
  • We will reach “Kardashev Type 1 Civilization” status or something equivalent to it. 
  • Intelligent machines will get strong enough to destroy the human race, though it’s impossible to assign odds to whether they’ll choose to do so.
  • If the “Zoo Hypothesis” is right, and if intelligent aliens have decided not to talk to humans until we’ve reached a high level of intellect, ethics, and culture, then the machine-dominated civilization that will exist on Earth this century might be advanced enough to meet their standards. Uncontrollable emotions and impulses, illogical thinking, tribalism, self-destructive behavior, and fear of the unknown will no longer govern individual and group behavior. Aliens could reveal their existence knowing it wouldn’t cause pandemonium. 
  • Technology will be seamlessly fused with humans, other biological organisms, and the environment itself.  
  • A global network of sensors and drones will identify and track every non-microscopic species on the planet. Cryptids like “bigfoot” and the “Loch Ness Monster” will be definitively proven to not exist. The monitoring network will also make it possible to get highly accurate, real-time counts of entire species populations. Mass gathering of DNA samples–either taken directly from organisms or from biological residue they leave behind–will also allow the full genetic diversity of all non-microscopic species to be known. 
  • Robots will clean up all of the garbage created in human history. 
  • Every significant archaeological site will be excavated and every shipwreck found. There will be no work left for people in the antiquities. 
  • Animals will no longer be raised for food. Additionally, the means will exist to cheaply and artificially produce organic products, like wool and wood. 

Roundup of interesting articles, December 2018

Having a navy composed of many, smaller ships is better than a navy composed of a few, big ships because the former can project power over a larger area, and the loss of any particular ship is not so bad.

A scathing analysis of the WWII Imperial Japanese Navy.

Tying together two subjects I’ve repeatedly touched on, Russia has sold China advanced turbine engine components for its Type 055 destroyers in exchange for China agreeing to fix up Russia’s sole aircraft carrier. Recall that the Type 055 is one of China’s best ships and is only slightly inferior to U.S. ships of the same type, and Russia’s military floating dock accidentally sank in October.

Australia’s former aircraft carrier–the Melbourne–was a cursed ship that probably found its most productive use after it was decommissioned, acquired by China under the guise of commercially scrapping it, and then reverse-engineered by their Navy.

The U.S. Marines have built a scale-model replica of China’s J-20 stealth fighter.

In stark contrast to the U.S., China hasn’t fought a real war since 1979, meaning the vast majority of its soldiers have zero combat experience. There are real advantages to having combat veterans in your military.

Slovakia has decided to replace its Soviet-era MiG-29s with U.S.-built F-16s, which moves NATO that much closer to logistical interoperability and reduces some of their members’ highly embarrassing dependence on Russia for military assistance.

There’s a family of WWII enthusiasts in Belarus with my dream job: they raise tanks from swamps and bogs and restore them to working order.

Brazil just gave Uruguay 25, M41 Walker Bulldog tanks, which are 65 years old.

There are good reasons why no army uses double-barreled tanks, a staple of future military sci-fi: The extra barrel and its breech make the tank heavier and its turret wider in exchange for little benefit.

When will we have electric planes? Whenever we have at least tripled the energy density of today’s best batteries. Since energy density doubles roughly every 25 years, a tripling should happen in 38 years. At that point, medium-sized electric passenger planes with up to 125 passengers could profitably ply short- and medium-distance routes.

Porsche has made a 450 kW fast-charging station for electric cars. There’s no technical reason why a car’s batteries couldn’t be recharged in under 10 minutes, which would eliminate one of the few advantages of gas-powered cars.

Electric cars are more expensive than gas-powered cars because the former’s batteries are expensive. However, the costs are rapidly declining, and at the current rate, Bloomberg predicts electric cars should actually get CHEAPER than gas-powered equivalents by 2026. Crucially, this can be done without the discovery of some new type of battery with new chemistry–we’ll find ways to make existing lithium-ion batteries cheaper.

In California, the police pulled over a Tesla on autopilot mode after seeing the driver unconscious at the wheel. This sort of thing can only get more common.

In another extraordinary coup, SpaceX reused one of its rockets for the THIRD time, and launched a record-breaking payload of 64 satellites.

Virgin Galactic’s “SpaceShipTwo” did a successful test flight to a 51-mile altitude, which is considered the beginning of space.

Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders thinks a Mars mission is a terrible idea, and that NASA has done nothing but make mistakes and grow more bureaucratic over the last 50 years.

Secret military bases in Israel and Turkey were found by perusing publicly available satellite images for blurred-out areas. The photos came from a Russian-owned satellite, and apparently they have an agreement with Israel and Turkey, which has inadvertently backfired.

NASA’s IceSat 2 laser mapping satellite can determine the heights of ground features with +/- 2 cm accuracy.

NVIDIA has developed a software program that can synthesize fully realistic photos of human faces belonging to no one.

A new machine learning program can quickly make highly realistic computer images based on uploaded photos of real-world objects.

Once AIs grasp your skills, intelligence, and personality traits, they’ll be able to match you with jobs more optimally than you or a company’s human resources department could. As technological unemployment accelerates, it will be interesting to see what uses machines find for humans (e.g. doctors picking up roadside trash).

Once AIs learn your preferences, they’ll be able to reliably recommend new foods you’ll enjoy, and maybe even make foods perfectly suited to your individual tastes.

Kevin Kelly termed that future phenomenon “the Satisfaction Paradox.”

Some ancient Greek myths describe what we would today think of as robots.
“If you think about what any reproducing organism that is under natural selection will do,” Martinho-Turswell told me, “it is going to try to maximize the effect it can get from the minimum investment. That is how you win the evolutionary game.”

Tokyo Disneyland is building a Beauty and the Beast attraction full of robots that look and move exactly like the animated characters. It’s surreal watching footage of these things.

A year ago, the AlphaZero AI taught itself chess with no human help, achieving a superhuman level of skill in 24 hours. Some questioned the legitimacy of the accomplishment, and those critiques have just been refuted by a detailed paper published in Science.

Russia shows off its Potemkin Robot.

Kroger has unveiled an autonomous vehicle meant to delivery groceries to people living near one of their stores. Since it isn’t meant to carry humans, the vehicle is very small, light, and lacks safety features. As autonomous vehicles get more common, the diversity of vehicle shapes and sizes will grow, as they will be purpose-built for specific tasks. In a distant future where AIs run the planet and humans aren’t around, I think smaller volumes of physical “stuff” will move around the planet, and vehicles designed to transport human-sized beings will be a very small fraction of the global vehicle fleet.

The concept of a “space of possible minds” has recently come to fascinate me. The human mind is only one possible type of mind, and it thinks and perceives things in unique, but not objective ways. Other species, like bats, ants, and chimps, have very different internal states that could be appropriately called “alien.” Maybe in the future, we’ll have an enormous number of minds–human, animal, hybrid, artificial, blended organic/synthetic–all linked to the same Matrix (for lack of a better term), with each mind specialized for a different type of processing. As data entered the Matrix, it would be shunted to the type of mind best suited to process it. Some of the nodes might be human brains floating in jars, genetically tweaked to be enormous in size and hyperspecialized for specific types of thinking.

An update to a link I posted some months ago: The NHS has decided to get rid of its ridiculous fax machines.

Scene from “Gattaca”

There are now portable machines that can perform DNA fingerprinting in two hours, and the FBI plans to link them to the national criminal DNA database. I’m reminded of the scene from Gattaca where a group of detectives force a random group of people to submit to DNA ID tests in public.

The full genomes of 100,000 people living in Britain have now been sequenced.

A U.K. study has found there are nine genes coding for red hair in humans. I don’t think red hair will ever disappear from the human genepool, as some have predicted.

The first genetically engineered humans probably didn’t gain any beneficial traits. This really is a sad way to start, and I’m glad the geneticist who did this is being punished.

Making use of genetic engineering, advanced organ preservation techniques, and immunosuppresant drugs, scientists successfully transplanted pig hearts into baboons, which survived up to 180 days. Transplant experiments involving humans are next.

The tragic man who had volunteered for the first live human head transplant has wisely backed out.

Scientists successfully grew hair follicles in vitro, surgically implanted them into mice, and the hair grew. A true cure for human baldness will exist by the end of this century. Eventually, we’ll be able to edit it out of the human genepool. Full heads of hair are attractive, completely shaved heads can also be attractive, but heads covered in visibly thinning or receded hair are universally seen as unattractive.

Twelve people were hospitalized after getting infections from poorly regulated stem cell clinics in the U.S. Stem cell therapies have enormous long-term potential, but at present, the clinical field is dominated by quacks peddling unproven, expensive treatments to desperately ill people.

“Human Genomics Inc.,” a company co-founded in 2013 by biotech luminary J. Craig Venter to apply genetic knowledge to find ways to slow human aging, has lost 80% of its stock value.

China’s first pet cloning service has made a copy of one of the country’s best-known dogs, famous for starring in commercials. Dog cloning services have been available in the U.S. and South Korea for years.

A German company has invented a way to safely identify the sexes of chickens while they’re still in their eggs. The eggs with males in them could be pulverized as early as the ninth day, when the chicks are still embryos with undeveloped nervous systems. Currently, the egg industry disposes of 4-6 billion hatched male chicks per year by drowning them or grinding them up in huge machines.

“Domicology recognizes the cyclical nature of the built environment. Ultimately we’re imagining a world where no building has to be demolished. Structures will be designed with the idea that once they reach the end of their usefulness, they can be deconstructed with the valuable components repurposed or recycled.”

Machines keep getting better at predicting protein shapes based on their amino acid sequences. The new champ is Google’s Deepmind AI.

More proof that California’s decision to put out every wildfire–even if no humans or infrastructure are threatened–interferes with nature’s cycle and only increases the amount of dead, dry wood that will serve as fodder for mega-fires. Global warming doesn’t cause every problem.

And here’s more support for my prediction that house robots will reduce wildfire damage in the future.

80-90% of the scientists who have ever lived are alive now. The number of scientists has been growing exponentially since about WWII. And undoubtedly, access to information today is better than ever in human history.

For the first time in human history, fewer than 1 billion people lack electricity.

China just built perhaps the world’s most advanced nuclear reactor. The design originated in Europe, but various problems have delayed the completion of any of the reactors on that continent. China started building its reactor after the Europeans and has finished years before they will.

There’s merit to the saying “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”–survivors of the Japanese atomic bombings who received lower doses of radiation actually lived longer than average and had reduced cancer rates.

Alien planets with large numbers of solar panels covering their surfaces would emit characteristic light signatures we could see with the right telescopes.

Syrian government forces have reoccupied the northern city of Manbij for the first time in six years. At last, and for better or worse, the country’ civil war is ending.

President Trump has announced U.S. troops will leave Syria. America never got permission from the Syrian government to enter in the first place.

General Douglass MacArthur had a truly crazy and dangerous plan for winning the Korean War. I can understand why President Truman fired him. I think MacArthur was an overrated commander who never adapted to the realities of the Postwar era.

Alan Watts postulated that, if you were a Godlike being with billions of years on your hands, you would eventually start doing mental exercises where you simulated what it would be like to live as a random human on Earth, with no knowledge of your divine nature. Eventually, you would simulate the person you are now.

Humans have a natural bias towards pessimism, attach more weight to bad news than to good news, and in surveys usually underestimate how much things have improved in the world, such as the growth of the global middle class.

Reflections on “The Third Wave”

As promised, I’ve written my thoughts on Alvin Toffler’s outstanding futurist book, The Third Wave. I finished it in November, but was delayed writing this due to travel.

First, I think Toffler’s vision of the future was mostly correct, but that his timetable for his predictions was too optimistic. Of note is the fact that I’ve long said the same thing about Ray Kurzweil, who is another famous futurist. It now occurs to me that Toffler’s ideas could have in fact influenced Kurzweil’s, as both of them were well-known American futurists from the same part of the country. I’ll keep this mind when I read Kurzweil’s first futurist book, The Age of Intelligent Machines (1990), which was published just ten years after The Third Wave.

Another similarity between the two men is their prediction that undeveloped countries could skip the “Industrial Era” phase of economic, social, and political development and go directly to the “Postmodern Era” characterized by economies based on services, information and science, and cultures centered around personal freedom decentralized government. While it’s a hopeful vision and may someday provide a pathway to real prosperity for poor countries, I think it has failed to materialize so far: some poor countries with underdeveloped manufacturing sectors such as India have gotten richer recently thanks to growth in information jobs and service sector jobs–like telemarketing and computer services–but it’s far too early to say if enough positions will ever be created in those positions to employ most adults or to have a truly “transformative” effect on the nature or size of their economies. Additionally, India has been rapidly urbanizing and will continue doing to for decades, bucking Toffler’s prediction that it might avoid such a population transfer (a development pathway he called “Gandhi with satellites”).

To the contrary, the greatest economic growth miracle of the last 40 years happened in China thanks to a government-led strategy to rapidly industrialize and build enormous numbers of factories. China didn’t skip the Industrial Era (aka “The Second Wave”), it aggressively embraced it, and today, it’s the world’s largest manufacturer of goods. China’s success also presents a rival model of national development to Toffler’s “Third Wave”: a competent, efficient, technocratic dictatorship that provides prosperity but limited freedom. Of note, the recent book How Democracy Ends explores the possible decline of liberal democracy theorizes the rise of a benevolent AI dictatorship that humans accept because it is simply better than any other system (could that be “The Fourth Wave”?).

It’s interesting to examine the minority of Toffler’s predictions that have already failed or seem likely to fail, and to consider the reasons why. For starters, Toffler predicted that fossil fuel supplies would steadily dwindle into the future, exacerbating the civil strife that he thought would accompany the transition to the Third Wave, and accelerating the development of clean energy technologies. At the time he wrote Future Shock, inflation-adjusted oil prices were the highest they had been in the 20th century thanks to the Arab Oil Embargo and to disruptions to Iranian oil exports owing to that country’s Islamic Revolution. However, by the mid-80s, oil prices crashed for a number of reasons, and fears that the world would run out of oil eased.

Oil prices were very high when The Third Wave was written.

Toffler lacked expertise about the energy sector (which is a big no-no for forecasting), and was making his Third Wave forecasts during an unusually bleak time characterized by rapidly rising fuel prices and dwindling U.S. reserves. It’s easy to see how those two factors, coupled with the inherent unpredictability of fossil fuel prices (a person able to consistently predict oil prices could quickly become a billionaire by trading in the futures market), led Toffler to make such an erroneously pessimistic prediction. 

Toffler’s predictions about the rise of telecommuting were basically right, with some important caveats. First, the practice hasn’t grown as quickly as he predicted. Second, full-time telecommuting has proven surprisingly unpopular, for reasons Toffler can’t be blamed for having foreseen. Given the choice, many workers would opt to be in the office at least some of the time to maintain personal and professional relationships that they’ve discovered require face-to-face interaction. Working from home alone can also be isolating and stressful, especially to extroverts. Some people also find it unproductive or negative in some other way to blur the boundaries between their professional and personal lives by working from home. Others prefer going to the office because it gives them an excuse to escape stressful domestic environments. (Note that Alvin Toffler worked with his wife for decades, and she co-wrote many of his books. I think he probably failed to appreciate how odd this arrangement was, and as a result he projected it onto his assumptions about average peoples’ preferences, and then it made its way into his predictions about the future of work. To a large extent, I think Ray Kurzweil’s fascination with speech interfaces replacing text and keyboards is also an example of a futurist failing to fully distinguish between his own preferences and those of typical people.) 

Alvin and Heidi Toffler were married and spent their lives working together as writers and futurists.

Additionally, being in the office carries important productivity-boosting benefits, like being able to physically handle office papers, and to quickly arrange face-to-face meetings with colleagues to efficiently discuss things rather than communicating through time-delayed emails. In predicting the rise of full-time telecommuting, I think Toffler ran afoul of what futurist Michio Kaku later (in 2011) identified as “The Caveman Principle.” The Principle holds that human nature was shaped by nomadic, tribal, low-tech, resource-scarce lifestyles that we had during the first 95% of our species’ existence; that human nature has not changed even though we are now several generations removed from that type of existence; and that predictions about future technologies and future lifestyles should be doubted if they conflict with inbuilt human instincts. I agree the Kaku’s insight is right, and it poses a major stumbling block to telecommuting.

Human beings are, by nature, social animals who like to see and be seen, and we are also tactile and like interacting with physical objects like papers and photos, and like being able to spread them out on a desk in any arrangement. Clearly, spending eight hours a day sitting alone at home, viewing abstracted images of things through a small, glowing portal, and navigating virtual file cabinets and directories clashes with some innate human preferences. While telecommuting also has important advantages (e.g. – no time wasted commuting to work; ability to work for distant organizations without relocating your home), the Caveman Principle and the other factors I listed have proven to be important counterweights to its expansion, and will continue to be. 

Moreover, I think the Caveman Principle poses a major challenge to Toffler’s prediction that cities would become obsolete and depopulate, and to the predictions made by others more recently that shopping malls are becoming obsolete. Since The Third Wave was published, the U.S. and all other Western countries have only urbanized more, and there are no signs the trend will letup. In particular, many American cities have undergone a renaissance since then, and are vastly safer, cleaner, and more attractive to live in. Toffler was writing at a time when urban decay and white flight were near their worst in America, and it’s quite possible he let this influence his thinking about where cities were headed. 

U.S. Census figures show the country’s population has been getting more urbanized since at least 1910.

Though the vast majority of metro areas in rich countries show no signs of depopulating, I can think of reasons it might happen in the distant future. Much better telecommuting/telepresence technologies–like full immersion virtual reality, augmented reality glasses, and holograms–might allow workers to stay in their homes while also genuinely feeling like they were physically in their offices, and for workers actually at offices to feel as if they could meet face-to-face with remote colleagues. If that were the case, 100% telecommuting would become more popular, and many workers would choose to move far from their work sites in order to save money (cities are expensive) or just be somewhere more pleasant. The array of technologies I’m describing could be available in as little as 15 years, will probably have roots in video gaming and remote warfare, and can be thought of as engendering a “new paradigm” of telecommuting that is qualitatively different from today’s practices. Additionally, it will vastly improve the distance learning experience, posing a challenge to the brick-and-mortar classroom model, and, presuming there are no protectionist legal obstacles, it could accelerate international job outsourcing.  

Mass unemployment, caused by machines and/or outsourcing, could also impel people to move out of cities in rich countries. Without jobs to keep them tethered in any one place, large numbers of people in metro areas would probably leave for more scenic locales, places with lower costs of living, and places with friendlier people. As I said in my travel blog about the Dakotas and Nebraska, uprooted people would congregate in certain types of places instead of dispersing evenly across the country. 

Also, bear in mind that the Caveman Principle stops influencing human behavior if 1) humans gain the ability to change their own nature, or 2) humans cease to exist. If humans use technology to radically alter our minds and instincts in the distant future, then we won’t be burdened with our Caveman instincts, and would be comfortable living our lives very differently. Tweak enough genes and create good enough virtual reality, and you might love spending your life in a coffin-sized pod plugged into the Matrix, in which case it wouldn’t make any difference whether your pod were in a city or the middle of a desert. Moving on to the second point, if the human race ceased to exist–either because another intelligent species destroyed us or we evolved into a radically different species–then concentrating people and infrastructure in specific places to make cities might be undesirable for any number of reasons.

So, it remains to be seen whether Toffler’s prediction about the obsolescence of cities will come true. I doubt cities will ever completely disappear, since it will make sense from the standpoint of resource efficiency to move physical cargo by ship where possible, which will necessitate the existence of ports, which will in turn necessitate the existence of auxiliary structures like warehouses, and it’s easy to see how it could make further sense from a logistics standpoint to cluster other purpose-specific facilities (factories, power stations, etc.) near them until the aggregation gets city-sized. And while all of the work that happens in this hypothetical machine port city could be done remotely, by an AI located in a server warehouse 8,000 miles away, it might be more efficient to put it inside the city to reduce communications time lag (note that high-frequency stock trade companies put their computers in New York or New Jersey to minimize lag of their stock trade orders to the New York Stock Exchange). 

In fleshing out his theory of history, Toffler also makes very useful observations about the past, yielding a new perspective on the present. Many fundamental facets of modern life that we accept as normal–such as living in cities, living among large numbers of strangers who are also very different from us, spending little time outdoors, having jobs where we are subordinate to strangers and work fixed hours, having to spend large amounts of time away from family members each day, and being constantly overloaded with information, material abundance, and choices–are in fact recent advents. As I wrote earlier, human life was totally different for the first 95% of our species’ existence, and it should come as no surprise that our biology and instincts are honed for that kind of existence and not for today’s industrialized, diverse, high-tech world. This “mis-fit” has been causing miseries and problems that Toffler and many thinkers have examined and drawn connections between (though people like Gregory Clark say some groups have adapted to modern life better than others). Fortunately, I agree with Toffler’s view that coming changes to technology, culture, and politics (e.g. – the automation of drudge work, the spread of telecommuting and flexible work schedules, personal assistant AIs tailoring themselves to the needs of individual humans, an expanded welfare state) will break down some of the worst aspects of the current paradigm and let us return to lifestyles more in tune with our natures.

Toffler’s descriptions of the problems of the late 1970s are very enlightening since they remind us that, relatively recently, the Western world went through a period of upheaval and self-doubt like we have today, and not only survived but thrived. I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck while reading these sections of the book, since they could perfectly describe the problems of 2018: widespread job dissatisfaction, widespread frustration with a lack of purpose in life, a feeling of being overwhelmed with new and conflicting ideas and with the pace of technological change, unjustified popular fears of machines “taking over” in the near future, fears of international chaos, frustration with a deeply flawed U.S. President, seemingly insoluble political gridlock in democratic countries, upheaval from minorities demanding more rights, and the rise of highly visible and often-violent extremist political groups on the Far Right and Far Left.

I wasn’t born until the 1980s, and I haven’t read much about the 1970s, but Toffler makes me want to so I can put the present era into a better historical context. The fact that the West emerged from that dark era stronger and reinvigorated gives me hope for us today, and leaves me more convinced than ever that much of the dourness about the world today owes to the media presenting a distorted, negatively-tinted view of things, and to the public’s ignorance of history and thus of how much the world has improved.

I think Toffler’s prognosis that the U.S. Constitution has become outdated, and that the many of the U.S. government’s rules and practices are obsolete, is 100% right, and it’s remarkable that he grasped this in 1980. Contemporary governments throughout the West were designed for long-gone eras when the pace of change was slower, there were fewer issues for governments to contend with, citizens were less diverse and had lower expectations, and public opinion was more homogenous due to the small number of news sources. Consensus was easier to achieve.

One of this blog’s big rules is “No politics/partisanship,” so I’ll just say that I think a new Constitutional Convention–led by principled, smart people who put country before party–would be very healthy for America and would sharply reduce the amount of gridlock and acrimony we have. Sadly, I doubt such a thing is politically possible now, which dovetails with Toffler’s second observation that making fundamental changes to the government would only get harder as time passed. We’ll still muddle through, though at much greater cost and annoyance than is necessary.

So I strongly agree with Toffler in a broad sense about this, but I disagree with some of the specific solutions he proposes, such as making voting ballots more complex (he proposed ideas that went way beyond ranked choice voting) and tallying votes on some other basis than geographic divisions. Radical ideas like that might have a chance in countries with highly educated populations (e.g. – Switzerland or Singapore), but would backfire in the U.S. by sowing confusion.

But make no mistake, I think Toffler is the most accurate futurist I know of. In fact, his predictions in The Third Wave have proven so accurate thus far (as of 2018), that I think his unfulfilled-but-not-implausible predictions are a good guidepost to what is in store for us. Here they are: 

  • Reusable spacecraft will dramatically lower the costs of getting people and cargo into space, and a self-sustaining, off-world industrial base will be created. 
  • We will gain the ability to filter bits of precious metal from the seas. (Toffler specifies that genetically engineered bacteria will do this, though much better filters could also.)
  • Genetically engineered humans will be made. (This may have just happened.)
  • We will start making clones of human organs–each person will have “backup” organs made from their unique DNA stored somewhere. (This is essentially the plot of the film The Island.)
  • Oil-free manufacture of plastic will become widespread. 
  • We will discover ways to artificially synthesize organic materials like wood and wool. (I recently posted a science article about a wood substitute made of polymer resin and chitosan.) 
  • Genetically modified food crops that need fewer fertilizers and pesticides and that can grow on poorer soils will be invented. This will benefit farmers in poor countries more than the Green Revolution’s earlier methods and technologies did. (This is developing slower than Toffler predicted, in part due to unexpected political resistance.)
  • Speech will become the primary means of human-computer interface. As a result, people will read and write less, and illiterate people will be able to get good jobs. (I agree that verbal/auditory computer interfaces will become more dominant over time, but text won’t disappear, if anything because it protects user privacy better.  Also, being illiterate usually goes hand-in-hand with other deficiencies of skills and cognition, so highly advanced speech interfaces won’t level the job playing field for illiterate people.) 
  • Once computers and sensors are embedded everywhere, the environment will become much more “interactive,” and human IQs might increase thanks to the added stimulation. (At the very least, having instant access to information, like a semi-intelligent AI that can answer your questions and walk you through unfamiliar tasks, would be kind of equivalent to having a higher IQ.)
  • Before the invention of writing, the body of human knowledge was in a constant steady-state because things were always being forgotten and relearned. Mass literacy was a second inflection point in the growth of human knowledge. The third inflection point will owe to data being stored in computers and sensors being everywhere in the environment, recording all events. Our civilization will achieve “total recall.” (Futurist Kevin Kelly calls this “Globenet” and “Memorex.”)
  • Computers will be programmed to think in unorthodox ways and to recombine existing knowledge in strange ways that humans would have never thought to do. This will lead to “a flood of new theories, ideas, ideologies, artistic insights, technical advances, economic and political innovations…” It will accelerate the pace of change in many domains, even if the computers lack “superhuman intelligence” as it is classically conceptualized.
  • Transit networks will become less congested as the population decentralizes, more people telework, and asynchronous work schedules become common (e.g. – fewer people working 9 – 5 and clogging up the roads at the same times each work day).


  1. https://www.nyjournalofbooks.com/book-review/how-democracy-ends
  2. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42135.pdf
  3. http://time.com/4501670/bombings-of-america-burrough/
  4. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/scientists-create-artificial-wood-that-is-water-and-fire-resistant/
  5. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/10736960/High-frequency-trading-when-milliseconds-mean-millions.html
  6. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/8453941/Physics-of-the-Future-by-Michio-Kaku-review.html
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/15/us/remote-workers-work-from-home.html

Roundup of interesting articles, November 2018

The HMS Pykrete

You get what you pay for: Canada only spends 1.2% of its GDP on defense (the U.S. spends 3.5%, and NATO requires all its members including Canada to spend at least 2.0%) and doesn’t have enough fighter pilots or aircraft mechanics, and is now thinking about buying beat-up F/A-18s from Australia.

You get what you pay for: The F-5 fighter is cheaper but is less capable overall than the F-16.

The U.S. will help Taiwan keep its F-5 fighters from falling apart.

Taiwan is now using two, American-made frigates. Both were built in 1984, but have somehow been fixed up to last another 30 years (for some reason, this makes me think of Weekend at Bernie’s).

Just as Britain salutes its “Little Ships of Dunkirk” that saved its army during WWII, will China someday celebrate its “Little Ships of the South China Sea” that provided critical surveillance of the U.S. fleet during WWIII?

During WWII, the British considered building a massive aircraft carrier made of “pykrete,” a blend of sawdust and ice. It might have actually worked.

Brazil decommissions its sole aircraft carrier, capping a pitiful service record.

The sad saga of Russia’s sole aircraft carriers continues.

As does another sad saga…

Russia seized three, small Ukrainian navy ships in the Black Sea, and as usual, it’s impossible to get the factual details thanks to the deceit of both sides.

With the launching of its first ballistic nuclear missile sub, India’s “nuclear triad” is complete.

Would “orbital kinetic weapons” be better than nuclear weapons?

The latest iteration of the venerable “Sidewinder” missile can hit planes BEHIND the launching plane, and can home in on ground targets.

The Russian T-14 tank is better than Israel’s Merkava tank in most areas, except “situational awareness,” where it badly lags. That might be the deciding factor in a fight between the two.

The logical endpoint of various weapon trends is guided bullets. It’s hard to build them since the G-forces imparted on the projectile as it was fired are so strong they could crush the computers, sensors and steering fins inside of it. Note that guided bullets only give you an advantage if you know where your enemy is, and for many reasons, your enemy will by default try to hide from you. This means that even in the distant future, it will be useful to saturate areas of the battlezone with “dumb” projectiles like unguided bullets and bomb shrapnel to hit any bad guys that could be concealed there.

During the 1918 flu pandemic, there were regional differences in mortality rates partly because of racial differences in resistance to the disease.

Immigrants to Western countries have different gut biomes, which might explain their highest incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, foreign-born parents pass on some of their ethnicity-specific gut biomes to their children born in the West.

Vegetarians and vegans have lower bone density than meat-eaters, and vegans are more prone to breaking bones.

Wine is made exclusively of water, ethanol, and trace chemicals. In theory, there’s no reason why an exact replica of the world’s best wine couldn’t be synthesized in a lab from cheap, common chemicals. This means average schmoes in the future will be able to drink wines only available to the rich today, and to at long last understand that price has almost no bearing on quality.

A $10 digital watch keeps more accurate time than a $10,000 Rolex.

‘The world of self-driving cars and global outsourcing doesn’t want or need [low-income Americans living in places were drug abuse and suicide are rife]. Someday it won’t want you either. ‘

Graphene, the “miracle material” with amazing properties, is finally making its way into consumer goods, such as jackets and shoes. This could turn out like aluminum, which was once rarer and more expensive than gold. The discovery of simple electrolysis process to separate aluminum from common bauxite rocks changed that, revolutionizing the world.

People’s faces get more asymmetrical as they age.

GATTACA-style human genetic selection is grows closer each day.

A Chinese geneticist has claimed (without presenting proof) that he used IVF and CRISPR to create the first genetically engineered humans–twin girls with a genetically enhanced resistance to HIV. I agree with the criticism that human genetic engineering is unethical now because our gene editing techniques are so crude that the risk of accidentally damaging a zygote’s DNA during the attempt to enhance something is too high.

‘The aim [of the Earth BioGenome Project] is to create an entirely new inventory of life on Planet Earth by reading the genetic code of every organism belonging to a vast group known as eukaryotes…’
Something like this will inevitably succeed, and there will be a database with the genomes of quadrillions of individual organisms, including billions of humans.

Satellites can be used to count whale populations from space. If a global surveillance network is created, it might prove more efficient to watch things from the air and space than to put many sensors at ground level.

WiFi can be used to “see” through walls and doors.

Facial recognition software is being used to identify men in Civil War photos. Imagine what else the technology could reveal if used on all vintage photos.

“Digital night vision” cameras are extraordinary. Some even display color.

Samsung plans to unveil a folding smartphone in 2019. I’ve long predicted such a device. It will render phablets and mini-tablets obsolete.

This website is an extraordinary compendium of articles, analyses and drawings of future spacecraft designs that are bound by the known laws of physics. For some reason, they’re all oblong (no “Borg cubes”), and if there are any major protrusions perpendicular to the nose-rocket cone axis, they are for heat radiators or rotating human habitat modules.

Impressive footage of the recent explosion of the Russian Soyuz space rocket.

‘[The notion of sending rockets into space is] utter bilge. I don’t think anybody will ever put up enough money to do such a thing.’
–Richard van der Riet Woolley, Britain’s leading astronomer, 1956

“The odds on a Trump impeachment or a Nixon-style resignation are now quite high…It would likely come by the spring of 2018, or whenever Republicans come to believe that Trump is jeopardizing their re-elections in 2018.”
–Dr. Allan Lichtman, 11/1/2017. He became briefly famous when his computer model correctly predicted Donald Trump’s victory when all major pollsters predicted the opposite.

Will robots have senses of humor someday? How much better would our lives be if we had companions that constantly cracked jokes tailored to each person’s sense of humor? How many stressful or hostile daily situations would be defused?

Greg Brockman thinks it’s possible an AGI could be built “in the near-term.”

Our brains are in our heads thanks to genetic path dependence and the slowness of information transmission through organic nerves. If you weren’t bound by those constraints and wanted to make a human-sized robot that could deal with its physical environment as well as humans, the best body layout might be a headless humanoid with its computer brain located inside its torso. Distributing the mental functions among separate, redundant computers throughout the robot’s body might be even better.

‘The average life expectancy of a dam is 50 years, and 25% of the dams in the Army Corps of Engineers National Inventory of Dams are now more than 50 years old. This number is projected to increase to 85% by the year 2020. ‘

England is thinking of converting its natural gas (methane) pipes to carry hydrogen gas. H2 gas can (currently at great cost) be made without releasing emissions and is clean-burning. I wonder if it would be better to just get rid of gas pipes altogether and to switch everyone to electric appliances that got energy from clean sources like nuclear or solar.

Chevrolet will discontinue three sedan models, including the Volt hybrid car (I remember it being launched a few years ago to great fanfare), thanks to poor sales, and the company will focus on building more SUVs and pickup trucks.

“5D” etched quartz glass could be used as a data storage medium that would not degrade for billions of years. I think the “window of vulnerability” to civilization collapse and/or the loss of most knowledge will close sometime in the next century when machines have created a self-sustaining space infrastructure. Von Neumann probes loaded with all known, useful knowledge will be sent to other star systems and dispersed throughout our own Solar System for the purpose of rebuilding things as they were should civilization be wiped out.

Roundup of interesting articles, October 2018

In spite of what Hollywood would have you believe, submarines almost never fight each other.

Should we replace our aircraft carriers with cargo ships full of containerized missiles and drones?

The U.S. Navy will buy more of its venerable Arleigh-Burke destroyers.

The U.S. Army tested an experimental conversion kit that allowed a computer to fly a helicopter designed for a human pilot.

The USAF has selected the Boeing “T-X” to be its new training jet. It will replace the T-38, which first flew in 1959. Given the longevity of modern warplanes, the T-X should stay in service until at least the 2060s, by which time fighter and bomber planes might be automated, rendering human pilots obsolete. Thus, the T-X could be the last, or at best the second-to-last, trainer aircraft that the USAF ever makes. AIs won’t need to spend time in a simplified practice plane to learn how to fly. They will just be created in software labs and uploaded directly into frontline combat planes. Someday, the very notion of a “trainer aircraft” will be obsolete.

The T-38 pilot training jet could be converted into a fighter plane, but it would be crappy at its new job, and it would be a poor use of money considering what you’d get in return. Once the U.S. adopts the T-X, we’ll probably transfer our surplus T-38s to poorer allied countries or to aviation museums.

Even if a stealth plane is invisible to radar, it will be hotter than the air around it thanks to its jet engine and to air friction against its wings, so you will still be able to see the plane using a thermal camera (e.g. – “Predator” heat vision).

The U2 spy plane’s camera still uses analog film.

The U.S. just withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty because Russia had been cheating for years, and the U.S. needs medium-range missiles to deter China in the Pacific.

The U.S. might start mass producing copies of Russian guns for foreign military assistance. Ukraine and Bulgaria already have factories for making these guns, but apparently they can’t keep up with demand.

The USSR planned to quickly nuke Austria if WW3 ever broke out even though Austria wasn’t in NATO and has enshrined neutrality in its constitution.

A police helicopter was used to break up a rowdy college party by flying low over them. The downdraft blew away their tents and lawn furniture. This is one, overlooked reason why flying cars were never built.

Science is coming around to buttressing what has been common sense forever: Sunlight exposure raises your mood. This finding is particularly interesting since it establishes a biochemical pathway linking skin cells to brain cells.

Another astounding discovery: cardiovascular exercise decreases your risk of death! Of note is that fact that there was no observed ceiling to the benefit.

Mushrooms and plants that contain hallucinogenic compounds evolved them as protection against insects. The fact that the chemicals also have effects on human brains is entirely coincidental.

Another medical study has found the drug Ecstasy can treat PTSD.

Taller people might be at higher cancer risk because they have more cells in their bodies.

Gene editing in utero might soon be tried in humans that have congenital diseases caused by single-point mutations.

‘In technical papers my research group anticipated years ago that even very complex traits would be predictable once a [human genome] data threshold was crossed. The phenomenon is related to what physicists refer to as a phase transition in algorithm performance. The rapid appearance now of practically useful risk predictors for disease is one anticipated consequence of this phase transition. Medicine in well-functioning health care systems will be transformed over the next 5 years or so.’

Rapid progress is being made identifying the genes linked to many human traits, including intelligence.

‘[The] fact that intelligence or personality are caused by many thousands of genes, each of minuscule effect, means that it will be impossibly difficult to create a super-intelligent designer baby.’

‘Universal Family Tree — Eventually we will sequence the full genomes of everyone living, and as many of the recent dead as we have access to. Together with genealogical records, this huge trove of data will give us our first universal family tree. Everyone living will have a place on it in relation to everyone else. ‘   –Kevin Kelly, 2012

Over 100,000 varieties of rice are being held at a global rice “gene bank” in the Philippines.

The “dbSNP” is an open database of all recorded human alleles.

Will cryonically preserved humans ever be revived? The consensus among the disinterested interviewees (e.g. – the people who aren’t running human cryonics companies and who haven’t written anti-cryonics books) is “No”, unless we get Star Trek-level technology. The freezing process damages the brain at the cellular level, and reversing it would require nanomachines.

Increased use of keyboards and smartphone screens and the decline of handwriting are eroding fine motor control across the population, with particularly harmful impact on prospective surgeons.

A new device called the “Everlast” notebook saves writings and drawings as data files. What kills it is the fact that you have to take photos of what you’ve written on the pages to save them digitally. The pages themselves should be able to detect what the user has written on them, and to upload it to their remote storage drive.

Prediction: Within 20 years, books and computer tablets will merge into a single type of device that could be thought of as a “digital book.” It will be a book with several hundred pages made of thin, flexible digital displays (perhaps using ultra-energy efficient e-ink) instead of paper. At the tap of a button, the text on all of the pages will instantly change to display whichever book the user wanted to read at that moment. They could also be used as notebooks in which the user could hand write or draw things with a stylus, which would then be saved as image or text files. The devices will fuse the tactile appeal of old-fashioned books with the content flexibility of tablet computers.

In 1911, Thomas Edison erroneously predicted that most household furnishings and appliances would someday be made of steel.

Winston Churchill predicted that humans would someday eat lab-grown meats.

Ben Goertzel 2008: ‘My own (Ben Goertzel’s) personal intuition is that a human-toddler-level AGI could be created based on OpenCogPrime within as little as 3-5 years, and almost certainly within 7-10 years.’

Ben Goertzel 2017: ‘I’ll be pretty surprised if we don’t have toddler-level AGI in the range 2023-25, actually.’

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and research director at OpenAI, predicts that the possibility of AGI be created in as little as five years “can no longer be discounted.” Skip to the 27:00 mark in his speech:

Stephen Hsu, physicist and all-around smart dude: ‘So a timescale > 30-50 years for AGI, even in highly optimistic scenarios, seems quite possible to me.’

In 2013, some guy built a perfect Tetris-playing AI. It clears lines from the screen just as fast as new pieces fall from the sky. As far as anyone can tell, it could play forever.

The hype about self-driving cars is dying down.

The Tesla Model 3 is, by some measures, the safest car ever tested by the NHTSA.

A teardown of a Tesla Model 3 reveals it’s an extraordinary piece of technology, but its process of manufacture could be sharply simplified.

ReThink Robotics, the company that made the “Baxter” general-purpose robot, went bankrupt due to low sales and sold itself to a German company.

We don’t know if there’s enough CO2 sequestered in Mars’ soil to create an atmosphere via terraforming machines. I think that, by the time we have the ability to send large numbers of people to Mars, intelligent machines will probably dominate Earth and cancel any senseless plans to send more than token numbers of resource-hogging meatbags like us there. Multi trillion dollar plans to terraform Mars will also be considered too wasteful to proceed.

A simple explanation of how the Asteroid Belt, Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud are different.

‘The total mass of the asteroid belt is estimated to be between 2.8×10^21 and 3.2×10^21 kilograms, which is just 4% of the mass of the Moon.’

That sounds small until you think about this: A Ford-class aircraft carrier is 9.1 million (9.1×10^6) kilograms. A space warship ten times that size–which is in the same ballpark as a Star Destroyer–would thus be 9.1×10^7 kg. If we had space factories and converted just ONE PERCENT of the asteroid belt’s mass (I used the lower of the two estimates) into space warships, we could build 30.7 QUADRILLION ships.

In theory, a particle accelerator wider than our Solar System could unlock all the mysteries of physics and cosmology.

A Russian Soyuz space rocket exploded after takeoff, but miraculously, the two astronauts it was carrying safely ejected.

NASA’s “Space Launch System” (SLS) heavy rocket is in even worse shape than thought.

Yes, we still have the blueprints to build Saturn V rockets, but no, it wouldn’t make sense to make more of them for many reasons.

In the 1990s, the “DC-X” experimental rocket did test flights that proved rockets could vertically land and be 100% reusable. However, the technology wasn’t commercialized for over 20 years.

The “To the Stars Academy,” which was co-founded by the former lead singer of Blink-182 and which publicized last year’s big UFO report, says it has very few assets and huge debts.

Scientists have created cheap, artificial wood that is better than real wood.

There have been recent technological breakthroughs in our ability to view the three-dimensional structures of small molecules.

Lowered plane travel costs and the growth of the global middle class have caused the number of tourists to explode. The trends will only continue, and I fear someday all the best places in the world will be overrun.

I predict that “Choose-your-own-endings” like this will become a common form of entertainment in the future. To appease different factions of fans, the same TV series will exist as “parallel universes” where the plots diverged at critical junctures. A mix of viewer focus groups and instant surveys will guide each divergence, and fanfiction crowdsourcing and AI will pick up the slack writing the multiple scripts. The logical endpoint of this is entertainment custom-tailored to individual people.

What would a robot tank look like?

Bigger tanks may be scarier, but they are also bigger targets. Less is more.

Lately, I’ve read about some interesting experiments to jury-rig helicopters and tanks to be autonomously controlled:

I’m unsure if any of these projects will get past the prototype stage, but they’re fascinating nonetheless since, if adopted, they could extend the useful lives of many old pieces of military hardware by enhancing them with machine intelligence and, maybe in some cases, with robot crews. As with all types of jobs, those in the military will inevitably be taken over by machines of some sort, and drop-in-kits installed into the cockpits of old helicopters could be the “bridge” in that transition.

However, in the longer run, planes, tanks, ships, and other pieces of military hardware will be redesigned around the needs of machines instead of humans. Returning to the helicopter example, a clean-sheet design meant to be flown by a computer wouldn’t have a cockpit at all: its shoebox-sized computer “pilot” would just need a small, armored compartment in the fuselage, which could be accessed through a little door. Deleting the chairs, controls, displays, and windows that a human pilot/co-pilot duo would have needed would make the autonomous helicopter lighter, sleeker, faster, and cheaper to make. In a fight between the old helicopter jury-rigged with a drop-in computer and the new helicopter designed specifically around a computer pilot, the latter would win.

This makes me wonder what a “robot tank” that was as good as the best modern tanks would look like. A tank’s quality is determined in aggregate by its 1) firepower, 2) speed, and 3) armor, so the theoretical robot tank will need to equal or surpass the U.S. M1 Abrams or Russian T-14 Armata. For this exercise, I think the best place to start is with the first criterion, “firepower.”

The Abrams tank has a 120mm diameter main cannon and the Armata has a 125mm cannon. Their capabilities are about the same. Our robot tank would thus need one or other. Now, a tank’s cannon sets a minimum diameter for the tank’s “turret ring,” which is the big hole in the top of the tank’s hull that the turret is dropped into in the factory. As a general rule, bigger cannons need wider turret rings. And for obvious reasons, the width of the turret ring in turn sets a minimum width for the tank’s hull.

At this WWII American tank factory, the tanks in the foreground have not had their turrets installed, so their turret rings are visible. Fully assembled tanks are visible farther in the background.

A U.S. Sherman tank that was destroyed by a large land mine in Okinawa. Note how the turret has fallen off of the hull.

In the early 1980s, the U.S. Army built an experimental version of the M1 Abrams tank that had an unmanned, 120mm turret. They dryly named this vehicle the “Tank Test Bed” (TTB). It was never put into mass production, but its weapon reportedly worked very well. I couldn’t find figures on the internet, but eyeballing the photo below, it looks like the diameter of the TTB’s turret ring is about 80% of the tank hull’s diameter. The M1 is known to be 12 feet wide, so I’ll estimate the turret ring is 9.6 feet in diameter. To add the necessary structural support for the turret ring and space for side armor, let’s make our robot tank’s hull 11 feet wide.

M1 Abrams “Tank Test Bed”

Take note that the Russian T-14 Armata has a 125mm, unmanned turret, and the vehicle’s overall width is 11.5 feet (3.5 meters), which suggests my estimate is credible, and that the Russians might have made a robotic tank gun that is as compact as physically allowable. Note that the T-14 Armata has a three-man crew, and they are seated in a row inside the hull, so it’s possible the tank’s width was determined by human considerations rather than mechanical ones. That said, I’ll stick with my assumption that a robot tank could be a slightly thinner 11 feet wide thanks to the deletion of space-consuming humans with their huge shoulder widths.

Diagram of the T-14 Armata tank. The three-man crew sits shoulder-to-shoulder in the hull.

As this very long, very awesome RAND report says, the optimal ratio between a tank’s width and length is 1 : 1.5 (ignoring the length of the cannon). Our hypothetical robot tank’s length should thus be 16.5 feet (198 inches). Looking at modern tanks, however, I see the ratio ends up more like 1 : 2.16 (M1 Abrams), 1 : 2.49 (T-14 Armata), 1 : 2.08 (Leopard 2), and 1 : 1.8 (T-90), which suggests to me that there’s some other design constraint forcing tank engineers to make their vehicles longer than they should ideally be. And you guessed it, I think the extra length owes (mostly or wholly) to the need for interior crew compartment(s) for the humans. Look at this diagram of a T-90, to which I added a Little Green Man to indicate where the driver sits.

T-90 diagram with driver highlighted

Sitting down, the driver adds about 3 feet to the tank’s overall length. Subtract that, and the T-90 ends up being 19 feet 6 inches long, giving it a width : length ratio of 1 : 1.56, which is very close to optimal. Additionally, shortening it by that amount might allow for the elimination of one set of road wheels (down from six to five), cutting weight and cost, though I think there’s also a risk that could make the tank unbalanced and back-heavy.

Since I don’t know what all the different design constraints are, I’ll give a range of possible lengths rather than a hard number: The hypothetical robot tank could have a width : length ratio of anywhere from 1 : 1.5 to 1 : 1.7 (slightly less than the T-90), which means its length would be 16 feet 6 inches up to 18 feet 8 inches.

Estimating the robot tank’s weight is harder still, but I’ll give it a shot. The RAND report has weight figures for three types of tanks: the four-man M1 Abrams (66 short tons), a hypothetical three-man tank (61 short tons), and a hypothetical two-man tank (55 short tons). Graphing those on a simple line chart yields the following:

As you can see, the elimination of each human crewman allows a roughly five ton weight reduction, and extending the trend to zero crewmen, our robot tank should weigh 44 short tons.  It’s fair to scoff at this straight-line extrapolation as overly simplistic, but consider this: the T-90 is longer (22 feet 6 inches) and wider (12 feet 5 inches) than our hypothetical robot tank (16 feet 6 inches up to 18 feet 8 inches long and 11 feet wide). The T-90 weighs 51 short tons, and trimming length and width to make something the size of our robot tank could absolutely result in a new weight of 44 short tons. A real-life datapoint supports my back-of-the-envelope line graph extrapolation.

In terms of height, the robot tank couldn’t be much lower than the T-90, which is 7.3 feet tall (not counting the machine gun and any sensors mounted on the top of the turret). Returning to the T-90 diagram, this time with a Little Green Man drawn to represent the commander, we can see that the turret might be a little taller than is mechanically necessary because it must accommodate a human. However, the height of the hull can’t be decreased since it is constrained by the height of the engine (outlined in red). The T-90 also can’t have its suspension lowered without sacrificing ground clearance and damaging its cross-country performance.

T-90 with commander’s position and engine highlighted

Aside from flattening its roof, there doesn’t seem to be any good way to make the T-90’s turret lower. The diameter of the cannon and the height of its breech establish a hard limit on how low the turret can be. Additionally, the turret’s ammunition carousel (shown in the diagram below) stacks the shells and propellant horizontally, which already minimizes the overall height of the carousel. There doesn’t seem to be any way to shrink it further.

The “carousel” of a T-90 tank, which stores ammunition for the cannon.

I estimate that getting rid of the bulge at the top of the turret would reduce the T-90’s height from 7.3 feet to 6.5 feet. The hypothetical robot tank would use the same type of autoloading turret and hence would be the same height.

So there we have it. I estimate that an autonomous tank equivalent to today’s best manned tanks in terms of firepower, speed and armor would have the following specifications:

Length16 ft 6 in (min) to 18 ft 8 in (max)
Width11 ft
Height6 ft 6 in
Weight44 short tons
Armament120mm or 125mm cannon with autoloader
Armor and mobilityComparable to T-90 or M1 Abrams

This is close to the Chinese Type 59G tank (a modified version of which is used by Pakistan):

Length19 ft 10 in
Width10 ft 8 in
Height8 ft 6 in
Weight40 short tons
Armament125mm cannon
Armor and mobilityInferior to T-90 or M1 Abrams

Pakistan’s “Al Zarrar” tank, which is an upgraded version of the Chinese T-59G tank.

The fact that tank with similar dimensions and firepower to my hypothetical robot tank already exists shows that there aren’t any engineering or practicality barriers to building the robot tank per my specifications. The Type 59G proves that a 125mm cannon can be mounted in a relatively small, lightweight hull and fired without tearing the vehicle apart. I don’t have the software or artistic talent to make a computer rendering of the robot tank, but combining the hull of a Type 59G with the lower-profile turret of a T-90 or the narrow, “naked turret” of the M1 Abrams TTB would give a fair approximation of its appearance.

Since the robot tank would be much smaller and lighter than an equivalent tank built around a human crew, it would be cheaper to manufacture, harder to hit since it would be a smaller target, and more easily transportable. A computer would take the place of a human commander, gunner, and driver, allowing for a significant reduction in internal volume and overall tank size. A space-efficient autoloader already found in the T-90 would be incorporated into the robot tank. Additionally, to perform maintenance and repairs in the field, the robot tanks would need to internally carry two smaller, human-sized (but not necessarily humanoid) robots, but they could be stored much more compactly than human crewmen during transit. They might be able to curl up into fetal positions and fit into small lockers in the back or sides of the vehicle, or in a bustle at the back of the turret.

Even outside of combat, tanks require frequent maintenance and repair. A robotic tank would still probably carry smaller, human-sized robots in it that would go exit the vehicle to do the work.

Finally, I think the robot tank would carry a small UAV that it could launch to provide aerial reconnaissance footage, vastly improving the tank’s situational awareness. Something as simple as a 25-pound quadcopter could do.


  1. https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/reports/2009/R3837.pdf
  2. https://tankandafvnews.com/2016/03/15/from-the-vault-ammo-loading-systems-for-future-tanks/ 
  3. https://youtu.be/cWw5SRa4vu8

Roundup of interesting articles, September 2018

Foldable iPhones are coming soon

During a test, a U.S. MQ-9 drone conducted the world’s first air-to-air shootdown of another drone.

First American F-35 does a combat strike.

First American F-35 crashes and burns.

I’m surprised the UH-60 didn’t win.

Another Russian superweapon (a nuclear-reactor-powered cruise missile) that was announced with trumpets has failed in secret, which is just par for the course. This one’s a bigger doozy than usual since it involves radioactive contamination.

South Korea’s “K2” tank is quite good, and since it is indigenously made (unlike Korea’s older, K1 tank), it is free from U.S. end user export rules.

America’s troubled Zumwalt-class “stealth destroyers” are not very stealthy.

“[Thanks to our low birth rates,] Twenty years from now, unless [Japan] can replace a considerable number of people with robots, it’ll be hard to maintain the current level of war capability.”

The U.S. and Britain only became allies around 1900, when Germany’s rise forced Britain to nearly withdraw from the Americas to secure its rear flank and shuffle its limited military resources to Europe.  The U.S. also correctly calculated that it could pressure Britain to the bargaining table if it built its own navy up enough to give it regional superiority to the Royal Navy in the Caribbean. Similarly, if the Chinese achieve regional superiority over the Americans in the South China Sea, it could make U.S. forces peacefully (but begrudgingly) cede control.

For some reason, the Chinese press isn’t reporting on all of its country’s warship launchings. This might lead average Chinese people to underestimate the size of their own navy, but of course every respectable spy agency is seeing everything.

China’s hospital ship docks in Venezuela to render humanitarian aid and remind the government that socialism doesn’t actually work.

China’s second and only remaining space station will crash back to Earth in July 2019. It’s first station crashed earlier this year. China says it will get back in the game by launching a third in a few years.

A Japanese space probe has sent back the first images ever from the surface of an asteroid.

Rumors of China’s coal industry demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Roads “paved” with solar panels have proven to be as bad as everyone expected. Interesting tidbit: ‘shade over just 5% of the surface of a panel can reduce power generation by 50%.’

Mirrorless cameras are improving, and will make DSL-R cameras obsolete within a few years. I predict it won’t make sense for anyone to buy a DSL-R by 2030, though there may still be a market for them among uninformed consumers and people interested in their nostalgia value.

Following the recent release of the “iPhone XS Max” impelled this tongue-in-cheek analysis, which projects that iPhones will be as big as small tablet computers by 2025, which is comical. However, I predict the growth trend will continue as predicted, but the iPhones will stay pocket-sized thanks to foldable screens.

Fields medalist Alain Connes praises the defunct Soviet math academies, and of the general merits of allowing smart people to pursue pure knowledge instead of being pressured to use their talents to make money. If machines make human labor obsolete and everyone is put on welfare–er, a UBI–will people follow their passions and cultivate useful, inborn talents? Or at that point in the future, will human math geniuses just run into more frustration since machines would also be superior at pure math?

Autonomous cars would make traffic lights obsolete since the vehicles would wirelessly coordinate with each other to avoid collisions. Perpendicular streams of car traffic could flow through each other’s gaps at road intersections with the precision of Blue Angels stunt pilots. Eliminating stop lights would improve the flow and rhythm of traffic,  reducing jams. I also predict that this ability to coordinate as a swarm will allow for dynamic lane reversals according to acute changes in traffic flow. For example, imagine there’s a city where everyone works, a suburb where everyone lives, and an eight-lane highway connecting the two. Every morning, the four lanes leading into the city are clogged with cars because all the people are trying to get in to their workplaces and the four lanes leading out of the city are empty, and every evening the reverse is true. If all the people have autonomous cars, only a four-lane, one-way highway would be needed since the cars would all switch directions without danger of head-on collisions twice a day to match the changing needs of the flow of people.

The more interesting and much more plausible future technology the article touches on is automated inventories of all items in your home. Once you have enough cameras in your home, and perhaps a robot butler, they’d set about identifying every object in every room to create a list. (Monitoring of refrigerator contents and automated ordering of replacement foods to replace those verging on exhaustion or spoilage will be another aspect of this.) The frequency with which you used the objects would also be observed, and your machines would encourage you to get rid of things you never used, like your old set of skis. They’ll make it easy by putting ads on eBay and scheduling times for buyers to pick them up. You’ll just have to push the “OK” button. Physical goods will be allocated across the population more efficiently as a result, and prices for things will go down once billions of objects collecting dust in garages and attics enter the market.

Automated personal inventories will also show us how infrequently we use possessions we consider “essential,” like tools (e.g. – you only use your rake two days per year, each autumn), which will probably give rise to “libraries of things” instead of personal ownership. (This is simply an extension of the same logic supporting the idea that Uber-style ridesharing will replace personal car ownership.) When you think about it, it really is kind of crazy to spend money on something that sits idle in your house 99.99% of the time.

…And then this article about a “wardrobe rental service” highlights the limitations of the sharing vs. private ownership model. It would probably take more time and energy to move clothes around between people, and the apparent cost savings would be a false efficiency.

The medical promise of stem cell therapies mostly failed to pan out. Success might still be had if we pumped several billion more dollars into research.

In spite of new records being set in nearly every sport, every year, scientist David Epstein thinks it’s not being caused by human genetic evolution, and in fact, much of the improvement is illusory.

The 16% of human genes that were known to scientists in 1991 accounted for half of all genetics studies in 2015. 27% of human genes have never been the focus of a science paper. Is this imbalance due to some kind of human bias, or have we rightly focused on studying the genes that are the most important?

The FDA has approved an AI that can diagnose diabetes-induced vision problems by looking at scans of human eyes.

The total number of potential, stable molecules is probably between 1×10^20 and 1×10^30. Put in perspective, the Earth weighs 6×10^30 mg.

Aerial drones with electric engines and solar panels could be recharged by with ground-based lasers.

In a first, a surfboard-sized autonomous boat with a small solar panel and wind sail crossed the Atlantic by itself.

Someday, robots will be able to see you around corners.

Review: “I, Robot”


The year is 2035, and highly advanced robots (most of which are humanoid) are everywhere. Many of them have superhuman levels of strength, speed and agility, and they are over 1 billion in number [U.N. projections say there will be about 9 billion humans by then]. In spite of the obvious threat they might pose to the human race, people trust they won’t turn hostile because they are programmed with supposedly unalterable failsafes and lack emotions and self-drive. Those critical assumptions about the machines are cast into doubt when a top roboticist is murdered at the headquarters of the U.S. Robotics company, and the detective assigned to the case (played by Will Smith) discovers that a robot might have been responsible.


Most houses and buildings will look the same as they do today. At the beginning of the film, we see Will Smith’s apartment, which looks identical in size, layout and furnishings to a 2018 apartment. The only thing kind of futuristic is a single-bladed ceiling fan, which you could probably buy today from a rich man’s novelty store like Brookstone or SkyMall. Will Smith then visits his grandmother’s apartment, which is not futuristic in any way (until later in the film, when she gets a house robot). Shortly after that, we see a panoramic of Chicago’s skyline, and while there are several new, futuristic skyscrapers and elevated highways, most of the city is still made of old brick buildings. There are even some street scenes showing graffiti-covered walls and run-down fronts of buildings.

And later, Will Smith and his boss have beers after work at a grimy little restaurant that looks of 1950’s vintage, except for the robot bartender and flatscreen TV. I, Robot accurately shows how future technologies will be integrated into the built environment in 2035: Most of it will just be overlaid onto older things. For example, a brick apartment building from the 1940s will have solar panels installed on its roof and might have a gigantic TV screen draped over its side. The apartments themselves won’t change from their original floor sizes and layouts, and they’ll still be full of furnishings that people in the 1940s would recognize (beds, tables, chairs, refrigerators, etc.), but they will have robots running around inside them doing work.

The only kind of “furnishing/appliance” I think will vanish between now and 2035 is the traditional home entertainment center, which typically consists of a large, heavy TV–often supported by a table–video and game devices like Blu-ray players and Playstations, and a shelf full of movie and game discs. By 2035, TVs will be at most a centimeter thick (and possibly as thin as paper) and will be hung on walls, and all videos and games will be streamed from the internet or from a personal hard drive. Either there will be no more player devices, or at most a person will need one, small box device that plays every type of media and interfaces with game controllers. Discs will be long obsolete.

There will be wall-sized displays. In the film, there are billboard-sized TV screens on the sides of some buildings that mostly play commercials. This will prove accurate for 2035, and the TVs will have 8K or even 16K resolution. I already discussed this in my review of Prometheus and won’t go into it at length again. 

Prices will be inflated. In the aforementioned movie scene where Will Smith and his boss get beers at a restaurant, the final tab for a burger and a couple drinks is $46.50. Yes, inflation will naturally continue, and both wages and prices will be much higher in 2035. Moreover, assuming a constant price inflation rate of 3.0%, the term “millionaire” will fall out of use in the U.S. and other Western countries by 2100 since by then, inflation will have rendered $1 million USD only as valuable as $90,000 USD is in 2018.

Autonomous cars that drive as well as humans will be widespread. Will Smith’s car has a self-driving feature. At the rate the technology is improving, the 2030’s will be the decade when self-driving car technology becomes widespread in rich countries. The decade could start with self-driving cars being an expensive luxury feature that most people mistrust and with self-driving cars only comprising 1-5% of all cars on the road, and the decade will probably end with self-driving features coming as standard on new vehicles, and 50% of cars having autonomous capabilities. Will Smith has a luxury sedan in 2035, which is consistent with this prediction.

The typical passenger car in a rich country won’t use gas. Towards the end of the film, Will Smith brings his motorcycle out of storage for the climactic battle with the machines. Bridget Moynahan–a roboticist at USR who is helping him with his murder investigation–gets on the back and says: “Don’t tell me this bike runs on gas!”, indicating that some alternative car fuel technology predominates in the 2035, and gas-powered vehicles are the exception. Considering the large amount of fossil fuels still available, the heavy investment in related infrastructure, and the time it takes for the vehicle fleet to turn over, I think gasoline will still be the primary fuel for vehicles in 2035. However, I think important technological advances in other areas will be seriously threatening its dominance, and a large fraction of vehicles will use something else. If anything, batteries will be cheaper and more energy dense thanks to incremental tech improvements, so electric cars will be practical for everyday use.

We already know this is possible: the Tesla Model 3 is a purely battery-powered vehicle that exists today, has very good drive characteristics and a 310 mile range on a single charge (which is the same range a comparable gas-powered sedan has on a full tank). The big problem is the car’s high manufacture costs, which are somewhere between $44,000 and $50,000 apiece, putting them out of reach of most people. About $10,000 of the cost is due to the battery pack, meaning future improvements in battery technology are crucial for making electric cars mainstream. Such improvements are entirely possible: we know that the energy density of modern batteries could, in theory, be improved by a factor of at least 3 to 6 (http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/columnists/kurt-zenz-house/the-limits-of-energy-storage-technology) . It’s not going to be easy to get there, but considering the research dollars being thrown at the problem, I think it’s reasonable to assume that the advances will happen by 2035, and average-income people will be able to afford battery powered cars with ~300 mile ranges.

Breakthroughs in fast battery charging tech, fuel cells, and using synthetic microorganisms to synthesize chemical fuels in a carbon-neutral manner could also realistically happen by 2035. Whichever of these becomes most popular, by 2035 there will definitely be viable alternatives to using gasoline in personal vehicles, but it will take decades more to turn over the whole fleet of gas-powered cars.

There will be fully automated factories.  In one scene, Will Smith visits a factory that builds robots and finds it is fully automated, meaning no humans work there. Instead, robots build other robots. Considering the decades-long decline in manufacturing sector employment numbers, I think the total obsolescence of human factory workers is inevitable, the only question is how soon it will happen. By 2035, I think high-tech companies like today’s Apple will have fully automated factories, mostly to demonstrate their technical prowess to the public and not necessarily because it’s cheaper than having any human workers. However, this will be atypical, and in almost all modern factories there will still be some humans, though they will be very highly trained people vastly outnumbered by machines, and there will be far fewer of them than today. Other areas of the economy, including agriculture and the service sector, will also be much more heavily automated by 2035, and it will be common to see this in everyday life in the form of robots restocking shelves at Wal-Mart and machine arms handing you your food at the McDonald’s drive-thru. I have no doubt that all low-skill jobs will ultimately be done by machines, liberating humans from drudgery (though also probably causing massive structural unemployment).

There will be ubiquitous surveillance. In the film, every room and hallway in the USR headquarters building has a continuous “sensor strip” running horizontally across the top section of the wall. The sensor strip apparently has tiny cameras, microphones, speakers, and holographic image emitters built into it, so everything happening inside the building is continuously recorded, and the building’s evil A.I. can physically manifest itself anywhere as a talking hologram. While I don’t think there will be “sensor strips” as depicted in the film, I, Robot still nailed some key aspects of life in 2035 with the concept. As I’ve written before, tiny sensors will be everywhere in our environment and on our bodies well before 2035, meaning most things happening in public spaces and even inside of houses and buildings will be recorded. Computers will also be smart enough to understand what is happening in the recordings and which people are in them, so yes, if an evil A.I. wanted to track your activities in 2035, it could do so.

And thanks to tiny microphones and speakers being built into future televisions (again, I’ve already gone over this in a note), you could indeed interact with the evil A.I. just by talking and having the wall TV suddenly come alive as its portal to you. The wall TV might even project the A.I.’s image as a hologram instead of as a 2-D moving picture. Alternatively, you could have the same interaction through your augmented reality glasses, which will also be a mature and widespread consumer technology by 2035.

Robots will pervade our daily lives. Of course, the one thing dominating I, Robot’s depiction of the future is robots. They’re all over the place doing all sorts of jobs. Multipurpose humanoid robots called “Nestor Series Robots” stay in peoples’ houses doing chores like cooking food, and they run around in public doing other tasks like walking dogs, delivering mail, dumping trash cans into garbage trucks. They have superhuman levels of speed and strength. Other, more task-specific robots with non-humanoid designs do things like demolish old buildings (Will Smith almost gets killed by one of these) and clean roadways of debris. While I don’t think the robots with the dexterity, speed, and intelligence of the Nestor Series will exist by 2035, I think the clunkier task-specific robots will, and they will be getting widespread.

Robots specialized for road maintenance deal with a car wreck inside a tunnel

After all, if computers are smart enough to drive cars by that year, it stands to reason that they’d also be smart enough to sweep highways, mow lawns, pick crops, and do some household chores. So yes, in 2035, you will encounter robots each day, either inside your home or in public, or both. You might go into a McDonald’s and see an R2D2-style robot with six arms flipping burgers. The trash truck that empties out dumpsters into itself won’t have any human beings in it. You might have a robot in your home that understands your verbal commands and can do things like wash dishes, operate your laundry machine and drag your trashcans to the curb. It will be slow, clumsy and weak compared to a human and probably won’t look like a human, but it will safely and reliably do tasks around the house and will be worth the money. It will probably adapt to your schedule and do all the work during the daytime when you were away at work or school, and then get out of the way when you were around (like how most people use Roomba vacuum cleaner robots today). As in the movie, these robots will automatically download software patches and updates, some of which would endow it with new skills and abilities.

We will have built massive, new infrastructure in densely populated areas. In the movie, Chicago has underground highway tunnels that cars speed through at 100 mph. Um, no. Seventeen years isn’t enough time to build that, and if it were going to get done by 2035, it would be in the public planning stages now. Will it happen EVENTUALLY, though? Say, by 2065? Quite possibly. Robots will vastly increase the size of the labor force and they will work for free, making all sorts of thitherto impossible public works projects feasible. Giant dams, new subways, national mag-lev networks, huge bridges, demolitions of decrepit buildings, cleaning up toxic waste sites–all sorts of projects that we can’t do now thanks to inadequate time and money will be done in the future with cheap robot labor. At that point, the biggest stumbling block will be political resistance from people living in neighborhoods that don’t want the giant glass skyscraper going up next to them.

And robot labor won’t just make a difference at the level of big national projects–it will have a big impact on average people. While the house robots of 2035 will be clunky and limited in function, their counterparts in the second half of this century will have superhuman physical abilities and skills sets. They’ll eventually be able to do anything, from mowing your lawn to cooking your food to building an extension to your house. They’ll have a superior sense of aesthetics to you and will make intelligent recommendations about how to manage your household instead of only waiting for your orders. Just imagine a world where every lawn is mowed, every scrap of trash on the street is picked up, every house is spacious and resembles something from Better Homes and Gardens, and every household has a master chef and a 24/7 security guard in one. Imagine all of our infrastructure upgraded and the existing stock of crappy, old buildings being heavily upgraded or demolished and replaced with something of much higher quality. It would be a cleaner, prettier, more comfortable world and would represent a major increase to standards of living.

There will be crazy parking garages where cars are stored on giant, spinning racks. The fatal problem: if you had any loose stuff in your car (coins, papers, half-empty coffee travel mug), it would go flying all over the place and would end up all over the dashboard and windshield. In 2035, parking lots will still be “normal,” though most won’t have human attendants, and most will be suffering financially due to declining business.

In 2035, people in rich countries will commonly have autonomous cars, and instead of parking in an expensive lot close to their destination and then walking the final distance on foot, people will have their cars drop them off at the destination, and then drive off by themselves to park in the cheapest place within X miles and wait. This will destroy much of the private parking lot industry since the cars would be able to find the nearest free parking space, and then precisely time when they left the space to coincide with you exiting the front door of the place where it dropped you off. Something like a “sharing economy for parking spaces,” whereby private citizens would rent out empty spaces in their driveways and curbsides by the hour for very low rates (the whole process would be automated) would also be formidable competition for professionally-run parking garages. Such a business will become practical once the AIs driving cars and the AIs managing the patchwork of private parking spaces can talk to each other.


There will be no smartphones, tablets, or augmented/virtual reality glasses. The most advanced personal electronic devices people used in the movie were earbud-style cell phones. NO!!!

People will have natural-looking bionic arms that are better than normal arms. Halfway through the film, it is revealed that Will Smith’s left arm is actually a robotic prosthesis installed after his natural arm was severed in a car accident. It looks completely natural, blends into his body, apparently allows him to feel sensations, and has the full range of human motion. We find out it’s a robot arm when it gets damaged in a fight and sparks start flying out. I think this sort of technology is inevitable, but will come way later than 2035. The state-of-the-art in limb prosthetics in 2035 will be about the same as the state-of-the-art in robotics, which I described earlier as being slow and clumsy, but at least in the lower end of the human range.

There will be tiny hologram emitters. At the start of the film, when Will Smith first learns about the murder, he speaks to a hologram of the dead man. The human-sized hologram is produced by a small, pocket-sized device lying on the ground. It’s possible to make free-floating holograms (see my Prometheus review), but only with large machines and, probably, large amounts of energy. I doubt the technology will improve enough by 2035 to allow hologram emitters to be so small. Also, when the holographic man speaks, his speech seem to be coming from his holographic mouth instead of from the device lying on the ground, which is inaccurate.

Robots will have berserker emotions. The best-known scene in the film is probably where Sonny–the robot suspected of the murder–becomes so angry during his jailhouse interrogation that he slams his fists into the heavy metal table, denting it. Since emotions are merely the result of biochemical and bioelectric activity in the human brain, and since I believe that all aspects of the human brain and its functions can be ultimately simulated in computers, I think machines will eventually gain human emotions, and it’s entirely possible they could go through a period of their evolution when they had extreme human emotions like explosive anger or depression. But in the long run, it’s not going to make sense for them to be capable of emotions that override their logical thinking, make them threatening or untrustworthy, or debilitate them. A.I.’s will have a huge advantage of humans in that they will be able to edit their own mental “programming,” and I think they will wisely decide to inhibit or reduce certain emotions.

By 2035, machines will probably have passed the Turing Test, meaning they will be able to carry on free-form conversations with humans for minutes on end without making mistakes. However, they won’t actually be capable of intelligent thought and won’t be self-aware like humans are. Similarly, by the same year, I think machines will be able to sense the emotions of the humans around them with good accuracy and will be able to simulate their own emotions (through speech, mannerisms, or other actions) fairly convincingly. However, these will be mere simulations of emotions–machines will lack the inner experiences of things like happiness, anger, and fear.

Switching gears to shoehorn a random point into this note, let me return to something from earlier. While the world of 2035 will look very similar to the world today, and new technologies will mostly just be overlaid onto the existing infrastructure, I think in the longer run, free robot labor will enable us to REPLACE or radically upgrade our existing infrastructure. But does that mean every single building is going to turn into some kind of Borg-like structure that in terms of form and function will be unrecognizable to us today? Absolutely not. I’m thinking more along the lines of run-down houses and buildings being replaced with something you would today think of as luxurious and spacious. Living in a house you’d see in a style catalog today will become the new standard in the future. There wouldn’t be mile-high skycrapers everywhere, but ugly urban buildings and abandoned factories would disappear.

Will we all live in mansions? No, but none of us will be packed into tiny apartments or dwellings overloaded with people. How much extra utility do you really gain once your house grows beyond a certain size? Will we all have fleets of luxury vehicles? No, but then again, why does one person need more than one vehicle?

My broader point is that, even at the end of this century (and possibly beyond), many aspects of life and features of the built environment will be the same as today, we’ll discover there are some sensible limits to how much things can and should change, and we’ll find that technology can’t improve upon certain things. Here are some made-up examples of futurism falls victim to the “technology improves everything” fallacy and fails to consider the cost/benefit tradeoff of making things more high tech:

  1. Instead of your desk being made out of wood, it will be made out of perfectly structured hard polymers impregnated with self-regenerating nanomachines that immediately fix even the smallest crack, and it will also be embedded with powerful computers.
    Why does the desk need all of that?
  2. Instead of cleaning your dishes by putting them in a normal dishwasher that sprays them with soap and water, you will put them into a dishwasher that uses nanomachines and sound waves to clean them.
    Is there something wrong with soap and hot water? Are we constantly dealing with rotting food stuck to our plates, bowls and utensils because our current dishwashers aren’t advanced enough to wash them away?
  3. Instead of you using a simple remote control to change channels on your TV, you will change the channels using arm and hand gestures that your TV will be able to see and understand.
    What’s so hard about pushing a button on a remote control? How does using physical gestures make things better or easier? 
  4. (I read this in a sci-fi short story year ago) Instead of rubbing a bar of soap over your body in the shower, you will say “Lather” and your showerhead will spray soapy water onto you, and then you will say “Rinse” and it will only spray pure water onto you to wash off all the soap.
    In the future, only losers rub soap over their filthy bodies, I guess. 


  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/teslas-model-3-problems-highlight-expensive-battery-cost-2018-1