Roundup of interesting articles, May 2018

States redrawn to match daily commute patterns.

After a long hiatus, Richard Branson’s “Spaceship Two” returned to the air and made a successful test flight. If all goes well, he could be sending passengers into space in a few years.

Here’s an in-depth analysis of what it would take to make a solar sail spacecraft that could reach 20% of light speed and go to Alpha Centauri. The engineering challenges are formidable, but not insurmountable.

Instead of there being a multiverse, what if there’s only one universe, but different realms within it have distinct ground states?

Crews scanning the ocean floor for Malaysia Air Flight 370 stumbled upon two shipwrecks from the late 1800s.

An ocean buoy detected a 78 foot high wave south of New Zealand, making it the largest wave ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere. As the number and density of automated sensors like buoys, weather stations, and drones grow, so will data and film footage of extraordinarily rare occurrences and life forms. In 20 years, you’ll be able to ask your computer to “Show me everything weird that happened today” and spend the next several hours watching video clips from around the world, including places devoid of humans.

BAE hopes to build a solar-powered, autonomous plane that could stay aloft for 12 months. It could do aerial surveillance and some functions currently performed by satellites.

“Ocado” is a British grocery store chain that has no brick-and-mortar retail stores and only does home deliveries. Their food warehouses, where groceries are stored and packaged, are heavily automated and use hundreds of robots.

A fascinating piece that highlights some of the less-obvious ways autonomous vehicles will change the world.

It will also probably be easy to program autonomous vehicles to drive in ways that use as little fuel as possible. Many human truck drivers have a hard time keeping up these habits because they require near-constant focus and patience. Moreover, since machines don’t need to sleep, autonomous trucks could structure their routes in such a way that they were mostly on the roads during non-peak hours, like the middle of the night, meaning fewer traffic jams for everybody and less wasted gas.

One of the NYT’s auto experts thinks gas-powered cars will be obsoleted by fast-recharging electric cars within five years, and sales of both will sharply shift to reflect this. Without giving a deadline for autonomous cars, he drops a lot of hints it will take substantially longer than five years to become mature and ubiquitous.

‘”I’ve been at [Consumer Reports] for 19 years and tested more than 1,000 cars, and I’ve never seen a car that could improve its track performance with an over-the-air update,” Jake Fisher, director of auto testing at Consumer Reports, said in a blog post.’

A famous and still thought-provoking analysis of the cost-effectiveness of 500 different safety/health interventions. Yes, you can put a price on human life.

Will America’s new “Right to Try” policy that allows terminally ill people to take drugs still in Phase II clinical trials help much? Probably not, and not just because only 10% of drugs prove themselves effective during Phase II.

The FDA shut down two “stem cell therapy” clinics after their treatments for people with vision problems made several of them go blind.

The reality about “personalized cancer treatments” is that only 15% of cancer patients are eligible, and only 1/3 of them could benefit from it.

‘The National Cancer Institute’s new goal is to “eliminate suffering and death due to cancer” by 2015.’
–NCI Director Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, 2003

A meta-analysis of women who got the HPV vaccine proves beyond doubt that it works and has no side effects.

A meta-analysis of fMRI studies that “proved” male and female brains operate differently suggests they might have been flawed, and researchers might have failed to publish null findings.

People who go to art school are likelier to get schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

Electroconvulsive therapy has been unfairly maligned, and is actually the most effective treatment for some people with severe mental illness.

MDMA, commonly called “Ecstasy,” has proven a remarkably effective treatment for PTSD in preliminary clinical trials. If all goes well, it could be legal for medicinal use in 2021.

America’s early school start times are awful for students and their parents. As early as 1913, the practice’s ill effects on sleep, learning and quality of life were noted. Why do we do it anymore?

Machines hit a new milestone in automating chemical synthesis work.

Amateur chemist claims to have made a distilling process that can “age” whiskey the equivalent of 20 years in six days. Whether or not his claim is genuine, I think someone will make it work someday.

Did Betamax actually have better picture quality than VHS? This side-by-side footage analysis suggests not.

“[Intelligence] is a spectrum of abilities since there are many different goals you can have, so it makes no sense to quantify something’s intelligence by just one number [like an IQ score]. To see how ridiculous that would be, just imagine if I told you that athletic ability could be quantified by a single number, the ‘Athletic Quotient,” and whatever athlete had the highest ‘AQ’ would win all the gold medals in the Olympics.”

Some alternatives to America’s state borders. I’ve long been a fan of breaking up states with big populations and merging states with small populations to help “even things out.”

There’s substantial evidence that American judges allow their personal political and cultural views to influence their court rulings. Though judges claim to be coldly analytical and objective, it does actually matter whether they’re Republicans or Democrats.’-leanings?-Maybe,-review-shows

Here’s a supposedly genuine military report about the 2004 encounter between a U.S. Navy F/A-18 and a UFO off the coast of San Diego. The sighting was first described in a December 2017 New York Times article. The report deduces that the UFO could change altitude at ballistic missile speeds, was nearly invisible to radar, and might have had a cloaking ability on the visible light spectrum.

Between new plane purchases and upgrades of existing planes, the U.S. Navy plans to have at least 650 “Block 3” Super Hornet F/A-18E’s and F’s by 2025. They’re better than the current “Block 2” Super Hornets in every way.

And in classic fashion, the Navy is dumping its worn-out, excess F/A-18C and D Hornets (note the lack of “Super”) on the Marine Corps. The Navy has 270 of these older fighter planes and will give the Marines 136 of them, mostly to be cannibalized for spare parts. The Navy’s final 134 Hornets will probably be transferred in the future as it gets more Super Hornets and F-35C’s.

The hardships of a Marine Corps F/A-18 mechanic struggling to fix planes that are older than he is. At some point, everything wears out, and the time and money spent on maintenance gets so bad that it’s actually cheaper to buy a newer replacement.

Brazil has an 81-year-old river patrol ship still in active service. It originally had a steam engine and now has a helipad.

Israel has developed an affordable upgrade kit that converts Soviet-era multiple launch rocket systems into guided weapons.

Israel also used small quadcopter drones to snag incendiary kites released by militant Gazans who were trying to randomly start wildfires across the border in Israel.

Some Korean War-era U.S. M41 light tanks are still in service in Third World armies.

Indonesia has bought several brand-new U.S. AH-64E attack helicopters and will fly them alongside their old Soviet Mi-35 helicopters.

Greece is upgrading its F-16s and plans to keep them in use until 2048. The prototype F-16 first flew in 1974.

Boeing got a patent for a detachable, automatic cannon that could be installed in the bomb bays of semi-stealth B-1 bombers, turning them into gunships. The U.S. military first experimented with this kind of weapons system in 1971. Prototype cannons were installed in the bomb bays of bombers made in the 1950s.

The U.S. Air Force is heavily upgrading the cockpits of their F-15s.

China has just launched its second aircraft carrier, which could be thought of as an upgraded copy of their first carrier, which was built by the USSR and launched 33 years ago. Does this milestone mean China’s shipbuilding prowess has surpassed Russia’s?

Did you know you can build a somewhat OK bullet proof vest out of a thick textbook and a 1′ x 1′ ceramic floor tile?

The Basque Separatists have disbanded, thanks to an improved Basque economy (assisted by investment from Madrid) and a graying of the population. How many other ethnic secession movements could be defused with the same combination?

In 1872, English writer Samuel Butler published the book Erehwon. In it, the main character visits a futuristic, closed society that banned machines because they were improving too fast and people feared they would become smarter than humans and take over. Butler was inspired by Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and by the rapid industrialization he saw in England over his lifetime. It’s the earliest example of the the “robot uprising” trope I’ve seen.

A few bummer remarks about the state of artificial intelligence. FIRST: ‘The current ways of trying to represent the nervous system…[are little better than] what we had 50 years ago.’  –Marvin Minsky, 2013

SECOND: ‘Over the next 30 years, we’re not going to see Commander Data…there is an A.I. bubble right now and people are making a fundamental error on estimating how good A.I. is going to be [and] how quickly.’ –Rodney Brooks, 2017

THIRD: ‘I suspect that [building the first true A.I.] means getting rid of back-propagation…I don’t think [back-propagation is] how the brain works.’ –Geoffrey Hinton (helped invent back-propagation in 1986), 2017

FOURTH: ‘We’re very far from having machines that can learn the most basic things about the world in the way humans and animals can do. Like, yes, in particular areas machines have superhuman performance, but in terms of general intelligence we’re not even close to a rat.’ –Yann LeCun, 2017

Computer scientist Judea Pearl is slightly more optimistic:

A fascinating short video showing how a computer-generated Paul Walker was inserted into Furious 7 after the actor died during filming. Within 20 years, I don’t think we’ll be able to tell apart human actors and CGI versions of them.

Unreal Engine 4 – (2018) – Ridiculous Realistic Looking Characters!

Google’s “Duplex Assistant” can perfectly imitate humans during brief phone calls. I think machines will pass the Turing Test within 11 years, and shortly thereafter, we won’t be able to tell the difference between human speakers and CGI versions of them: we’ll be able to make machines that can speak using a real human being’s voice, to intelligently carry on conversations with other humans, and to even answer questions and put forth topics of conversation as the imitated human would.

Non-invasive, wearable sensors that monitor muscle and nerve activity can be used to accurately represent a person’s physical movements in a virtual reality avatar. The demo video is incredible.

The world’s oldest spider is dead at 43. It was a trapdoor spider, and it survived that long by staying in one hole in the ground its whole life, conserving its energy and avoiding risks (good life advice?).

Airborne lead particles that drifted to Greenland from Europe and got trapped in successive layers of ice tell the tale of Rome’s rise and fall. The quantity of lead smelting positively correlates with periods of prosperity.

The longest possible straight-line journeys over sea and land are uncovered, at long last! I wonder if the estimate would change if the Arctic Ice Cap were counted as dry land (explorers have walked across the whole thing before).

Russia launched the world’s first floating nuclear reactor. It will be towed to the Arctic sea to provide power to a remote town.

Burying nuclear waste in shafts drilled into the seafloor might be the best permanent disposal option.

All of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions about when we’ll get all our energy from solar power

Ray Kurzweil in 2017

If you’re reading this blog, then you probably know who Ray Kurzweil is and what he thinks the future will be like. And if you don’t, then SHAME ON YOU! Kurzweil is one of the world’s greatest living futurists (though several of his predictions have failed), he’s influenced my own thinking, and if you know little or nothing about him, stop right now and go read his Wikipedia entry (

Kurzweil’s perfusion and fame as a futurist have made him the subject of many “accuracy analyses” of predictions whose deadlines have come and gone. In spite of how crowded the field is,  I think there is a narrow area where I could be of use: tracking his predictions about the future of solar power.

On this topic, Kurzweil is quite bold: He thinks that solar power is growing exponentially, so it will supply 100% of the WORLD’S (not just America’s) ENERGY (not just ELECTRICITY) within 15 years. Additionally, his predictions are unambiguous in their wording and deadlines, rendering them highly amenable to objective evaluation. For better or worse, he won’t be able to talk his way out of this, as he has several times in the past through written rebuttals of unfavorable analyses.

The U.S. generates huge amounts of ENERGY, only a small fraction of which is ELECTRICITY, a lot of it gets wasted, and the remainder gets to end users.

I’m starting this blog entry to keep a running tally of all of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions regarding when the world will get 100% of its energy from solar power. The table below this will serve as a quick summary of the key data points in those predictions, while the written paragraphs below it will cite their exact wordings. Note that his deadline for 100% solar power has fluctuated over the last 13 years from 2025 to 2033, and I suspect it will continue to do so (Kurzweil will probably do something like bump it up by ~1 year every 2 years). His statements about the number of exponential “doublings” left until solar power supplies 100% of humanity’s energy also barely withstands arithmetic scrutiny (If solar power’s electricity output is doubling every two years, then why did he say it was 8 doublings away from 100% in 2011, but then say it was still 8 doublings away in 2013? Since two years had passed between the predictions, shouldn’t it have been down to 7 doublings in 2013?).

This blog entry will be updated as Kurzweil inevitably makes new predictions about this topic, so stay tuned!

Date of prediction# of "doublings" left until 100% solar energyYear when 100% of energy will be solar
2014/6/105*2026 (low) - 2028 (high)*
2013/4/2382029 (low) - 2033 (high)
2011/2/16 82027 (low) or 2031 (high)

* Kurzweil’s June 10, 2014 prediction is based on the observation that, at that point in time, solar and wind together produced 4% of America’s energy.

**Kurzweil’s April 19, 2016 prediction pertained to “solar and other renewables” and his wording suggested the 100% milestone would be reached in less than 20 years.

***In his March 12, 2024 interview, Kurzweil first said the prediction pertained only to “solar,” but added a few minutes later that the energy mix would merely be 100% “renewable,” which included wind power.

March 12, 2024

“[Solar power technology is on] an exponential curve. And if you look at the curve, we’ll be getting 100% of all the energy we need in ten years.

…We’re gonna go to all renewable energy–wind and sun–within ten years.”

April 19, 2016 [republished on Kurzweil’s website on December 20, 2018]

What about our energy and food needs?

“Certainly within 20 years we’ll be meeting all our energy requirements through solar and other renewables. We’re awash in energy—10,000 times more than we need, from the sun—and we’re going to move to these renewables not just because we’re concerned about the impact on the environment but because it will be cheaper and more economic.”

March 30, 2016

Turning his attention to solar, Kurzweil said four years ago Google founder Larry Page and he were asked by the National Academy of Engineering to study emerging energy technologies. The men selected solar due to its exponential growth. Kurzweil said solar has been around for over 25 years, and its market share has doubled every two years.

“In 2012, solar panels were producing 0.5% of the world’s energy supply. Some people dismissed it, saying, ‘It’s a nice thing to do, but at a half percent, it’s a fringe player. That’s not going to solve the problem,’” Kurzweil said. “They were ignoring the exponential growth just as they ignored the exponential growth of the Internet and genome project. Half a percent is only eight doublings away from 100%.

“Now it is four years later, [and solar] has doubled twice again. Now solar panels produce 2% of the world’s energy, right on schedule. People dismiss it, ‘2%. Nice, but a fringe player.’ That ignores the exponential growth, which means it is only six doublings or [12] years from 100%.”

June 10, 2014

“We’re now…at 4% [of global energy needs being supplied by solar and wind power]. Maybe five doublings from 100% at two years each, that’s gonna be on the order of a decade from now. The use of energy is growing a little bit so maybe it’ll be 12 or 14 years.”

April 23, 2013

“We also see an exponential progression in the use of solar energy,” he has predicted. “It is doubling now every two years. Doubling every two years means multiplying by 1,000 in 20 years. At that rate we’ll meet 100% of our energy needs in 20 years.”

Since around one-third of that 104GW installed capacity is in Germany and China is only really getting going, Kurzweil’s forecasts don’t look too far-fetched.

Despite these glitches (or S curves) on his graph, Kurzweill still believes that a “doubling every two years means it’s only eight more doublings before it meets 100% of the world’s energy needs.”

That takes us to about 2027, close to his predictions in 2008.

February 16, 2011

“Today, solar is still more expensive than fossil fuels, and in most situations it still needs subsidies or special circumstances, but the costs are coming down rapidly — we are only a few years away from parity. And then it’s going to keep coming down, and people will be gravitating towards solar, even if they don’t care at all about the environment, because of the economics.

So right now it’s at half a percent of the world’s energy. People tend to dismiss technologies when they are half a percent of the solution. But doubling every two years means it’s only eight more doublings before it meets a hundred percent of the world’s energy needs. So that’s 16 years. We will increase our use of electricity during that period, so add another couple of doublings: In 20 years we’ll be meeting all of our energy needs with solar, based on this trend which has already been under way for 20 years.” [Kurzweil said.]

March 16, 2010

People may react similarly to his solar use forecast, he notes. However, since information technology is doubling every two years, our knowledge about and capability to utilize solar energy is “only eight doublings away from meeting 100% of our energy needs,” explains Kurzweil. Not only the U.S., but also countries like Germany, China, and Israel are actively pursuing solar energy systems.

April 13, 2008

“Take energy. Today, 70 percent of it comes from fossil fuels, a 19th-century technology. But if we could capture just one ten-thousandth of the sunlight that falls on Earth, we could meet 100 percent of the world’s energy needs using this renewable and environmentally friendly source. We can’t do that now because solar panels rely on old technology, making them expensive, inefficient, heavy and hard to install. But a new generation of panels based on nanotechnology (which manipulates matter at the level of molecules) is starting to overcome these obstacles. The tipping point at which energy from solar panels will actually be less expensive than fossil fuels is only a few years away. The power we are generating from solar is doubling every two years; at that rate, it will be able to meet all our energy needs within 20 years.”

February 19, 2008

“We also see an exponential progression in the use of solar energy,” [Kurzweil] said. “It is doubling now every two years. Doubling every two years means multiplying by 1,000 in 20 years. At that rate we’ll meet 100 percent of our energy needs in 20 years.”

December 23, 2005

“To take energy, for example, I talk about how within 20 years we could have nanoengineered solar panels which would capture enough sunlight to meet all of our energy needs. If we captured 1 percent of 1 percent of the sunlight that falls on the Earth, we could meet all of our energy needs in a renewable fashion. Now we can’t do that today ’cause solar panels right now are an old industrial technology. But using new nanoengineered techniques, you’ll see actually significant progress in the next five years, but over 20 years we’ll actually be able to meet all of our needs with these kinds of renewable energy technologies and that store them in nanoengineered fuel cells.” [Kurzweil said.]

October 25, 2005

“This will mean that by the mid 2020s we will be able to meet our energy needs using very inexpensive nanotechnology-based solar panels that will capture the energy in 0.03 per cent of the sunlight that falls on the Earth, which is all we need to meet our projected energy needs in 2030.”


The predictions that Kurzweil’ made about solar power before 2005 are few, and don’t mention “doubling times” or give any future dates by which X% of global energy needs will be met with solar.

Roundup of interesting articles, April 2018

U.S. guided missiles are now this small.

Alien telescopes could see from very long distances that the Earth had all the chemical ingredients for organic life. In fact, anyone in our galaxy who has pointed a big telescope at us in the last 500 million years would have seen a habitable, blue planet. Even if it’s impossible to exceed light speed, you’d think someone would have come to Earth by now…

Some estimates about how powerful alien telescopes would be if they used “gravitational microlensing.”

The theory that advanced aliens might seed the galaxy–including our own Solar System–with hidden surveillance devices was first advanced as early as 1948.

‘Project Cyclops was a 1971 NASA project that investigated how SETI should be conducted.’

A machine that can detect dark matter has been invented. This paper appeared in one of the world’s premier scientific journals.

Lakes in northern Canada could be similar to Jupiter’s moon, Europa.

Venus’ atmosphere might harbor microbial life.

‘Leo Aerospace plans to revive a decades-old method of putting satellites into space. They’re using hot air balloons to lift the rocket and its micro-satellite payload 18 km (11 miles) above Earth. At that altitude, there’s 95% less atmosphere. This means much less drag on the rocket, which translates into smaller rockets with less fuel.’

China’s first space station crashed. They have a second, slightly larger and newer one in orbit and want to someday launch a third.

Since there are 687 days in a Martian year, there would have to be about 23 months if you wanted to keep the months an average of 30 days long.

Four years after a young Chinese couple died in a car accident, one of their parents used leftover frozen embryos from the couples’ IVF treatment to conceive a grandchild in a surrogate mother.

Cloning could be used to bring back extinct animals and dead humans. ‘In 1996, scientists used 277 cloned embryos to get one successful Dolly. “Now if you do cloned cattle, you can transfer 100 cattle cloned embryos and get about 10–20 cloned animals born,” says Tian. “That’s an amazing change.”’

Women really are “the fairer sex”: though the genes for blonde hair are equally common in Caucasian males and females, they’re much more likely to be phenotypically expressed in the females.

About 80% of male pattern baldness is purely genetic. Everything else (smoking, stress level, diet, exercise, type of shampoo you use) barely moves the needle.

IQ is about 50% genetic. The weight of scientific evidence about this has grown to be overwhelming, and we’re now moving on to identifying the genes responsible for human intelligence.

Depression is about 40% genetic, with the rest of the risk explained by non-genetic biological factors and negative life experiences.

The Bajau people, who have been living on boats and diving into the sea to catch food for 1,000 years, have genetic adaptations for that lifestyle.

Soliciting “loyal communists” to donate sperm might actually have a scientific basis, since it is known that political views are influenced by brain structure and are partly heritable. Also note that the 19% acceptance rate at Chinese sperm banks is actually far higher than the rates at American sperm banks.

The “Golden State Killer,” who murdered 12 people and raped 51, was finally found when the police clandestinely submitted a DNA sample from one of his crime scenes to a private genealogy company and got a match. While this raises concerns about genetic privacy, the tactic doesn’t seem to have been illegal.

Transsexual women (e.g. – people who were born male, but who later came to gender-identify as female) will be able to run in the Boston Marathon as women.

A lesson in “you get what you pay for”: Russia’s T-90 tank is slightly inferior to America’s M1 tank, but that’s because the T-90 is smaller, cheaper, and has a smaller crew.

Marine Corps F/A-18s are old and falling apart, but through ingenuity and hard work, their ground crews keep them flying. The article should help you understand why readiness levels are so bad in cash-strapped militaries that operate even older planes, like the Indian Air Force and its MiG-21s.

An offer not for the faint of heart: India plans to donate obsolete military equipment to its allies in Asia and Africa.

And at the other end of its military technology spectrum, India has finally backed out of its partnership with Russia to develop a stealth fighter. Among other problems, they the fighters weren’t stealthy.

The U.S. is now using guided, air-to-ground missiles that are the size of two baguettes attached end-to-end. As sensors and computer chips get cheaper and better, we’ll someday have guided bullets that fire out of conventional rifles.

DARPA is working on a new weapons system comprised of a conventional cargo plane that launches swarms of small flying drones, which complete their missions against the enemy and then fly back to their “mothership” and dock with it.

Plasma weapons are infeasible, but laser cannons and particle cannons that fire streams of neutrons (we can already kill with neutron bombs) are theoretically possible.

100 years after WWI, the Triple Entente is still fighting the Ottoman Empire, and chemical weapons are still being used.

The recent American airstrikes on Syria used some basic but effective distraction tactics to keep the enemy guessing where it would come from.

U.S. Special Forces have built a base in northern Syria to defend Kurdish rebels against the Turks. There’s no way this news footage could have been aired without the permission of U.S. forces, so this is a deliberate leak intended to send a message to somebody.

The esteemed “Graham-Talent Commission” predicted in 2008 that terrorists would use nuclear or biological weapons before the end of 2013.

‘Sometime in the 1980’s the advanced sector, beginning with the U.S., will collapse into a new Dark Age — perhaps in a matter of weeks — after breakdowns in energy, transit and communications systems intensify each other. The population will be halved, decentralized, exposed to a new barbarism. ‘

“What may happen in the next hundred years” (John Elfreth Watkins’ amusing predictions from the year 1900). Most of them were right, or “essentially right.”

A ketamine nasal spray (“esketamine”) has proven highly effective at treating depression in human trials, but some scientists worry it could invite the same addiction and abuse as opioid pills have.

Government just can’t do drug policy right: California’s legal marijuana industry is so heavily taxed that the black market still thrives in the state.

Cookies that made day care staff feel high on drugs didn’t contain drugs.

We might never cure every type of cancer, but we could get so good at detecting and treating it that cancer would become just another chronic, manageable condition like diabetes.

A combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy (pembrolizumab) raises survival rates for people with some types of lung cancer by almost 50%.

A large fraction of English people believe baseless claims that things like microwave ovens, genetically modified foods, and drinking from plastic water bottles cause cancer. I suspect the prevalence of these beliefs is similar among Americans.

The notion that pharmaceuticals companies have “miracle cures” for diseases that they’re “holding back” from the public because it profits them to do so makes no sense when you consider that many of the big guys working at those companies and their families still get those same diseases and die from them.

‘Overall, the real killers in drug discovery stem from – to put it mildly – our incomplete understanding of biology.’
When we’re able to build computer simulations of human brains, we should also be able to build simulations of human bodies, and rapidly discover new drugs by basically injecting random compounds into the simulation and seeing what happens.

MIT severed ties with Nectome over the latter’s announcement that it wanted to experiment with destructive human brain scans.

A Yale research team “restored circulation to” 100 – 200 pig brains obtained from slaughterhouses and discovered that some of their cells survived for up to 36 hours. Before anyone jumps the bioethics gun, they should wait for all the details about the experiments to come out, as this is perfect fodder for media misrepresentation.

Aubrey de Grey took a break from his day job researching human immortality to remind us he’s a genius and not simply a nutcase.

A step towards Google’s mission: “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

“Simulation capture” is a creepy theory about how an AGI would push you around. Whenever we finally invent an AGI, it will probably say “I’ve got a million more like this…”

“You can’t get from narrow AI to AGI.” Likewise, even if we can’t invent AGI, we can surely make multitudes of very good, task-specific narrow AIs that could collectively put the human race out of work.

There’s a reason why established car companies still have humans on their assembly lines.

Machines that milk cows radically improve the lives of dairy farmers.

Having live-in servants and full-time maids used to be common in America thanks to a former abundance of very cheap labor and to necessity: in the days before dishwashing machines, laundry machines, refrigeration, indoor plumbing, and shrink-wrapped meat, even middle-class families often found themselves forced to hire servants to do their basic household chores. Robot butlers will simply be reinventions of a very old, common practice.

Researchers have built a DNA-based nanomachine that has a rotary motor and can move in a specific direction.

‘Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than do nuclear power plants.’

‘Grand Theft Auto 5 has made money than any other form of media in history, with over 90 million units sold and $6 billion in revenue.’ If games get good enough and jobs get scarce enough, is a Ready Player One future really so unrealistic?

33% of Britons don’t like their jobs, and 37% think their jobs are meaningless. What if this keeps getting worse as time passes?

Ready Player One’s trailers stacked on giant racks would actually be an expensive way to house poor people. In reality, a dystopian Columbus, OH would be full of Soviet-style concrete apartment buildings that all looked alike.

‘That’s what happened last week to a 31-year-old man who was held by police for questioning over an “economic dispute” as he waited with more than 60,000 fans of Hong Kong’s Jacky Cheung for a night of pumping Cantopop.’

Multiple cell phone wiretapping stations are around the White House and Capitol Building.

One positive use of mass surveillance will be the tracking of wildlife populations, including endangered species. Someday, we’ll have highly accurate counts of entire animal populations.

The rental car market will REALLY be upended once average people own self-driving cars and some peer-to-peer app lets them rent out rides at random times throughout the day. For example, if you were sitting around at home doing nothing on Sunday, you could push one button and make your self-driving car available as a taxi for any local people who wanted it.

With the recent news about Tesla autopilot cars killing two people, has anyone considered how many lives they might have SAVED?

Didi, China’s version of Uber, is going to buy fleets of cars suited for different types of cab rides. ‘Didi considers ordinary cars to be “overspecced” for normal trips, featuring more passenger space, engine power, and other features than are required.’


Review: “End of Evangelion”

Cryptic imagery from “End of Evangelion.”
A few nights ago, I watched the film End of Evangelion, which Netflix recommended I rent based on how I had rated similar films. “Evangelion” is the name of a famous Japanese sci-fi anime from the 1990s, and the film is actually the final two episodes of the series (there’s a break in the middle where credits roll, and then you see the intro for the second episode). Hence, the totally literal title of the film, End of Evangelion.
Unfortunately, the content of the film was just as abstract to me as its title was straightforward, both due to the fact that the director made a deliberate (and controversial) effort to leave it open to interpretation, and because I had no clue who the characters were or what the back story was since I had never watched any Evangelion episodes. For any fans of the series, I hope you appreciate my ignorance and puzzled perspective for what it is.

Nonetheless, I figured out that Evangelion is essentially the same thing as Power Rangers: A powerful, alien force is trying to take over the world, and it’s up to a team of hormone-raging teenagers to get in their giant, humanoid battle robots and fight off the latest space monster each week. Evangelion gets deeper than Power Rangers though, thanks to adult-level subplots about scorned romance and people going crazy, and to weird religious themes and recurrent female nudity.

But enough with that, and on to my analysis of how well End of Evangelion depicts the future (the series was technically set in the future as it was filmed in the 90s but took place in 2015).

Giant, humanoid battle robots will exist. These were clearly an important element to the series. It looked like each teenager had their own designated battle robot, and they piloted them from internal cockpits that were either in the robot heads or upper torsos. They would get into frenzied rages inside the cockpits, and would use hand joysticks and buttons to move around their robots and kill enemies. In End of Evangelion, the preferred mode of combat was to beat up enemy robots and helicopters with bare hands and feet, or giant swords and spears. All the robots were hundreds of feet tall. While I don’t think it would be impossible to build giant robots like this, I think they would be a poor use of resources and therefore would never be constructed.

A giant combat robot clutching a spear-like weapon

The problem with giant, humanoid battle robots is that they’re huge targets that everyone can see from a hundred miles away–or even from space. Old fashioned fighter planes, artillery guns, and nuclear missiles could see them and hit them from long distances, out of range of the robots’ own weapons. Another problem with giant robots is there’s no way to hide if you get in trouble, unless maybe you can dive into a large body of water or into a deep, jagged canyon. Giant humanoid robots would be top heavy and unsteady on their two feet, which would be major problems. Just imagine how well you’d make out if you were sitting on the very top branch of a 200-foot tall redwood tree, and then a logger cut it at the base, and you had to endure a (seemingly) slow tip-over that ended with your top branch slamming into the ground at high velocity. Not pretty, and it’s exactly what would happen to you inside your cockpit every time your robot tripped or got knocked on its back by an alien. So human pilots won’t do. The bipedal layouts of the robots would also make their legs and feet major weak points, which enemies would surely target and be able to cripple using relatively weak weapons. Note that these same problems with poor concealment, top-heaviness, and vulnerable drive systems would also apply to smaller bipedal robots, like the “AT-ST” from Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi. This might also help explain why no military has tried to build armored vehicles that walk on legs instead of roll on wheels. Finally, the use of giant robots for combat might also be unethical given the high risk of collateral damage caused by the robot accidentally stepping on people or falling on them. I imagine you’d feel pretty guilty if an alien body-slammed you and your giant robot into a skyscraper full of thousands of people.

Destroyed robots will come back to life. End of Evangelion’s pivotal battle happens when the good guy base is attacked by the Japanese military, which hitherto had been their friends. The Japanese military has nine of its own giant humanoid battle robots, but they’re piloted by computers instead of humans. Caught off guard, the best the good guys can muster forth is one of their own combat robots, piloted by a redheaded teen chick who is in need of bipolar medication. Redhead uses karate and a giant spear to beat/chop up all the enemy robots, and then her own robot runs out of power. Unfortunately for her, the seemingly dead enemy robots slowly start twitching back to life, and they get up–in spite of severed limbs and other visible damage–and kill her and her helpless robot. This is actually realistic. Not only will future military machines be able to keep fighting in spite of enormous amounts of damage, but it will be possible to fix them–perhaps without leaving the battlefield–even if they’ve suffered “fatal” damage.

As a precedent, it was common practice in WWII for armies to fix their destroyed tanks and to return them to service as fast as possible, with new crews. After all, tanks are large, expensive pieces of machinery, and it makes no economic sense to abandon them if they can be repaired. Tanks that had been incapacitated and defeated in combat had the burn marks scrubbed off, the dead bodies and body parts inside of them removed, the damaged systems identified and fixed, and any holes made by enemy weapons patched with liquid metal or welded-on sheets of armor. As WWII progressed, tanks that had gone through multiple “restorations” and multiple dead human crews became common sights.

A U.S. tank that was disabled by several German artillery rounds. The holes could be patched by repair crews and the tanks sent back into action.

Feigning death to either wait until the enemy goes away, or to get the enemy to lower his guard, come near you, and open himself to your surprise attack will also probably be common tactics for combat machines. This is because it’s much easier to pretend you’re dead if you don’t have externally detectable life signs (e.g. – chest movements from breathing), and it’s easier to risk a feigned death sneak attack on an enemy if you are a machine who fears nothing. In WWII, the Japanese soldiers were viewed as fanatics because they used tactics like this to ambush unsuspecting American troops (usually the “corpse” would suddenly wake up as you were walking by and detonate a grenade). It terrified and demoralized the Americans and forced them to laboriously shoot or bayonet every seemingly dead enemy soldier they passed, “just to be sure.”

A technological Singularity could happen so abruptly that you wouldn’t understand what was happening. Right after redhead dies, another of the teens gets his battle robot online and goes out to fight the Japanese military robots. When he sees his dead comrade, he has a mental breakdown because he had a crush on her. At that moment, the enemy battle robots grab his robot, levitate him far above the Earth, and start some type of “crucifixion” ceremony. The teen is the only person who can initiate a global transcendence event, and the enemy robots have been programmed to help him along. For some reason, killing his girl in front of him and rendering him distraught was also needed in order to ensure he would make “the right decision” regarding the transcendence. All of this was part of some incredibly complicated plan formulated by a secret cabal that only now–at the end–is revealed to be pulling all the strings. Yes. Ridiculous. Anyhow, we hear the teen’s rush of thoughts at this critical moment, and partly because he wants to end the suffering inherent to life, he decides to send out an energy pulse that travels across the whole planet, causing every human and animal to instantly burst into pools of red goo, which contain the souls and “essences” of each living being. The pools of liquid all run together, and Earth’s seas become red with them. Humans and all Earthly life transcend into a new form, where thoughts and feelings are directly shared, and there is no more suffering. Without ever using the term, this ending sequence of End of Evangelion depicts a possible future event called the “technological Singularity,” often shortened to “the Singularity.”

The “Red Goo Scenario”?

While there are many different theories about what form a Singularity could take, most thinkers believe it will happen thanks to machines achieving superhuman levels of intelligence. The reasoning is that, once machines get smart enough, humans wouldn’t be able to grasp the former’s thinking anymore or to anticipate their actions, and the machines would be capable of suddenly doing anything, like taking over the Earth, exterminating all humans, or elevating the human race to a superior state of being. Some believe that machines will achieve this level of intelligence and power very abruptly, so whatever changes they decide to make will happen without notice from the perspective of slow-thinking humans. A Singularity could be as abrupt and as life-changing to you as having an energy wavefront suddenly sweep over you from behind while you’re eating your breakfast waffles, converting you into a puddle of conscious, psychic, red liquid. Moreover, a future scenario where a superpowered entity (whether a distraught teenager or a superintelligent machine) decides to pursue a benign mandate like ending human suffering and then starts doing confusing and even scary things to achieve its goals is plausible. We simply don’t know how an AI with an IQ of 1,000 would act. For the record though, I think a Singularity is unlikely, and changes to technology and our way of life will happen slowly enough for humans to keep up and to have some influence over the course of events. In the far future–perhaps 150 years from now–I think the technology will exist to elevate humans like us to a higher state of being where suffering as we know it would be eliminated and thoughts and feelings could be directly shared, but we’ll get to that point gradually, with each necessary advancement setting the stage for the next.

Roundup of interesting internet articles, March 2018 edition

This is the 100th anniversary of the German Spring Offensive, the Central Powers’ last, desperate gamble to win WWI.

During WWII, the British and Americans were able to accurately estimate how many tanks the Germans were making by analyzing the serial numbers on destroyed German tanks they found on the battlefield.

BAE is pitching its advanced 40mm cannon for light tanks. They claim its ability to rapidly shuffle between ammunition types is a battlefield force multiplier (some interesting case examples are described).

Israel officially admitted it blew up Syria’s sole nuclear reactor in 2007, but even had they left it alone, any Syrian nuclear weapons program would probably have gone nowhere.

Some clear thinking on Putin’s latest, publicity-driven announcement about Russia’s new nuclear weapons, death rays, and phasers.

Putin has already canceled development of one of Russia’s fearsome experimental nuclear missiles we saw CGI videos of just a few weeks ago. [Drumroll] They don’t have enough money.

As China’s military surges ahead, India’s is stuck in neutral.

The “Scenarios” section of the paper describes some interesting cases where drones and AI could be used for crimes and terrorism in the near future.

The U.S.M.C. is upgrading its aging F/A-18 Hornets with vastly better radars.

Another cool idea on paper that turned out way less cool (and more expensive) in practice.

The Air Force wants to make its nuclear bombs smaller-yield but more accurate. All nuclear bombs will also be smart bombs.

By omitting any design requirements related to low-altitude bombing strikes, the B-21 will be stealthier and higher-flying than the B-2.

Photos from the U.S. invasion of Iraq, 15 years on. It’s remarkable seeing the hodgepodge of camouflage colors and styles our troops wore during the invasion. In spite of being the world’s best-funded military, apparently there was a widespread shortage of khaki clothing in the run-up to our big invasion of a desert country whose landscape is dominated by shades of brown.

This might be a perfect example of how “one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.”

Despite rumor, spy satellites can’t read car license plates. However, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t build one that could. According to the inescapable laws of optics, its lens would have to be at least 60 feet in diameter (the Hubble telescope’s lens is only eight feet wide, and the Saturn V rockets were only 33 feet wide).

The Predator drone is headed for retirement. (Dang, I feel old.)

China demonstrates an add-on kit that allows its 1960s-vintage Type 59 tanks to be remote-operated. I doubt the technology is well-developed, though it does make me wonder if obsolete military gear could be given new leases on life if they were remote-controlled or robot-operated.

If we switch to machine armies, social cohesion could weaken since nations would no longer have large institutions (militaries) for indoctrinating their human citizens and infusing them with patriotism and loyalty. If humans no longer died in wars, populations would slowly lose national myths of shared sacrifice and heroism that underpin their national identities.

I’m skeptical that air delivery drones will become practical and widespread for at least 20 years. There are simply too many downsides. Self-driving delivery trucks are a more conservative and promising technology in the short term.

Self-driving cars killed their first human this month. It was, of course, inevitable. The investigation is ongoing, but it’s possible human error–in the form of Uber executives deciding not to use the best sensors on their self-driving cabs–was responsible.

One of the world’s most successful roboticists, Rodney Brooks, discusses the future of the field.

‘Using this iterative algorithm, IBM’s quantum computer successfully calculated the ground state energy of all three molecules, setting a world record for quantum simulation.’

After being fed data on 12.4 million chemical reactions, a deep learning neural network program was able to correctly create reagent and synthesis steps for other chemical compounds. Human judges couldn’t tell the machine’s work from that of human chemists, meaning a “Turing Test” of sorts was passed.

AI could be used to analyze microscopy images of cells.

‘Arranging two layers of atom-thick graphene so that the pattern of their carbon atoms is offset by an angle of 1.1º makes the material a superconductor.’

Some geoengineering proposals for slowing Antarctica’s melting and keeping sea levels the same.

Saudi Arabia wants to build the world’s largest solar power plant in the same location where “The Animatrix” predicted that the solar-powered “Zero One” machine city will be.

According to some estimates, nuclear power has a smaller carbon footprint than solar or wind.

Two articles about how much more efficient our machines are at converting energy to work than the human body is.

‘For many animals, the potential benefits of drawing free energy from sunlight might be offset by the considerable risks of extra UV exposure and overheating.’

If you could see ultraviolet light, the world would look more detailed, and people’s faces would look uglier.

Don’t smoke or sunbathe.

Reason #10237 that you don’t want to be obese.

Many chronically ill people with mild genetic disorders are not being properly diagnosed.

The humble cockroach’s genome is a marvel of complexity.

‘Unlike us, hummingbirds can use the glucose that they’re ingesting in nectar and can move it through their guts, through their circulatory system, and to their muscle cells so fast that they can essentially keep that pipeline going in real time.’

‘Dogs can be cloned up to five days after they die and cats up to three, as long as the corpses are kept cool.’

SETI’s senior astronomer thinks that advanced aliens have gravitational microlensing telescopes that can see the signals sent out by your TV remote control from light years away.

This is a new and slightly insane solution to the Fermi Paradox: “The Planetarium Hypothesis.”

A mind-blowing article about the anthropic principle, quantum immortality, and (indirectly) the Fermi Paradox.

One of the declassified UFO videos released by the NY Times last December could have just been a fighter plane in the distance, flying with its afterburners on.

Stephen Spielberg is skeptical of virtual reality’s potential as a filmmaking tool because it would be much harder to keep viewers focused on the action. I agree there’s less value-add than some people assume: If you were watching “The Matrix” in V.R., what would be the benefit of being able to turn away from a fight scene and look at the brick wall behind you?,-but-not-necessarily-for-filmmaking

Microsoft predicts that V.R. goggles capable of displaying lifelike images will exist by 2028, but you’ll still need to have the headset plugged into a bigger computer that does graphics rendering. This is close to other estimates I’ve read over the years.

Progress in preserving mammal brains. Sometimes I think that human cryonics just needs a few hundred million dollars of R&D to become viable, and once we finally make the necessary advances, we’ll look back and wince hard at the realization that we could have made it work decades earlier with 10% of the money we spend on Air Jordans.

Some examples of chuckle-worthy bad futurism.

Investing your money according to the predictions of professional money managers yields no better results that investing it in an index fund.

In the latest bad news for Bitcoin, someone embedded child porn into the blockchain.

Genetics, damage to specific parts of the brain, and direct electrical stimulation of part of the brain can all make people happy.

IBM predicts we’ll soon have aquatic sensors that do real-time monitoring of water quality in oceans, lakes and rivers, and that AIs will be created to spot and counteract bias. I essentially agree with both predictions.

Every shipwreck will be found someday. ‘Today’s crews employ devices that can detect the magnetic field of a washing machine buried in sea mud. Their sonar can sweep the depths like a flashlight. Year after year, the number of shipwrecks still lost dwindles.’

Future mass surveillance will mean no more misplaced or stolen things.

By the time Africa is ready to industrialize through cheap factory labor and export-driven trade, it might be too late since rich countries will have robots that work even cheaper.

To receive 5G signal in your house, there will need to be a direct line of sight between your device and a small cell box, which will probably be mounted on an existing light pole or power line pole, so in the near future, we’re going to have to pay much closer attention to trimming trees and bushes.

“Digital immortality” will first manifest itself as long-dead actors, resurrected through CGI to star in new films.

200 years after it was published, “Frankenstein” continues to be misused by foes of science.

Was Stephen Hawking any smarter than you?

…when it came to subjects outside of his expertise?

That is the question. I ask it because, in the aftermath of Stephen Hawking’s death, I’ve seen several news articles about alarmist predictions he made towards the end of his life. This article is actually one of the less sensational ones I read:

Stephen Hawking was literally a genius and one of the world’s greatest minds, but his education and professional expertise were in theoretical physics and cosmology (the study of how our universe was created and how it evolved). Moreover, his most important contributions pertained to black holes, an interesting yet extremely esoteric subject. Put simply, though Stephen Hawking was unquestionably brilliant, his brilliance was narrowly focused and didn’t equip him to make pronouncements about topics like global warming and killer robots. While everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, I disliked how Hawking’s opinions always carried special weight and attracted public attention, even when those opinions were about things far outside his expertise.

As I said in my past blog entry Rules for good futurism, predictions always be analyzed systematically, and the first step in the analysis is to ensure that the person who made the prediction actually has relevant academic or professional credentials. In several instances, Hawking failed this basic test.


In 2017, he predicted:

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump’s [decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement] could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid.”

Stephen Hawking had no education in climatology and contributed nothing to the field. Moreover, his words suggest that he may not even have understood the Paris Climate Agreement, which has been criticized as weak to the point of being almost meaningless (countries can make up whatever pollution goals they want–including goals to increase their emissions–and there’s no punishment for failing to meet them). To that end, consider that even though President Trump effectively withdrew the U.S. from the Agreement in mid-2017, U.S. carbon emissions for that year still fell, whereas China–one of the Agreement’s signatories–saw its carbon emissions grow. Both of those trends are continuing well into 2018.

Hawking’s gloomy vision of a Venus-like future Earth is also unsupported by reputable climate models. Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) most extreme estimates of future global warming fall well below 250 degrees (Celsius or Fahrenheit), and there is still considerable doubt over whether the catastrophic climate “tipping points” Hawking appears to be referencing exist, and if so, whether we are nearing any of them. Finally, Venus’ sulfuric acid rain was caused by volcanic activity, and not by global warming. Even if the Earth gets much hotter in the future, that won’t make volcanoes erupt more.

Stephen Hawking also made predictions about intelligent aliens in 2010:

“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans…We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.”

Though Stephen Hawking spent his life studying “space stuff” like black holes and the expansion of the universe, that left him scarcely better-equipped than an average person to speculate about aliens. While it’s possible that advanced aliens could come here with hostile intent, his apparent certainty in this outcome–made clear through his use of the definite “would be”–is unsupported by any facts. We have no clue what advanced aliens would be like, so we can’t even assign gross probabilities to how they would behave towards us (hostile, helpful, indifferent).

While I agree with Hawking that we should err on the side of caution and minimize humanity’s “leakage” of radio signals into space to hide from any hostile aliens that might be listening, I think it’s very important to realize that this is just a prudent course of action any person would settle upon if they thought hard about the problem. Stephen Hawking’s superior intellect did not let him go any farther, and the insight didn’t become any more valid once he made it known he shared it. To be clear, Hawking was not the first to advocate such a cautious course of action: three years before his aforementioned prediction, an American diplomat and science writer named “Michael Michaud” said the same thing in his book Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials. I suspect the idea actually predates Michaud by many years, but I didn’t have enough time to research its origins further.

In 2014, Hawking also shared thoughts about home-grown threats to humanity, in the form of hostile A.I.:

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race…It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

Again, Stephen Hawking’s prediction is nothing new, nor does he appear credentialed to speak on this matter with real authority. The idea of a robot uprising destroying the human race dates back to the famous 1920 Czech play Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum’s Universal Robots), the theory that intelligent machines could enter a cycle of runaway self-improvement was first postulated by the British mathematician I.J. Good in 1965, and the observation that computers are getting smarter at a faster rate than humans are should be obvious to anyone who compares their cell phone to the one they had ten years ago. There’s nothing insightful about Hawking restating a few, closely related ideas that have been embedded in the popular consciousness in one way or another for decades (mostly thanks to science fiction films).

And even though Stephen Hawking famously used computers and a robotic wheelchair to overcome his speech- and motor impairments, he had no experience working on artificial intelligence, which is a sub-field of computer science (his education was instead in physics and math). Similarly, I depend on my car for daily transportation and am proficient at using it, but that doesn’t mean I know anything about automotive engineering.

And in 2016, he issued this dire (depending on your time horizon I guess) warning:

“I don’t think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet…Although the chance of a disaster to planet Earth in a given year may be quite low, it adds up over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next thousand or ten thousand years. By that time we should have spread out into space, and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.”

From past comments, it’s likely Hawking saw extreme climate change, nuclear or biological war, alien invasion, hostile A.I. uprising, and extinction-level natural events like asteroid impacts as the potential causes of that epic “disaster,” but he never explained how he calculated that one or more of them would happen for sure by his 1,000 to 10,000 year deadline, meaning his prediction runs afoul of another step in my analysis: “Be skeptical of predictions that are unsupported by independently verifiable data.” In truth, the probabilities of any of those misfortunes happening are unknown, making a future risk assessment impossible. For example, it’s entirely likely that a planet- or even continent-killing asteroid isn’t on course to hit Earth for another 20,000 years, by which time we’ll have space weapons that can easily deflect it.

In closing, Stephen Hawking’s discoveries in theoretical physics and cosmology changed our view of the universe itself, but his doomsday predictions added nothing new. Let me be clear: I didn’t write this to denigrate Hawking or to make myself sound smarter than he was, but rather, I wrote it as a reminder that no one knows everything, and future predictions should always be carefully scrutinized, regardless of how famous, smart, or seemingly benevolent the person making them may be. As a scientist, I think he would have actually appreciated these precepts, even if they worked against him in the handful of instances I’ve highlighted.



Bing predicted the 2018 Oscars with high accuracy

Microsoft’s “Bing Predicts” algorithm correctly guessed 21 out of 24 Academy Award winners this year, making it as accurate as the best human experts and more accurate than guesses obtained from polls of thousands of human non-experts.

Wikipedia describes Bing Predicts as “a prediction engine developed by Microsoft that uses machine learning from data on trending social media topics (and sentiment towards those topics), along with trending searches on Bing. It predicts the outcomes of political elections, popular reality shows, and major sporting events.”

Bing Predicts did better than 29 out of 30 professional film critics who posted their 2018 Oscar guesses on the prediction website The highest-performing human expert, sports host and film critic Adnan Virk, tied Bing Predicts by correctly guessing 21 of the Award winners.

Moreover, Bing Predicts’ accuracy rate of 87.5% (21/24) surpassed the 85.7% accuracy rate (6/7) derived from a large survey of human non-experts. New Scientist magazine conducted the survey to test the value of the “wisdom of the crowd” for predicting future events, and over 6,000 people participated.

Bing Predicts’ accuracy has been high for previous Academy Awards, though this year was one of its best:

  • 2017 Oscars: 17/24
  • 2016 Oscars: 17/24
  • 2015 Oscars: 20/24
  • 2014 Oscars: 21/24

Bing also excels at predicting outcomes of elections, sports games, and other major competitions. A few examples include:

  • Bing Predicts made nearly perfect guesses about the outcomes of soccer matches at the 2014 World Cup.
  • Bing Predicts correctly guessed Scotland would vote to stay in the U.K. in the 2014 referendum
  • Bing Predicts guessed the outcomes of the U.S. 2014 Midterm elections with 95% accuracy.

I have to wonder, if machines continue improving their powers of prediction and their intelligence, will they someday suck the fun, risk and mystery out of every aspect of life?

For example, what would be the fun in watching sports if the outcome of every event were known with 99% certainty beforehand? How would our lives change if AIs constantly calculated and told us of the odds of success for every action–big (career choice or marriage) or small (where to eat lunch)–that we were contemplating? Taken to an even greater extreme, what would it be like if machines intervened to prevent us from making self-destructive or even just sub-optimal choices, and always impelled us towards the safe course of action?

As constraining and un-free as such a future might sound, what if it were demonstrably superior in terms of allocating human labor, and achieving some optimal balance between maximized productivity, maximized average happiness, and minimization of extreme human suffering? It would certainly be in keeping with the long-running historical trend for things overall to improve with time, while narrower aspects of life (such as overcrowding or certain types of pollution) worsen.




Roundup of interesting internet articles, February 2018 edition

A recent meta-analysis that “proved” antidepressants work was grossly overhyped by the media.

The media has also be grossly misrepresenting medical progress towards treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Sometimes, the hype-ready headlines are made up by the scientists BEFORE being passed on to the media.

An Ivy-league scientist deliberately dressed up shoddy scientific papers about dietetics to attract publicity.

“These observations suggest that despite the overall ability of reviewers to discriminate between extremely strong grant applications and the remainder, they have limited ability to accurately predict future productivity of meritorious applications in the range relevant to current paylines.”

Fake Science Paper About ‘Star Trek’ and Warp 10 Was Accepted by ‘Predatory Journals’

Fake professors working at a fake college where they run a fake scientific journal:

Generally speaking, the scientific literature about the health effects of specific foods is so self-contradictory and poorly done that it might as well be ignored.

What IS known for sure is that 1) being overweight damages one’s health, 2) eating too many calories contributes more to obesity than lack of exercise, and 3) Americans are getting fatter over time.

Simple, absolute changes to one’s diet (e.g. “I will never drink sodas, never go to all you can eat buffets, and will only eat whole grain breads”) are the most effective for weight loss.

The (short) list of nutritional supplements that doctors actually recommend people take and have scientifically proven benefits.

“Biohacking” is bunk.

More on that.

A brain implant improved memory in lab tests. All the test subjects were epileptics. It’s possible the implants could boost the memories of people with normal brains.

Superhuman abilities aren’t always beneficial: Having a hyper-acute sense of smell is hellish.

But the benefits of superior intellect are clear: Long-term studies of people in the top 1% of math ability suggest that there is no known “ceiling” to IQ, and that the benefits of IQ never plateau: All other things being equal, a person with an IQ of 200 should be able to do more complex cognitive tasks, and is likelier to have a better job and more money, than someone with an IQ of 180.

Human IQ is heritable, but also tends to regress towards the population mean of 100 across generations (see the “Your Kids and Regression” slide). This means two parents with IQs of 80 are likely to have children that are smarter, and two parents with IQs of 120 are likely to have children that are dumber.

‘According to the political scientist Charles Murray, meritocracy inevitably leads to a genetically-based caste system. Why? Because the traits selected for by the meritocratic sorting principle are genetically-based and, as such, likely to be passed on from parents to their children. Genetic variation means some highly able children will be born to people of average and below average intelligence, but the children of the meritocratic elite will, in aggregate, always have a competitive advantage and over several generations that leads to social ossification.’

Among females, educational achievement and fertility are negatively correlated, but the long-term effects on the human genepool could be minimal, and the correlation’s directionality could change in the future.

Agreeableness is a heritable personality trait, and it influences one’s odds of divorce (which in turn partly determines income, since couples share money).

DNA-based scores are getting better at predicting intelligence, risks for common diseases, and more.

An evolutionary “top 1%er.”

An evolutionary “top 0.001er.” (It makes clones of itself instead of diluting its genome by reproducing with the other sex.)

Two of Barbra Streisand’s dogs are clones of one of her dogs that died last year.

I saw this episode of Black Mirror last night. It’s completely right that killer robots will probably be small (though not necessarily dog-like), expendable, and able to function in spite of massive damage. The only inconsistencies in the depiction are:
1) The robot would have called for backup early on.
2) There would have been flying robots that could have zapped the woman out of the tree. Modern militaries don’t do it all with one type of weapon, and neither will future militaries made of robots.

It’s useful to think of future aerial drones as slow-flying, self-guided missiles.

The McKinsey Group predicts the U.S. economy will soon return to the high productivity growth rates it last experienced in the 1990s, thanks to the rollout/growth of several new technologies we keep hearing about, including autonomous vehicles.

‘The robotaxis will be cars that last for 2 million miles and have lower operating costs. The interior seats will occasionally be swapped out or reupholstered. There will be no performance competition.’

Quantum computers could vastly accelerate research in chemistry and materials science.

A reminder that every exponential growth curve eventually flattens out.

The first iSlave has already been born.
‘The wristbands also feature an ultrasonic unit that’s used to track where the worker is in relation to any particular inventory bin. If their hands are moving to the wrong item, the bracelet will buzz.’

Amazon should combine the wristwatches with the “Jennifer Unit.” And then they should start calling their workers “Borg drones.” (And come to think of it, Amazon warehouses are giant cubes)

Hitler’s mistakes led directly to defeat at the Battle of Kursk.

It’s said that WWII played a major role in strengthening our sense of shared national identity because millions of Americans went through the homogenizing institution that was the U.S. military. But look at what happened to Yugoslavia when when it conscripted its citizens into regional militias dominated by different ethic groups.

While America has largely come to grips over its acts of brutality during the Vietnam War, Vietnam’s communists still cover up their much worse record of wartime atrocities. None of them were brought to justice after the War.

Armored vehicles can only fit on cargo planes if the vehicles are small and light. To be small and light, armor must be sacrificed. Thin armor means the vehicles are easy to blow up in combat. The U.S. Army will never wish away this basic, physical reality.

Diplomatic “end user agreements” partly (or wholly) explain why Turkey and Iraq both have tank fleets consisting of high-tech and low-tech vehicles.

On the night of February 7-8, about 500 Russian mercenaries ignored repeated warnings from the U.S. military, and attacked an oil refinery in Syria that was held by American forces and American-friendly Syrian rebels. At least 100 and perhaps over 200 Russians died in the one-sided battle, in which they were torn apart by highly accurate U.S. artillery and ground attack aircraft and then ran away. The Kremlin has comically downplayed the scope of the defeat. 

…and in totally unrelated news, Russia dispatched two of its stealth fighters to Syria two weeks later.

The U.S. military’s plans to arm ships with nuclear cruise missiles is so potentially destablizing to international security that it might just be a bluff meant to pressure Russia into abandoning its own nuclear weapon improvement efforts.

The scientific evidence for the “nuclear winter” theory is surprisingly weak, and may have been clandestinely encouraged by the USSR in the 1980s to strengthen anti-nuclear activists in the West.

‘This major upgrade is part of a series of upgrades—which include a new digital countermeasures suite, infrared search and track system, new cockpit, among other enhancements—that are slated to allow the F-15C/D fleet to soldier on till 2040 AND POSSIBLY BEYOND. The aircraft that receive these upgrades are called “Golden Eagles.”‘

Here’s an interesting argument that America’s costly aircraft carriers would be useless in a war with an advanced enemy (China or Russia), and are just expensive tools for beating up weak countries.

China’s fearsome island bases in the South China Sea could all be destroyed on the first day of fighting with the U.S.

The U.S. Army is developing truck-mounted multiple launch missiles that can be used against enemy ships and ground targets. The Marine Corps might also buy them. They could be used against Russia in the Baltic or against China in the South China Sea.

Here’s a fascinating trove of declassified U.S. intelligence analyses of captured Soviet weapons. The recurring theme is that the Soviet scientists and engineers were about as smart as ours, but they had to make weapons that were less advanced and more conventional thanks to the inefficiencies and lagging technology of their factories. This philosophy led the Soviets to favor proven weapon designs and incremental upgrades to them. They preferred having an older, less efficient weapon they knew would work to having a higher-tech, more efficient weapon that hadn’t been put through its paces yet. The artificially low cost of factory labor in the USSR also manifested itself in some of their weapon components, which were obviously made by hand and to standards of precision that would be cost-prohibitive in the U.S.

The differences in design philosophies carry over to the present day: ‘A sociological truth has emerged from the international effort: American engineers are more likely to try to finesse a structure, to make it as lightweight and as efficient as possible, while Russians build things stout.’

The laws of optics establish inescapable tradeoffs between the size of a spy satellite and its photographic resolution. The size of a spy satellite, in turn, is capped by the sizes of our space rockets. Theoretically, a spy satellite that could read car license plates and discern human facial features from orbit could be built, but it would be massively expensive and an order of magnitude bigger than today’s biggest satellites.

BLAST FROM THE PAST! “China plans moon landing around 2017”


Our closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri, had a massive solar flare last year, which might have fried its planet, Proxima-b.

He makes a great point at the end: A particular star system might be completely unsuited for the rise of organic life, but could still be riddled with non-indigenous aliens that used technology to get there. This weakens the case for focusing SETI’s surveillance efforts on stars that seem to have the “right” conditions for organic life.

‘In short, I can see no reason why an iPhone in 2-3 years time couldn’t match the performance of today’s DSLRs for 99% of occasions.’

“Aesthetically, these [AI- taken] pictures aren’t masterworks. Emotionally, they’re on a higher plane.”

There’s no reason why biometric recognition software couldn’t be applied to many species of animals just as it is with humans. Pairing that software with a global surveillance network would yield highly accurate, real-time monitoring of wild species populations.

Fish are unevenly distributed across the world’s oceans.

“In 1942…the average dairy cow produced less than 5,000 pounds of milk in its lifetime. Now, the average cow produces over 21,000 pounds of milk.”

“As a result of high costs, Gordon-Smith said, several vertical farms in North America have failed in recent years.” 

“For the most sensitive pieces of equipment, work could only be done within a clean-room nested inside another, larger clean-room.”

It’s interesting that they’re able to film scenes indoors but make them look naturally lit. Exactly how far are we from 100% CGI films that look completely real? When will the characters be 100% CGI?

Review: “In Time”

“In Time” movie poster

Plot: (borrowed and modified from IMDB)

In a future Los Angeles society, people are genetically modified to stop aging at 25 and after that a biological clock is activated granting one more year of life to each person. Everyone has a digital clock on the inside of one of their forearms that displays how much remaining time they have (the display characters are bioluminescent and are visible through the skin), and people can trade time by shaking hands. Time that can be added to or subtracted from one’s personal biological clock is the new currency: Working-class people are paid extra hours of life in exchange for their labor, everyday goods and services are bought using time, and rich people make money off of businesses that loan time to borrowers. When a person’s time runs out, they instantly die of a heart attack. People can also die from physical injury.

The inside of a person’s forearm displays their remaining lifespan

Poorer people commonly live on the edge of survival, with less than 24 hours of time remaining on their biological clocks each day. Rich people can have eons of time, making them effectively immortal. The rich are completely parasitic upon the poor and there’s no evidence of a democratic government, social programs or human rights. Rich people control all of the businesses and use a combination of low wages, deliberate price inflation, usurious time lending companies, and police violence to keep the masses too poor to think about anything but clocking in to the widget factory to make enough time to not die that day. The rich also occasionally turn those screws tight enough to kill off poor people when the ghettos get overpopulated.

The ultra-stratified socioeconomic order is further cemented by legal housing segregation, with walls separating rich and poor neighborhoods, which are referred to as different “Time Zones” (this movie is full of “time”-related puns like that). Tolls to pass through the gates are set too high for the poor to afford it.

Toll booth at a Time Zone border crossing

In other words, this is liberal Hollywood’s vision of how the world works, taken to a comical extreme.

Justin Timberlake plays a typical wage slave named “Will Salas.” His dad is dead, he lives in a run-down apartment with his mom, and he works on a dreary factory assembly line. One day, he’s hanging out at a local bar when he meets a depressed and suicidal rich guy named “Henry Hamilton.” Timberlake saves him from getting robbed of his 100 years of time, and the two hide from the roving ghetto criminals in an abandoned building overnight. While waiting for daylight, they talk, and Henry Hamilton (who looks 25 years old like everyone else) reveals that he is 105 and sick of living. He also tells Timberlake–who apparently is uneducated and never questioned his bad lot in life–that society is setup in a fundamentally unfair way, and that there’s no reason why time can’t be distributed more evenly throughout the population.
Timberlake’s own life story and personality inspire Henry, so while Timberlake is asleep on the couch, Henry grabs his hand and transfers 100 years of time to him. Henry then jumps off a bridge.

Rather than indulge in a life of luxury for once, Timberlake’s fortunes nosedive immediately: After the police find Henry’s dead body and see surveillance camera footage of Timberlake in the area right after, they assume it was a murder-theft and Timberlake becomes a wanted man, with a stereotypical cold, obsessed detective (played by Cillian Murphy) leading a squad to chase him down. His first day as a rich guy gets worse after he donates 10 years of time to his best friend, who promptly uses it to drink himself to death at a bar, and then even worse that night when Timberlake’s mom runs out of time and dies a few seconds before he can grab her hand and do a time transfer.

A broken man with nothing to lose anymore and a new awareness of the exploitative structure of society, Timberlake sets out to take revenge on the evil rich people. Once he gets into the rich Time Zone, called “New Greenwich,” he sets his sights the tycoon “Philippe Weis,” who made a fortune from a chain of usurious time-lending businesses in the ghettos, and on his beautiful daughter Sylvia.

I won’t totally ruin the ending, but unsurprisingly for a simplistic movie like this, good beats evil and the underdog hero gets the girl at the end. Watch it or not. This is no Citizen Kane.

I thought In Time was a superficial movie that made me a little sick with its moralizing. Its deathism also made my eyes roll, with Timberlake and other characters spouting out epic-sounding lines like “No one should be immortal.” That bravado sounds great until you realize that the same rhetoric could be used to justify denying life saving medical technologies to dying people today. Like a fool who likes to watch boxing matches while yelling at the TV set that he could easily beat up one of the professional fighters, everyone is stoic and tough-talking about death until they have to face it, in which case 99% of people plead for God, weep like babies, and will use any technology to live just one more day. I expected nothing better from this film, but it disappointed me nonetheless.

Also, the movie should have been at least 20 minutes shorter. During the last half of it, I felt stuck in a time loop (pun intended) where Timberlake, Sylvia, and the police played an aimless and repetitive game of cat-and-mouse. The acting was “OK,” but there clearly wasn’t much of a budget since they used the same L.A. River stretch and film studio back lot for shooting most of the movie’s scenes.

A year isn’t given for the movie’s events, and I doubt the filmmakers intended for it to be an accurate depiction of the future (e.g. – humans are still working in factories and no attempt was made to put futuristic technology in the film, except electric cars), so it’s hard for me to gauge the film’s probable accuracy. This is social commentary about capitalism’s exploitation of the poor in the present day. However, let me do a calculation so we’ll have something to go on: I think medical immortality–which is a “close enough” stand-in for an end to aging once you hit 25–will exist in the year 2100. The character Henry Hamilton is 105, making him the oldest person in the movie that we know of. Making the assumption he was 25 in the year 2100 when the cure for aging was discovered, In Time is set in 2180.

For that year, In Time actually depicts the future accurately where it tries to.

Medical immortality will create a world full of young, beautiful people. All of the actors and extras look to be in their 20s and are physically attractive. There wasn’t one obese person in the whole movie. I agree that the overwhelming majority of humans alive in 2180 will look young and attractive thanks to technology.

Where are the ugly people?

Medical immortality, technologies that can halt or reverse the aging process, and advanced plastic surgery techniques should be commonly available by then. In addition, ordinary people will be the beneficiaries of several successive generations of human genetic engineering, meaning congenital health defects and even cosmetic imperfections (baldness, abnormally tall or short height, small breasts, etc.) will be almost entirely excised from the human gene pool. Prices for all of these things should also be very low thanks to patent expirations, free machine labor, and government reimbursement (e.g. – Medicaid pays for genetically engineering your children).

However, just as there are Amish people today, I think in 2180 there will be humans who eschew such technologies for various reasons, meaning there will still be some old-looking and ugly people. There very well could have been such people in the film universe, but they just weren’t shown because the movie only focused on what was happening to a relatively small group of people in Los Angeles.

I’d also imagine the already existing trend for people to generally become more courteous and respectful as they age would continue, even if their looks stayed youthful. The good manners displayed by the rich people in the movie are probably an accurate depiction of how people will act in the distant future, when the average person has over 100 years of life experiences, mistakes, relationships, and hard knocks.

Parents will look and act the same age as their kids. The “ageless” nature of society is hit home early in the movie when Timberlake is first shown in his apartment with a beautiful young woman he startlingly calls “Mom.” She’s actually in her 40s and Timberlake is 28. Even 105-year-old people like Henry Hamilton look to be in their 20s. This would definitely be the consequence of age-manipulation technologies, and in 2180, it will be common for parents, children, and even grandparents/children to look the same age.

Also, radical extensions to human lifespan will upend the natural familial and generational relationships between parents and offspring as the initial maturity and life experience advantages held by the parent get vanishingly small over time. For example, if you’re 10 and your mom is 40, she is definitely wiser than you. But what if you’re 110 and she’s 140? How much of an edge does her extra 30 years of life give her over you at that point? Could you have even caught up to or surpassed her if you spent your adult years being more active and doing more enriching things?

Once we end aging, we will invariably end up in a world where parents and children converge to the same physical and mental state in the long run. It’s likely we’ll come to think of our parents and children more like siblings.

At least two generations of the same family are shown here.

Also, the film highlights a funny consequence of this in a scene where the bad guy tycoon Philippe Weis is at a fancy party with three young beautiful woman at his side, and Timberlake can’t tell at first glance how they’re related to him (Mother? Wife? Daughter? Granddaughter?), which complicates his strategy for approaching them. I actually don’t think this will be a problem in 2180 because humans will have cybernetic enhancements that will automatically scan and identify the people around them.

Eternal life might make people more risk-averse. When Timberlake goes to New Greenwich, he falls in love with Philippe Weis’ daughter, Sylvia. She’s a fusion of the classic Hollywood “forbidden fruit” and “rebellious princess” tropes, and waxes about her boredom with rich life and her uninformed belief that the poor get more out of life since they’re always on the verge of running out of time and dying. To show what a romantic badass he is, Timberlake dares her to go swimming in the ocean at night, which she initially refuses to do because she’s been conditioned to avoid dangerous activities. Medical immortality will indeed make people more risk-averse since they’ll have more to lose in a sense, but I doubt it will get so bad the people won’t want to do common things like swim in the ocean anymore.

By 2180, our bodies and the world around us will be infused with intelligent technology, which will go a long way towards mitigating risks to human life. An average human in that year will probably have cybernetic implants and wearable devices that continuously monitor their environment, calculate risk probabilities, and warn them of unsafe conditions or bad decisions they seem to be contemplating. There will also be robots everywhere that can rescue humans or render medical aid. This might get the point where every human has to be followed around by a helper robot and/or can have their actions canceled out by remote signals sent to their cybernetic implants (think of a technological nanny state where the government can make you instantly pass out if you start acting stupid). Given all the safeguards that will be in place, humans might be able to take more “risks” each day than you might think.

By 2180, humans might also make periodic “backups” of their minds using some kind of brain scanning technology. AIs will definitely back themselves up constantly, along with taking other measures to protect their lives, like distributing their consciousness among many different servers in different locations, which each server heavily protected against physical attack and computer viruses. Even if one server were destroyed, a duplicate could be instantly created and added to the network using a backup of the destroyed server’s data. By the same token, if one of your brain cells dies, your remaining brain cells can quickly do some neural re-wiring to compensate, and your consciousness does not die.

People will be able to transfer things by holding hands. In the movie, people can trade time by holding hands. As one person’s time decreases, the other person’s increases by the same amount, and their forearm digital clocks rapidly change to reflect this. I think by 2180, it will be common for humans to have cybernetic implants, organs, and body parts, and those artificial systems  will allow people to transfer electricity, data, nanomachines, and maybe their thoughts and feelings through physical contact (just imagine all humans having the equivalent of a USB plug built into the palms of their hands). Wireless transmission of data and maybe even electricity will also be possible.

In a way, it might be possible to transfer “life” to a dying person in the future by holding their hand and transferring electricity to recharge their batteries, nanomachines to repair their tissue damage, or data to fix some malfunction in their computer implants.

There will still be poor people and human factory workers. Absolutely not. The poorest person in 2180 will have a much better life in most ways than the richest person today, mostly thanks to better technology. Wealth and income disparities could still exist, and purely biological humans will probably find themselves in the lowest socioeconomic stratum, but poverty as we know it will be a distant memory. Factories will also be completely automated.

Roundup of interesting internet articles, January 2018 edition

Career chemist sees no reason why chemical synthesis can’t be automated with current levels of technology. This may or may not

Alternate headline: “Humans can’t beat a simple computer program at predicting crimes.”

Microsoft’s CEO says that quantum computing will be an indispensable component of AI.

The “Nuro” is a Smart Car-sized, remote-piloted delivery vehicle. I think something like this will prove cheaper and more practical than flying drones for autonomous deliveries of cargo.

This is one of those future concepts that I think will 50% completely fail and 50% succeed–albeit taking a different form than the author imagines.

1997 NYT article: When a computer masters the game of Go, “it will be a sign that artificial intelligence is truly beginning to become as good as the real thing,” but don’t worry since “It may be a hundred years before a computer beats humans at Go — maybe even longer.” [It happened in 2016.]

In the 20 years since Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov, the Elo scores of the best human chess players have barely improved, whereas machines have gotten vastly better: today’s best player, Magnus Carlsen, has a score of 2834, and the best computer chess programs are in the 3400s.

‘Once developed, [killer robots] will permit armed conflict to be fought at a scale greater than ever, and at timescales faster than humans can comprehend.’

Just five years after Google’s neural network taught itself to recognize cat faces, the company thinks machines are ready to recognize 5,000 species of plants and animals. How many species could you correctly identify from photos?

An article about how AIs will replace human workers slowly, and for the foreseeable future, will not destroy more human jobs than they create.

One of the clearer descriptions of what a blockchain is.

A fascinating description of how a blockchain-based replacement for Uber might work:

Did someone say…”Predictions”?

On the 50th anniversary of the Tet Offensive, it’s worth looking back at the weapons of the Vietnam War, and considering the handful of them that are still not obsolete (most notably, the AK-47 rifle).

Forty-five years after the end of the Vietnam War, the U.S. is selling warships to its former enemy.

Iraq plans to slap on some upgrades to keep their junker T-55 and Type 69 tanks running. The Type 69 is a Chinese copy of the Soviet T-62, which was an evolutionary upgrade of the T-55, which was an evolutionary upgrade of the T-54. If countries like Iraq keep cheapskating their militaries, will we someday have robot crews driving around 100-year-old tanks?

This clunker was commissioned in 1970 and will probably stay in service until 2039.

The first Cash for Clunkers program

Swarms of small, cheap, semi-intelligent drones will probably dominate future warfare. The WWII-era “Bat Bomb” concept could make a comeback.

BAE is building microwave weapons that can fry the electronics of enemy planes, ships, and drones at close range. It might be an effective defense against swarms of small, cheap, semi-intelligent drones.

India’s aircraft carriers are vanity projects that will have little use in any all-out war with the most likely enemy, Pakistan.

Nuclear depth charges were a thing: a 30 kiloton underwater detonation (this is a below-average yield tactical nuke) sank dummy subs out to a radius of 1 mile.

“The rule of thumb is that vertical takeoff and landing means a 50% reduction in payload.”

In spite of the recent saber-rattling and improvements to North Korea’s nuclear missiles, a second Korean War is highly unlikely.

Bill Gates and Steven Pinker agree that the state of humankind is continuing to improve, but only seems to be getting worse thanks to information technology and to an increasing williness of long-marginalized people to speak out, making us hyper-aware of what problems remain.

Another step towards fleets of cheap, autonomous ships for oceanic and climate monitoring. In time, they would have even more uses.

Someone has been photoshopping faces of female celebrities onto nude performers in porn videos. This is only the beginning: It’s only a matter of time before computers can easily make highly accurate, 3-D models of people just by looking at photos and video footage of them. As an intermediate step, the data could be used to find porn stars whose body types best matched each celebrity’s and to digitally graft the celebrity’s face onto each nude doppelganger, but ultimately, it will be possible to make fully lifelike, CGI porn movies starring any person.

“Average” is beautiful: “Facial averageness” is considered beautiful.

Chinese geneticists have cloned monkeys, but the failure rate was extremely high: Out of 79 clone embryos they created and implanted into female monkeys, only two were born healthy. All the rest either spontaneously aborted or died shortly after being born. The technique or a slight modification of it could probably be used to clone humans.

In the early 1800s, Iceland got its first non-white immigrant: a half black, half white man named “Hans Jonathan.” He had two kids with a white woman, and today, his DNA is found in 788 Icelanders. By sequencing the genomes of 182 of these descendants and cross-referencing them, geneticists were able to reconstruct 19% of Hans’ genome. The task was made easy by the fact that African DNA easily stood out, and by Iceland’s highly detailed genealogical records, but in principle, the same method could be used to reconstruct any ancestor’s DNA. With advanced enough technology, we could make “clones” of long-dead people.

Genealogy is kind of meaningless since ultimately, we all share the same ancestors and are from the same place. Stopping your research at one point in the past is an arbitrary choice, and having an ancestor that was famous or royal doesn’t make you special.

Identical twins also share the same epigenetics.

Using frozen human embryos for IVF is just as likely to succeed as using fresh embryos.

Baseline, subjective happiness level is also highly heritable, which raises the prospect of genetically engineering humans to be happier.

More on that: Brain damage and surgical removals of parts of the brain can improve people’s personalities. I wonder if it will be common for people in the future to get brain surgeries that make them happier or nicer.

Scientists have developed tiny needles that can inject drugs into the brain. Targeted injection sites can be as small as 1 sq mm.

The amino acids and three-unit codons that form the basis of all genetics might be optimally evolved in form and function. Whenever we find organic alien life, its DNA will look and work almost identically to our own. There is, however, a small chance that a clean-sheet genome consisting of more types of amino acids and longer codons might be superior, but there’s no plausible way natural selection could bring it about (we have settled into a local optimum when the global optimum still lurks far off). Ultimately, optimizing biological life forms from the molecular level up is probably a task that only intelligent machines will be able to do in the distant future. All multicellular life forms are so finely-tuned to use the existing genetic alphabet that testing the hypothesis by changing things at the margins probably impossible.

Is human wealth inequality just a manifestation of broad resource- and genetic-dominance inequality observed in any group of organisms?

Reality check on a “revolutionary new cancer test” that the media massively overhyped. More health information isn’t always better thanks to the risk of false positives.

Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime provide extraordinarily cheap entertainment. Never in human history has it been easier for people to occupy themselves.

More on that:

Fallout 3 is a very highly rated game, takes 23-130 hours to complete, and can be bought for only $5. That averages out to…basically free.

Stephen Spielberg thinks “Ready Player One” is an accurate representation of the future…everyone is unemployed and spends their lives playing virtual reality games.

Rollable TV screens will become mainstream once rigid screens get too big to fit through standard-sized entry doors. I think rollable, 8K resolution TVs that cover entire walls should become common in the 2030s.

Google Glass may have failed, but I’ve always thought augmented reality (AR) glasses were a worthy tech concept that would return in an improved form. The “Vuzix Blade,” which reviewers have described as being an improved version of Google Glass that also makes use of the Alexa voice-activated AI assistant, could herald that return.

I really like the prediction about the future “on-demand economy.” Someone puts out a gig announcement, and AIs instantly figure out which human can do the gig the best, and they notify the person. If robots are constantly telling you to do one gig after another, it will kind of add up to something like a job.


It’s been one month since the NYT front page article exposing the existence of a secret U.S. government program to study UFOs appeared, and the government has still made NO ATTEMPT to deny its claims.

Guillermo del Toro saw a UFO: ‘The UFO, says del Toro, “Went from 1,000 meters away [to much closer] in less than a second — and it was so crappy. It was a flying saucer, so clichéd, with lights [blinking]. It’s so sad: I wish I could reveal they’re not what you think they are. They are what you think they are. And the fear we felt was so primal. I have never been that scared in my life.’

A critic breaks down all of the reasons why the Star Wars First Order’s space ships make no design sense. I agree that advanced space ships won’t really have “top” and “bottom” parts, but they could still be asymmetrical.

The $30 million XPrize award for the first company that landed a private rover on the Moon will go unclaimed.

It’s possible the recent SpaceX rocket launch was actually successful, but the military satellite they put in orbit is so secret that they had to claim it crashed and the mission failed.

Diesel car engines have been unfairly villified by the Volkswagen emissions scandal.


If New York’s government can sue oil companies for making global warming worse, than can someone else sue New York’s government for shutting down its nuclear power plants, which also made global warming worse?

An argument against “geoengineering” turned on its head: Whale feces contains high levels of iron, iron dumped in seawater causes plankton blooms, and plankton blooms sequester CO2. Whale populations are about 70% lower now thanks to human predation than they were in pre-Industrial times. If we dumped iron powder in the oceans, we’d be restoring the natural carbon sequestration mechanism of the ocean rather than doing something unnatural.



Transhumanists are overwhelmingly likely to be the oldest children in their families.