How Ray Kurzweil’s 2019 predictions are faring (pt 4)

This is the fourth…and LAST…entry in my series of blog posts analyzing the accuracy of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions about what things would be like in 2019. These predictions come from his 1998 book The Age of Spiritual Machines. You can view the previous installments of this series here:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

“An undercurrent of concern is developing with regard to the influence of machine intelligence. There continue to be differences between human and machine intelligence, but the advantages of human intelligence are becoming more difficult to identify and articulate. Computer intelligence is thoroughly interwoven into the mechanisms of civilization and is designed to be outwardly subservient to apparent human control. On the one hand, human transactions and decisions require by law a human agent of responsibility, even if fully initiated by machine intelligence. On the other hand, few decisions are made without significant involvement and consultation with machine-based intelligence.”


Technological advances have moved concerns over the influence of machine intelligence to the fore in developed countries. In many domains of skill previously considered hallmarks of intelligent thinking, such as driving vehicles, recognizing images and faces, analyzing data, writing short documents, and even diagnosing diseases, machines had achieved human levels of performance by the end of 2019. And in a few niche tasks, such as playing Go, chess, or poker, machines were superhuman. Eroded human dominance in these and other fields did indeed force philosophers and scientists to grapple with the meaning of “intelligence” and “creativity,” and made it harder yet more important to define how human thinking was still special and useful.

While the prospect of artificial general intelligence was still viewed with skepticism, there was no real doubt among experts and laypeople in 2019 that task-specific AIs and robots would continue improving, and without any clear upper limit to their performance. This made technological unemployment and the solutions for it frequent topics of public discussion across the developed world. In 2019, one of the candidates for the upcoming U.S. Presidential election, Andrew Yang, even made these issues central to his political platform.

If “algorithms” is another name for “computer intelligence” in the prediction’s text, then yes, it is woven into the mechanisms of civilization and is ostensibly under human control, but in fact drives human thinking and behavior. To the latter point, great alarm has been raised over how algorithms used by social media companies and advertisers affect sociopolitical beliefs (particularly, conspiracy thinking and closedmindedness), spending decisions, and mental health.

Human transactions and decisions still require a “human agent of responsibility”: Autonomous cars aren’t allowed to drive unless a human is in the driver’s seat, human beings ultimately own and trade (or authorize the trading of) all assets, and no military lets its autonomous fighting machines kill people without orders from a human. The only part of the prediction that seems wrong is the last sentence. Probably most decisions that humans make are done without consulting a “machine-based intelligence.” Consider that most daily purchases (e.g. – where to go for lunch, where to get gas, whether and how to pay a utility bill) involve little thought or analysis. A frighteningly large share of investment choices are also made instinctively, with benefit of little or no research. However, it should be noted that one area of human decision-making, dating, has become much more data-driven, and it was common in 2019 for people to use sorting algorithms, personality test results, and other filters to choose potential mates.

“Public and private spaces are routinely monitored by machine intelligence to prevent interpersonal violence.”


Gunfire detection systems, which are comprised of networks of microphones emplaced across an area and which use machine intelligence to recognize the sounds of gunshots and to triangulate their origins, were emplaced in over 100 cities at the end of 2019. The dominant company in this niche industry, “ShotSpotter,” used human analysts to review its systems’ results before forwarding alerts to local police departments, so the systems were not truly automated, but nonetheless they made heavy use of machine intelligence.

Automated license plate reader cameras, which are commonly mounted next to roads or on police cars, also use machine intelligence and are widespread. The technology has definitely reduced violent crime, as it has allowed police to track down stolen vehicles and cars belonging to violent criminals faster than would have otherwise been possible.

In some countries, surveillance cameras with facial recognition technology monitor many public spaces. The cameras compare the people they see to mugshots of criminals, and alert the local police whenever a wanted person is seen. China is probably the world leader in facial recognition surveillance, and in a famous 2018 case, it used the technology to find one criminal among 60,000 people who attended a concert in Nanchang.

At the end of 2019, several organizations were researching ways to use machine learning for real-time recognition of violent behavior in surveillance camera feeds, but the systems were not accurate enough for commercial use.

“People attempt to protect their privacy with near-unbreakable encryption technologies, but privacy continues to be a major political and social issue with each individual’s practically every move stored in a database somewhere.”


In 2013, National Security Agency (NSA) analyst Edward Snowden leaked a massive number of secret documents, revealing the true extent of his employer’s global electronic surveillance. The world was shocked to learn that the NSA was routinely tracking the locations and cell phone call traffic of millions of people, and gathering enormous volumes of data from personal emails, internet browsing histories, and other electronic communications by forcing private telecom and internet companies (e.g. – Verizon, Google, Apple) to let it secretly search through their databases. Together with British intelligence, the NSA has the tools to spy on the electronic devices and internet usage of almost anyone on Earth.

Edward Snowden

Snowden also revealed that the NSA unsurprisingly had sophisticated means for cracking encrypted communications, which it routinely deployed against people it was spying on, but that even its capabilities had limits. Because some commercially available encryption tools were too time-consuming or too technically challenging to crack, the NSA secretly pressured software companies and computing hardware manufacturers to install “backdoors” in their products, which would allow the Agency to bypass any encryption their owners implemented.

During the 2010s, big tech titans like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple also came under major scrutiny for quietly gathering vast amounts of personal data from their users, and reselling it to third parties to make hundreds of billions of dollars. The decade also saw many epic thefts of sensitive personal data from corporate and government databases, affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

With these events in mind, it’s quite true that concerns over digital privacy and confidentiality of personal data have become “major political and social issues,” and that there’s growing displeasure at the fact that “each individual’s practically every move stored in a database somewhere.” The response has been strongest in the European Union, which, in 2018, enacted the most stringent and impactful law to protect the digital rights of individuals–the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR).

Widespread awareness of secret government surveillance programs and of the risk of personal electronic messages being made public thanks to hacks have also bolstered interest in commercial encryption. “Whatsapp” is a common text messaging app with built-in end-to-end encryption. It was invented in 2016 and had 1.5 billion users by 2019. “Tor” is a web browser with built-in encryption that became relatively common during the 2010s after it was learned even the NSA couldn’t spy on people who used it. Additionally, virtual private networks (VPNs), which provide an intermediate level of data privacy protection for little expense and hassle, are in common use.

“The existence of the human underclass continues as an issue. While there is sufficient prosperity to provide basic necessities (secure housing and food, among others) without significant strain to the economy, old controversies persist regarding issues of responsibility and opportunity.”


It’s unclear whether this prediction pertained to the U.S., to rich countries in aggregate, or to the world as a whole, and “underclass” is not defined, so we can’t say whether it refers only to desperately poor people who are literally starving, or to people who are better off than that but still under major daily stress due to lack of money. Whatever the case, by any reasonable definition, there is an “underclass” of people in almost every country.

In the U.S. and other rich countries, welfare states provide even the poorest people with access to housing, food, and other needs, though there are still those who go without because severe mental illness and/or drug addiction keep them stuck in homeless lifestyles and render them too behaviorally disorganized to apply for government help or to be admitted into free group housing. Some people also live in destitution in rich countries because they are illegal immigrants or fugitives with arrest warrants, and contacting the authorities for welfare assistance would lead to their detection and imprisonment. Political controversy over the causes of and solutions to extreme poverty continues to rage in rich countries, and the fault line usually is about “responsibility” and “opportunity.”

The fact that poor people are likelier to be obese in most OECD countries and that starvation is practically nonexistent there shows that the market, state, and private charity have collectively met the caloric needs of even the poorest people in the rich world, and without straining national economies enough to halt growth. Indeed, across the world writ large, obesity-related health problems have become much more common and more expensive than problems caused by malnutrition. The human race is not financially struggling to feed itself, and would derive net economic benefits from reallocating calories from obese people to people living in the remaining pockets of land (such as war-torn Syria) where malnutrition is still a problem.

There’s also a growing body of evidence from the U.S. and Canada that providing free apartments to homeless people (the “housing first” strategy) might actually save taxpayer money, since removing those people from unsafe and unhealthy street lifestyles would make them less likely to need expensive emergency services and hospitalizations. The issue needs to be studied in further depth before we can reach a firm conclusion, but it’s probably the case that rich countries could give free, basic housing to their homeless without significant additional strain to their economies once the aforementioned types of savings to other government services are accounted for.

“This issue is complicated by the growing component of most employment’s being concerned with the employee’s own learning and skill acquisition. In other words, the difference between those ‘productively’ engaged and those who are not is not always clear.”


As I said in part 2 of this review, Kurzweil’s prediction that people in 2019 would be spending most of their time at work acquiring new skills and knowledge to keep up with new technologies was wrong. The vast majority of people have predictable jobs where they do the same sets of tasks over and over. On-the-job training and mandatory refresher training is very common, but most workers devote small shares of their time to them, and the fraction of time spent doing workplace training doesn’t seem significantly different from what it was when the book was published.

From years of personal experience working in large organizations, I can say that it’s common for people to take workplace training courses or work-sponsored night classes (either voluntarily or because their organizations require it) that provide few or no skills or items of knowledge that are relevant to their jobs. Employees who are undergoing these non-value-added training programs have the superficial appearance of being “productively engaged” even if the effort is really a waste, or so inefficient that the training course could have been 90% shorter if taught better. But again, this doesn’t seem different from how things were in past decades.

This means the prediction was partly right, but also of questionable significance in the first place.

“Virtual artists in all of the arts are emerging and are taken seriously. These cybernetic visual artists, musicians, and authors are usually affiliated with humans or organizations (which in turn are comprised of collaborations of humans and machines) that have contributed to their knowledge base and techniques. However, interest in the output of these creative machines has gone beyond the mere novelty of machines being creative.”


The “Deep Dream” computer program made this surrealist portrait.

In 2019, computers could indeed produce paintings, songs, and poetry with human levels of artistry and skill. For example, Google’s “Deep Dream” program is a neural network that can transform almost any image into something resembling a surrealist painting. Deep Dream’s products captured international media attention for how striking, and in many cases, disturbing, they looked.

“Portrait of Edmond de Belamy”

In 2018, a different computer program produced a painting–“Portrait of Edmond de Belamy”–that fetched a record-breaking $423,500 at an art auction. The program was a generative adversarial network (GAN) designed and operated by a small team of people who described themselves as “a collective of researchers, artists, and friends, working with the latest models of deep learning to explore the creative potential of artificial intelligence.” That seems to fulfill the second part of the prediction (“These cybernetic visual artists, musicians, and authors are usually affiliated with humans or organizations (which in turn are comprised of collaborations of humans and machines) that have contributed to their knowledge base and techniques.”)

Machines are also respectable songwriters, and are able to produce original songs based on the styles of human artists. For example, a computer program called “EMMY” (an acronym for “Experiments in Musical Intelligence”) is able to make instrumental musical scores that accurately mimic those of famous human musicians, like Bach and Mozart (fittingly, Ray Kurzweil made a simpler computer program that did essentially the same thing when he was a teenager). Listen to a few of the songs and judge their quality for yourself:

Computer scientists at Google have built a neural network called “JukeBox” that is even more advanced than EMMY, and which can produce songs that are complete with simulated human lyrics. While the words don’t always make sense and there’s much room for improvement, most humans have no creative musical talent at all and couldn’t do any better, and the quality, sophistication and coherence of the entirely machine-generated songs is very impressive (audio samples are available online).

Also at Google, an artificial intelligence program called the “Generative Pretrained Transformer” was invented to understand and write text. In 2019, the second version of the program, “GPT-2,” made its debut, and showed impressive skill writing poetry, short news articles and other content, with minimal prompting from humans (it was also able to correctly answer basic questions about text it was shown and to summarize the key points, demonstrating some degree of reading comprehension). While often clunky and sometimes nonsensical, the passages that GPT-2 generates nonetheless fall within the “human range” of writing ability since they are very hard to tell apart from the writings of a child, or of an adult with a mental or cognitive disability. Some of the machine-written passages also read like choppy translations of text that was well-written in whatever its original language was.

Much of GPT-2’s poetry is also as good as–or, as bad as–that written by its human counterparts:

And they have seen the last light fail;
By day they kneel and pray;
But, still they turn and gaze upon
The face of God to-day.

And God is touched and weeps anew
For the lost souls around;
And sorrow turns their pale and blue,
And comfort is not found.

They have not mourned in the world of men,
But their hearts beat fast and sore,
And their eyes are filled with grief again,
And they cease to shed no tear.

And the old men stand at the bridge in tears,
And the old men stand and groan,
And the gaunt grey keepers by the cross
And the spent men hold the crown.

And their eyes are filled with tears,
And their staves are full of woe.
And no light brings them any cheer,
For the Lord of all is dead

In conclusion, the prediction is right that there were “virtual artists” in 2019 in multiple fields of artistic endeavor. Their works were of high enough quality and “humanness” to be of interest for reasons other than the novelties of their origins. They’ve raised serious questions among humans about the nature of creative thinking, and whether machines are capable or soon will be. Finally, the virtual artists were “affiliated with” or, more accurately, owned and controlled by groups of humans.

“Visual, musical, and literary art created by human artists typically involve a collaboration between human and machine intelligence.”


It’s impossible to assess this prediction’s veracity because the meanings of “collaboration” and “machine intelligence” are undefined (also, note that the phrase “virtual artists” is not used in this prediction). If I use an Instagram filter to transform one of the mundane photos I took with my camera phone into a moody, sepia-toned, artistic-looking image, does the filter’s algorithm count as a “machine intelligence”? Does my mere use of it, which involves pushing a button on my smartphone, count as a “collaboration” with it?

Likewise, do recording studios and amateur musicians “collaborate with machine intelligence” when they use computers for post-production editing of their songs? When you consider how thoroughly computer programs like “Auto-Tune” can transform human vocals, it’s hard to argue that such programs don’t possess “machine intelligence.” This instructional video shows how it can make any mediocre singer’s voice sound melodious, and raises the question of how “good” the most famous singers of 2019 actually are: Can Anyone Sing With Autotune?! (Real Voice Vs. Autotune)

If I type a short story or fictional novel on my computer, and the word processing program points out spelling and usage mistakes, and even makes sophisticated recommendations for improving my writing style and grammar, am I collaborating with machine intelligence? Even free word processing programs have automatic spelling checkers, and affordable apps like Microsoft Word, Grammarly and ProWritingAid have all of the more advanced functions, meaning it’s fair to assume that most fiction writers interact with “machine intelligence” in the course of their work, or at least have the option to. Microsoft Word also has a “thesaurus” feature that lets users easily alter the wordings of their stories.

“The type of artistic and entertainment product in greatest demand (as measured by revenue generated) continues to be virtual-experience software, which ranges from simulations of ‘real’ experiences to abstract environments with little or no corollary in the physical world.”


Analyzing this prediction first requires us to know what “virtual-experience software” refers to. As indicated by the phrase “continues to be,” Kurzweil used it earlier, specifically, in the “2009” chapter where he issued predictions for that year. There, he indicates that “virtual-experience software” is another name for “virtual reality software.” With that in mind, the prediction is wrong. As I showed previously in this analysis, the VR industry and its technology didn’t progress nearly as fast as Kurzweil forecast.

That said, the video game industry’s revenues exceed those of nearly all other art and entertainment industries. Globally for 2019, video games generated about $152.1 billion in revenue, compared to $41.7 billion for the film. The music industry’s 2018 figures were $19.1 billion. Only the sports industry, whose global revenues were between $480 billion and $620 billion, was bigger than video games (note that the two cross over in the form of “E-Sports”).

Revenues from virtual reality games totaled $1.2 billion in 2019, meaning 99% of the video game industry’s revenues that year DID NOT come from “virtual-experience software.” The overwhelming majority of video games were viewed on flat TV screens and monitors that display 2D images only. However, the graphics, sound effects, gameplay dynamics, and plots have become so high quality that even these games can feel immersive, as if you’re actually there in the simulated environment. While they don’t meet the technical definition of being “virtual reality” games, some of them are so engrossing that they might as well be.

“The primary threat to [national] security comes from small groups combining human and machine intelligence using unbreakable encrypted communication. These include (1) disruptions to public information channels using software viruses, and (2) bioengineered disease agents.”


Terrorism, cyberterrorism, and cyberwarfare were serious and growing problems in 2019, but it isn’t accurate to say they were the “primary” threats to the national security of any country. Consider that the U.S., the world’s dominant and most advanced military power, spent $16.6 billion on cybersecurity in FY 2019–half of which went to its military and the other half to its civilian government agencies. As enormous as that sum is, it’s only a tiny fraction of America’s overall defense spending that fiscal year, which was a $726.2 billion “base budget,” plus an extra $77 billion for “overseas contingency operations,” which is another name for combat and nation-building in Iraq, Afghanistan, and to a lesser extent, in Syria.

In other words, the world’s greatest military power only allocates 2% of its defense-related spending to cybersecurity. That means hackers are clearly not considered to be “the primary threat” to U.S. national security. There’s also no reason to assume that the share is much different in other countries, so it’s fair to conclude that it is not the primary threat to international security, either.

Also consider that the U.S. spent about $33.6 billion on its nuclear weapons forces in FY2019. Nuclear weapon arsenals exist to deter and defeat aggression from powerful, hostile countries, and the weapons are unsuited for use against terrorists or computer hackers. If spending provides any indication of priorities, then the U.S. government considers traditional interstate warfare to be twice as big of a threat as cyberattackers. In fact, most of military spending and training in the U.S. and all other countries is still devoted to preparing for traditional warfare between nation-states, as evidenced by things like the huge numbers of tanks, air-to-air fighter planes, attack subs, and ballistic missiles still in global arsenals, and time spent practicing for large battles between organized foes.

“Small groups” of terrorists inflict disproportionate amounts of damage against society (terrorists killed 14,300 people across the world in 2017), as do cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism, but the numbers don’t bear out the contention that they are the “primary” threats to global security.

Whether “bioengineered disease agents” are the primary (inter)national security threat is more debatable. Aside from the 2001 Anthrax Attacks (which only killed five people, but nonetheless bore some testament to Kurzweil’s assessment of bioterrorism’s potential threat), there have been no known releases of biological weapons. However, the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in late 2019, has caused human and economic damage comparable to the World Wars, and has highlighted the world’s frightening vulnerability to novel infectious diseases. This has not gone unnoticed by terrorists and crazed individuals, and it could easily inspire some of them to make biological weapons, perhaps by using COVID-19 as a template. Modifications that made it more lethal and able to evade the early vaccines would be devastating to the world. Samples of unmodified COVID-19 could also be employed for biowarfare if disseminated in crowded places at some point in the future, when herd immunity has weakened.

Just because the general public, and even most military planners, don’t appreciate how dire bioterrorism’s threat is doesn’t mean it is not, in fact, the primary threat to international security. In 2030, we might look back at the carnage caused by the “COVID-23 Attack” and shake our collective heads at our failure to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic a few years earlier and prepare while we had time.

“Most flying weapons are tiny–some as small as insects–with microscopic flying weapons being researched.”


What counts as a “flying weapon”? Aircraft designed for unlimited reuse like planes and helicopters, or single-use flying munitions like missiles, or both? Should military aircraft that are unsuited for combat (e.g. – jet trainers, cargo planes, scout helicopters, refueling tankers) be counted as flying weapons? They fly, they often go into combat environments where they might be attacked, but they don’t carry weapons. This is important because it affects how we calculate what “most”/”the majority” is.

What counts as “tiny”? The prediction’s wording sets “insect” size as the bottom limit of the “tiny” size range, but sets no upper bound to how big a flying weapon can be and still be considered “tiny.” It’s up to us to do it.

A “Phantom” ultralight plane. Is it fair to call this “tiny”?

“Ultralights” are a legally recognized category of aircraft in the U.S. that weigh less than 254 lbs unloaded. Most people would take one look at such an aircraft and consider it to be terrifyingly small to fly in, and would describe it as “tiny.” Military aviators probably would as well: The Saab Gripen is one of the smallest modern fighter planes and still weighs 14,991 lbs unloaded, and each of the U.S. military’s MH-6 light observation helicopters weigh 1,591 lbs unloaded (the diminutive Smart Car Fortwo weighs about 2,050 lbs, unloaded).

With those relative sizes in mind, let’s accept the Phantom X1 ultralight plane as the upper bound of “tiny.” It weighs 250 lbs unloaded, is 17 feet long and has a 28 foot wingspan, so a “flying weapon” counts as being “tiny” if it is smaller than that.

If we also count missiles as “flying weapons,” then the prediction is right since most missiles are smaller than the Phantom X1, and the number of missiles far exceeds the number of “non-tiny” combat aircraft. A Hellfire missile, which is fired by an aircraft and homes in on a ground target, is 100 lbs and 5 feet long. A Stinger missile, which does the opposite (launched from the ground and blows up aircraft) is even smaller. Air-to-air Sidewinder missiles also meet our “tiny” classification. In 2019, the U.S. Air Force had 5,182 manned aircraft and wanted to buy 10,264 new guided missiles to bolster whatever stocks of missiles it already had in its inventory. There’s no reason to think the ratio is different for the other branches of the U.S. military (i.e. – the Navy probably has several guided missiles for every one of its carrier-borne aircraft), or that it is different in other countries’ armed forces. Under these criteria, we can say that most flying weapons are tiny.

The RQ-11B Raven drone could be considered a “tiny flying weapon.”

If we don’t count missiles as “flying weapons” and only count “tiny” reusable UAVs, then the prediction is wrong. The U.S. military has several types of these, including the “Scan Eagle,” RQ-11B “Raven,” RQ-12A “Wasp,” RQ-20 “Puma,” RQ-21 “Blackjack,” and the insect-sized PD-100 Black Hornet. Up-to-date numbers of how many of these aircraft the U.S. has in its military inventory are not available (partly because they are classified), but the data I’ve found suggest they number in the hundreds of units. In contrast, the U.S. military has over 12,000 manned aircraft.

At 100mm long and 120mm wide along its main rotor, the PD-100 drone is as small as a large dragonfly.

The last part of the prediction, that “microscopic” flying weapons would be the subject of research by 2019, seems to be wrong. The smallest flying drones in existence at that time were about as big as bees, which are not microscopic since we can see them with the naked eye. Moreover, I couldn’t find any scientific papers about microscopic flying machines, indicating that no one is actually researching them. However, since such devices would have clear espionage and military uses, it’s possible that the research existed in 2019, but was classified. If, at some point in the future, some government announces that its secret military labs had made impractical, proof-of-concept-only microscopic flying machines as early as 2019, then Kurzweil will be able to say he was right.

Anyway, the deep problems with this prediction’s wording have been made clear. Something like “Most aircraft in the military’s inventory are small and autonomous, with some being no bigger than flying insects” would have been much easier to evaluate.

“Many of the life processes encoded in the human genome, which was deciphered more than ten years earlier, are now largely understood, along with the information-processing mechanisms underlying aging and degenerative conditions such as cancer and heart disease.”


The words “many” and “largely” are subjective, and provide Kurzweil with another escape hatch against a critical analysis of this prediction’s accuracy. This problem has occurred so many times up to now that I won’t belabor you with further explanation.

The human genome was indeed “deciphered” more than ten years before 2019, in the sense that scientists discovered how many genes there were and where they were physically located on each chromosome. To be specific, this happened in 2003, when the Human Genome Project published its first, fully sequenced human genome. Thanks to this work, the number of genetic disorders whose associated defective genes are known to science rose from 60 to 2,200. In the years since Human Genome Project finished, that climbed further, to 5,000 genetic disorders.

The cost of sequencing a human genome sharply dropped, making it possible to do genome-wide association studies, and for middle income people to have their personal genomes sequenced.

However, we still don’t know what most of our genes do, or which trait(s) each one codes for, so in an important sense, the human genome has not been deciphered. Since 1998, we’ve learned that human genetics is more complicated than suspected, and that it’s rare for a disease or a physical trait to be caused by only one gene. Rather, each trait (such as height) and disease risk is typically influenced by the summed, small effects of many different genes. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which can measure the subtle effects of multiple genes at once and connect them to the traits they code for, are powerful new tools for understanding human genetics. We also now know that epigenetics and environmental factors have large roles determining how a human being’s genes are expressed and how he or she develops in biological but non-genetic ways. In short just understanding what genes themselves do is not enough to understand human development or disease susceptibility.

Returning to the text of the prediction, the meaning of “information-processing mechanisms” probably refers to the ways that human cells gather information about their external surroundings and internal state, and adaptively respond to it. An intricate network of organic machinery made of proteins, fat structures, RNA, and other molecules handles this task, and works hand-in-hand with the DNA “blueprints” stored in the cell’s nucleus. It is now known that defects in this cellular-level machinery can lead to health problems like cancer and heart disease, and advances have been made uncovering the exact mechanics by which those defects cause disease. For example, in the last few years, we discovered how a mutation in the “SF3B1” gene raises the risk of a cell developing cancer. While the link between mutations to that gene and heightened cancer risk had long been known, it wasn’t until the advent of CRISPR that we found out exactly how the cellular machinery was malfunctioning, in turn raising hopes of developing a treatment.

The aging process is more well-understood than ever, and is known to have many separate causes. While most aging is rooted in genetics and is hence inevitable, the speed at which a cell or organism ages can be affected at the margins by how much “stress” it experiences. That stress can come in the form of exposure to extreme temperatures, physical exertion, and ingestion of specific chemicals like oxidants. Over the last 10 years, considerable progress has been made uncovering exactly how those and other stressors affect cellular machinery in ways that change how fast the cell ages. This has also shed light on a phenomenon called “hormesis,” in which mild levels of stress actually make cells healthier and slow their aging.

“The expected life span…[is now] over one hundred.”


The expected life span for an average American born in 2018 was 76.2 years for males and 81.2 years for females. Japan had the highest figures that year out of all countries, at 81.25 years for men and 87.32 years for women.

“There is increasing recognition of the danger of the widespread availability of bioengineering technology. The means exist for anyone with the level of knowledge and equipment available to a typical graduate student to create disease agents with enormous destructive potential.”


Among the general public and national security experts, there has been no upward trend in how urgently the biological weapons threat is viewed. The issue received a large amount of attention following the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, but since then has receded from view, while traditional concerns about terrorism (involving the use of conventional weapons) and interstate conflict have returned to the forefront. Anecdotally, cyberwarfare and hacking by nonstate actors clearly got more attention than biowarfare in 2019, even though the latter probably has much greater destructive potential.

Top national security experts in the U.S. also assigned biological weapons low priority, as evidenced in the 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment, a collaborative document written by the chiefs of the various U.S. intelligence agencies. The 42-page report only mentions “biological weapons/warfare” twice. By contrast, “migration/migrants/immigration” appears 11 times, “nuclear weapon” eight times, and “ISIS” 29 times.

As I stated earlier, the damage wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic could (and should) raise the world’s appreciation of the biowarfare / bioterrorism threat…or it could not. Sadly, only a successful and highly destructive bioweapon attack is guaranteed to make the world treat it with the seriousness it deserves.

Thanks to better and cheaper lab technologies (notably, CRISPR), making a biological weapon is easier than ever. However, it’s unclear if the “bar” has gotten low enough for a graduate student to do it. Making a pathogen in a lab that has the qualities necessary for a biological weapon, verifying its effects, purifying it, creating a delivery system for it, and disseminating it–all without being caught before completion or inadvertently infecting yourself with it before the final step–is much harder than hysterical news articles and self-interested talking head “experts” suggest. From research I did several years ago, I concluded that it is within the means of mid-tier adversaries like the North Korean government to create biological weapons, but doing so would still require a team of people from various technical backgrounds and with levels of expertise exceeding a typical graduate student, years of work, and millions of dollars.

“That this potential is offset to some extent by comparable gains in bioengineered antiviral treatments constitutes an uneasy balance, and is a major focus of international security agencies.”


The development of several vaccines against COVID-19 within months of that disease’s emergence showed how quickly global health authorities can develop antiviral treatments, given enough money and cooperation from government regulators. Pfizer’s successful vaccine, which is the first in history to make use of mRNA, also represents a major improvement to vaccine technology that has occurred since the book’s publication. Indeed, the lessons learned from developing the COVID-19 vaccines could lead to lasting improvements in the field of vaccine research, saving millions of people in the future who would have otherwise died from infectious diseases, and giving governments better tools for mitigating any bioweapon attacks.

Put simply, the prediction is right. Technology has made it easier to make biological weapons, but also easier to make cures for those diseases.

“Computerized health monitors built into watches, jewelry, and clothing which diagnose both acute and chronic health conditions are widely used. In addition to diagnosis, these monitors provide a range of remedial recommendations and interventions.”


Many smart watches have health monitoring features, and though some of them are government-approved health devices, they aren’t considered accurate enough to “diagnose” health conditions. Rather, their role is to detect and alert wearers to signs of potential health problems, whereupon the latter consult a medical professionals with more advanced machinery and receive a diagnosis.

The Apple Watch Series 5

By the end of 2019, common smart watches such as the “Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2,” and the “Apple Watch Series 4 and 5” had FDA-approved electrocardiogram (ECG) features that were considered accurate enough to reliably detect irregular heartbeats in wearers. Out of 400,000 Apple Watch owners subject to such monitoring, 2,000 received alerts in 2018 from their devices of possible heartbeat problems. Fifty-seven percent of people in that subset sought medical help upon getting alerts from their watches, which is proof that the devices affect health care decisions, and ultimately, 84% of people in the subset were confirmed to have atrial fibrillation.

The Apple Watches also have “hard fall” detection features, which use accelerometers to recognize when their wearers suddenly fall down and then don’t move. The devices can be easily programmed to automatically call local emergency services in such cases, and there have been recent case where this probably saved the lives of injured people (does suffering a serious injury due to a fall count as an “acute health condition” per the prediction’s text?).

A few smart watches available in late 2019, including the “Garmin Forerunner 245,” also had built-in pulse oximeters, but none were FDA-approved, and their accuracy was questionable. Several tech companies were also actively developing blood pressure monitoring features for their devices, but only the “HeartGuide” watch, made by a small company called “Omron Healthcare,” was commercially available and had received any type of official medical sanction. Frequent, automated monitoring and analysis of blood oxygen levels and blood pressure would be of great benefit to millions of people.

Smartphones also had some health tracking capabilities. The commonest and most useful were physical activity monitoring apps, which count the number of steps their owners take and how much distance they traverse during a jog or hike. The devices are reasonably accurate, and are typically strapped to the wearer’s upper arm or waist if they are jogging, or kept in a pocket when doing other types of activity. Having a smartphone in your pocket isn’t literally the same as having it “built into [your] clothing” as the prediction says, but it’s close enough to satisfy the spirit of the prediction. In fact, being able to easily insert and remove a device into any article of clothing with a pocket is better than having a device integrated into the clothing since it allows for much more flexibility of attire–if you want to try out a new jogging route and also want to measure how long it is, you don’t have to remember to wear your one and only T-shirt with the built-in activity monitoring devices.

Millions of people use smart watches with health tracking features and smartphones with activity detection apps, which counts as “widely used” by any reasonable definition. However, no items of jewelry with embedded health tracking capabilities were available in 2019, so that part of the prediction is wrong.

“There are prevalent reports of computers passing the Turing Test, although these instances do not meet the criteria (with regard to sophistication of the human judge, the length of time for the interviews, etcetera) established by knowledgeable observers. There is a consensus that computers have not yet passed a valid Turing Test, but there is growing controversy on this point.”


In 2014, a chatbot named “Eugene Goostman” made global headlines by “passing the Turing Test” at an event held at the University of Reading. However, AI experts soon determined it was invalid because the dialog between the human judges and the machine only lasted five minutes. Ray Kurzweil himself even interacted with Eugene Goostman and posted the conversation on his website to show the machine could not correctly answer questions that probe commonsense reasoning and other aspects of intelligent thinking:

Kurzweil: How old are you?
Eugene: I’m a little boy. 13 years old.

Kurzweil: How much is two plus two?
Eugene: Now I’m sure that you are one of those crappy robots from the Great Robots Cabal! And I know your password: 2 + 2=4.0! Now divide by zero and die!!!!

Kurzweil: If I have two marbles in a bowl and I add two more how many marbles are in the bowl now?
Eugene: Not too many. But I can’t tell you the exact number, I forgot it. If I’m not mistaken – you still didn’t tell me where you live. OR it’s a secret?:-)

Kurzweil: I live in the capital of the United States. Do you know where that is?
Eugene: Every nerd knows that the capital of The United States is Washington.

Kurzweil: I live in the capital of the country that put a man on the moon.
Eugene: Well, if you want it, the capital of The United States is Washington.

Kurzweil: I live in the capital of the country that built the great wall.
Eugene: Tell me more about Capital. I like to learn about different places!

In 2018, a Google AI program called “Duplex” also made headlines for “passing the Turing Test” in phone calls where it made restaurant reservations without the human workers on the other end of the line realizing they were talking to a machine. While an impressive technological feat, experts again disagreed with the media’s portrayal of its capabilities, and pointed out that in human-machine interactions weren’t valid Turing Tests because they were too short and focused on a narrow subject of conversation.

“The subjective experience of computer-based intelligence is seriously discussed, although the rights of machine intelligence have not yet entered mainstream debate.”


The prospect of computers becoming intelligent and conscious has been a topic of increasing discussion in the public sphere, and experts treat it with seriousness. A few recent examples of this include:

Those are all thoughtful articles written by experts whose credentials are relevant to the subject of machine consciousness. There are countless more articles, essays, speeches, and panel discussions about it available on the internet.

“Sophia” the robot

Machines, including the most advanced “A.I.s” that existed at the end of 2019, had no legal rights anywhere in the world, except perhaps in two countries: In 2017, the Saudis granted citizenship to an animatronic robot called “Sophia,” and Japan granted a residence permit to a video chatbot named “Shibuya Mirai.” Both of these actions appear to be government publicity stunts that would be nullified if anyone in either country decided to file a lawsuit.

“Machine intelligence is still largely the product of a collaboration between humans and machines, and has been programmed to maintain a subservient relationship to the species that created it.”


Critics often–and rightly–point out that the most impressive “A.I.s” owe their formidable capabilities to the legions of humans who laboriously and judiciously fed them training data, set their parameters, corrected their mistakes, and debugged their codes. For example, image-recognition algorithms are trained by showing them millions of photographs that humans have already organized or attached descriptive metadata to. Thus, the impressive ability of machines to identify what is shown in an image is ultimately the product of human-machine collaboration, with the human contribution playing the bigger role.

Finally, even the smartest and most capable machines can’t turn themselves on without human help, and still have very “brittle” and task-specific capabilities, so they are fundamentally subservient to humans. A more specific example of engineered subservience is seen in autonomous cars, where the computers were smart enough to drive safely by themselves in almost all road conditions, but laws required the vehicles to watch the human in the driver’s seat and stop if he or she wasn’t paying attention to the road and touching the controls.

Well, well, well…that’s it. I have finally come to the end of my project to review Ray Kurzweil’s predictions for 2019. This has been the longest single effort in the history of my blog, and I’m glad the next round of his predictions pertains to 2029, so I can have time to catch my breath. I would say the experience has been great, but like the whole year of 2020, I’m relieved to be able to turn the page and move on.

Happy New Year!


  1. Advances in AI during the 2010s forced humans to examine the specialness of human thinking, whether machines could also be intelligent and creative and what it would mean for humans if they could.
  2. Andrew Yang made technological unemployment and universal basic income (UBI) major components of his 2020 U.S. Presidential campaign platform.
  3. An article explaining “acoustic gunshot detection”:
  4. The “ShotSpotter” gunshot detection system was emplaced in over 100 cities in 2019.
  5. This 2019 article from Dayton shows a correlation between the presence of license plate readers and a decrease in violent crime.
  6. In 2018, a wanted criminal was arrested in China after facial recognition cameras identified him at a concert, out of a crowd of 60,000 people.
  7. Edward Snowden’s key revelations about electronic spying.
  8. An incomplete list of data hacks that happened in the 2010s. Hundreds of millions of people had important personal data compromised.
  9. A list of commonly used encrypted messaging apps in 2019.
  10. In 2018, VPNs were widely used on every continent. Forty-four percent of Indonesian internet users had them.
  11. If obesity rates are any indication, people in the 2010s were not too poor to feed themselves.
  12. In 2005, obesity became a cause of more childhood deaths than malnourishment. The disparity was surely even greater by 2019. There’s no financial reason why anyone on Earth should starve.
  13. Several studies done during the 2010s indicated that governments would save money if they gave the homeless free apartments.
  14. A 2016 article about Google’s “Deep Dream” program, which can make surreal, artistic images.
  15. A computer-generated painting, “Portrait of Edmond de Belamy,” sold for $423,500 in 2018. Have YOU ever made a painting worth that much money?
  16. “Obvious” is a “collective” of humans and computers that produce accalimed art.
  17. “EMMY” is a machine that can write decent instrumental songs.
  18. Google’s “Open JukeBox” could even write songs that had simulated human voices singing.
  19. Samples of GPT-2’s poetry.
  20. Samples of GPT-2’s short news articles and written responses to prompts.
  21. “Auto-Tune” is a widely used song editing software program that can seamlessly alter the pitch and tone of a singer’s voice, allowing almost anyone to sound on-key. Most of the world’s top-selling songs were made with Auto-Tune or something similar to it. Are the most popular songs now products of “collaboration between human and machine intelligence”?
  22. The virtual reality gaming industry had about $1.2 billion in revenues in 2019.
  23. In 2017, terrorists killed 14,300 people globally.
  24. The U.S. spent $16.6 billion on cyberseucrity in FY2019.
  25. The U.S. military’s “base” defense budget was $726.2 billion in FY2019.
  26. The U.S. spent $33.6 billion on its nuclear forces in FY2019.
  27. The “Phantom X1” ultralight plane.
  28. Data for several “tiny” flying drones in use with the U.S. Navy in 2019.
  29. Data on the U.S. Army’s unmanned drones, including “tiny” ones, from the same period.
  30. In 2019, the U.S. Air Force had 5,182 manned aircraft and wanted to buy 10,264 new guided missiles.
  31. We recently discovered how a mutation in the “SF3B1” gene changes intracelluar activity in ways that raise cancer risk.
  32. The Human Genome Project led to major cost improvements to gene sequencing technology, and to the discovery of many disease-associated genes.
  33. We have a better understanding of how cell-level molecular machinery contributes to aging.
  34. Official 2018 life expectancy figures for the U.S. and Japan:
  35. The 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment barely mentions biological weapons.—SSCI.pdf
  36. Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is the first to incorporate mRNA. The new technology could lead to other vaccines that save millions of lives.
  37. Several smart watches available in 2019 had ECG monitors.
  38. In 2019, Apple Watches with ECG monitors detected atrial fibrillation events in almost 2,000 people.
  39. The Apple Watch’s “hard fall” detection feature might have already saved the lives of several injured people.
  40. The “HeartGuide” smart watch can monitor blood pressure.
  41. The media wrongly declared in 2014 the “Eugene Goostman” had passed the Turing Test.
  42. Google’s “Duplex” AI could masquerade as human for short conversations.
  43. The actions by Japan and Saudi Arabia to grant some rights to machines are probably invalid under their own legal frameworks.
  44. Facebook’s image recognition feature relied on a massive training set of data prepared by humans.

Interesting articles, November 2020

Joe Biden won the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, beating Donald Trump by a comfortable margin. As a rule, I don’t talk about partisan politics on this blog, but I think it’s OK to post some noteworthy failed predictions about the outcome:

‘America’s most accurate bellwether counties, regions that have a reputation for accurately picking the president, got the presidential election completely wrong.’

“I see the president winning with a minimum [electoral vote count in the] high 270s and possibly going up significantly higher based on just how big this undercurrent is,” Cahaly told host Sean Hannity.

‘Democrats May LOSE The Election As New Poll Shows Democrats Are Quitting, Biden Warns Polls WRONG’

‘Tom Del Beccaro: A Trump ‘surprise’ victory is in the offing — here are the 10 tea leaves pointing to it’

Michael Moore correctly predicted that Biden’s lead among voters in swing states had been significantly exaggerated thanks to polling errors and “shy” Trump supporters, but the error wasn’t big enough to lead to a Trump win, which was Moore’s main prediction.

…OK, enough of that! Back to the non-icky stuff.

Is nothing sacred? Engineers have built a robot that can beat the best humans at the sport of curling.

The future of agriculture is farm robots that can monitor and care for every plant, in real time. Fewer pesticides will be needed if robots can mechanically kill animal and plant pests, and less fertilizer will need to be applied if robots can directly introduce smaller amounts to plants, in ways that will guarantee high absorption of it.

Elon Musk in 2015: “Maybe five or six years from now I think we’ll be able to achieve true autonomous driving where you could literally get in the car, go to sleep and wake up at your destination.”

Four years later: ‘People in a passing car got video of a Tesla driver seemingly sleeping behind the wheel of a Tesla on I-5 near Santa Clarita on Saturday.’

Here’s an impressive video of Chinese army field tests of new UAVs. A multiple-launch rocket system can rapidly create a swarm of them, and the members of the swarm can communicate with each other and fly in formations.

Azerbaijan won its latest war with Armenia, and captured most of the disputed territory of “Nagorno-Karabakh.” While most of the people in that territory are ethnically Armenian, it has been internationally recognized as belonging to Azerbaijan since 1990. The outcome of the war is not so surprising since Azerbaijan’s population and GDP are three and four times bigger (respectively) than Armenia’s.

Many official and unofficial photos and videos of combat during the war were uploaded to the internet, and a group of volunteer military enthusiasts used them to count how many military vehicles each side lost. Basic takeaways: Armenia lost more, and the T-72 has weak armor.

Does the Nagorno-Karabakh war prove that tanks are obsolete, and UAVs at last reign supreme? Probably not. Tank losses to UAVs would have been much lower if the Armenian and Azerbaijani commanders been smarter about how they used them, and if the tank units had some number of mobile antiaircraft defenses.

If you’re putting a tank into long-term storage and don’t want it rusting, why not put it in a big, plastic bag?

The U.S. Navy’s P-8A Poseidon is already a versatile plane, but might be getting upgrades allowing it to bomb land targets and launch long-range missiles.

The C-17 is merely a cargo aircraft, but a relatively simple upgrade package could let it launch long-range cruise missiles.

North Korea unveiled several copies of advanced American and Russian combat vehicles during a recent military parade. While outwardly similar in appearance, the copies are surely much less advanced and less capable.

A recent U.S. Army experiment showed that two-man tanks are a bad idea. The crewmen are overloaded with tasks, and their battlefield performance drops.
Our current tanks have four-man crews, and Russian tanks have three-man crews (the human shell loader is replaced by a machine). There’s endless discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of those arrangements, with no resolution. It seems to balance out overall.
To my knowledge, no army in the world has five-man tanks.

The U.S.S. Ticonderoga, which entered service in 1983 and inaugurated a class of advanced missile cruisers that serves to this day, is being scrapped. I think it’s important enough to be preserved as a museum ship. Are any of the other 22 of the ships still in service worthy of that? Probably not.

India has also decided to scrap its first aircraft carrier, in spite of the ship’s long and storied service. It would be another great museum ship.

The small U.S. aircraft carrier that was severely damaged by fire in August will be scrapped because it’s too expensive to fix.

America’s “war” in Afghanistan has been going on so long that it is older than some of the U.S. troops who are now fighting it. Some of those troops’ parents also fought in the war years ago. (These things are also true for Afghan soldiers and insurgents.)

The “Firestick” might be the weirdest technological dead-end niche product ever spawned by people trying to exploit loopholes in U.S. hunting laws.

Here’s some interesting information about the nature of color vision. Birds and reptiles can see more colors and have a greater variety of body pigmentations than mammals because the latter have had several million extra years to adapt to bright, sunny environments. Mammals only emerged from subterranean, and/or nocturnal lifestyles where color perception is not advantageous relatively recently. Genetic engineering could of course change this state of affairs very quickly.

A genetic mutation has been found that sharply raises the odds of getting liver cancer, and it is overrepresented among people of Celtic descent.

We now know which genes let us smell the odors of fish, cinnamon, licorice, and lemon. People with rare mutations to those genes can’t smell them.

Here’s a “Periodic Table of Smells,” which correlates the smells of different organic compounds with their molecular structures.

Experiments show that hundreds of thousands of surgeries done in the U.S. each year are unnecessary since they are no better at fixing health problems than placebo surgeries or simple lifestyle changes, like losing weight to ease pressure on weak joints.

China now has a human cryonics company.

A man who died of hypothermia during a mountain hike was revived at a hospital thanks to an “extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine,” which took over for his heart and lungs by oxygenating his blood outside of his body and pumping it through his blood vessels.

In a breakthrough for molecular biology, computers can now simulate protein folding with 90% accuracy. It will only improve further with time.

This is probably the most credible, anti-nuclear power articles I’ve read. Switching to 100% fission power would probably require more uranium and other rare elements than we can economically mine from the ground and the oceans, and it might be shortsighted to exhaust all of our rare element sources now as we might find better uses for them in the distant future. Finding sites to build the new reactors would also be challenge since they need to be near bodies of water, and those areas are already crowded with people. The article is even skeptical of nuclear fusion, and brings up the problem of explosive tritium dust particles, which is new to me.

‘In the early 1900s, a new invention called the telewriter swept on the scene, allowing people to hand-write messages that could be electronically translated by a robotic arm at a destination up to 50 miles away.’

The cheapest way to move cargo is by ship, followed by rail, and the distant third is by road. Autonomous, electric trucks might let road displace rail.

In 2009, sci-fi author Charlie Stross made several accurate predictions about what the state of computing hardware would be in 2020. It should give weight to the other predictions he made for 2030 and beyond.

From 2004: ‘A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.’

The “Grand Tack Hypothesis” says that Jupiter’s orbit has changed over the eons, and at one point, it was almost as close to the Sun as Mars. The gas giant’s powerful gravity ejected most of the asteroids in its path out of the Solar System, which was bad news for Mars since they would have otherwise collided with the planet and built up its size, perhaps to Earth-like proportions. Jupiter then drifted outward to its current, distant orbit. Had the Great Tack not happened, Mars would be a much bigger planet today, and much likelier to support life.

There are such things as “horseshoe orbits.”

The International Space Station has been continuously inhabited for 20 years.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel: Three different vaccines against COVID-19 have passed clinical trials.

Why has Britain been the source of so many bad predictions about the pandemic?
From September: ‘The evidence we’ve presented leads us to believe there is unlikely to be a second wave…’
From late November: ‘50,000 COVID-19 deaths and rising. How Britain failed to stop the second wave’

Interesting articles, October 2020

‘”I don’t think Britain could have won the Falklands conflict without GCHQ,” Prof Ferris told the BBC. He said because GCHQ was able to intercept and break Argentine messages, British commanders were able to know within hours what orders were being given to their opponents, which offered a major advantage in the battle at sea and in retaking the islands.’

China makes an “OK” tank for export, called the “VT-4.” I wonder if it will finally replace all the tens of thousands of Cold War-era Soviet tanks still in circulation in the Third World.

The Indian Air Force has accepted its first few Rafale fighter planes.

‘Second, the violence in Ladakh has also allowed Beijing to examine the degree of coordination that exists within the Indo-US strategic partnership. As Indian and Chinese soldiers clashed with medieval-style weapons in the Galwan Valley, Beijing paid close attention to how the United States reacted.’

For the first time, China’s two aircraft carriers operated together for a military exercise.

‘This August, for instance, the U.S. nuclear-powered carrier Ronald Reagan cruised in company with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Ikazuchi in the Philippine Sea. Indeed, Japan’s surface fleet is organized into “escort flotillas” precisely to support U.S.-Japanese combat operations.’

Warships need near-constant maintenance to stay at sea. Keeping the hull from rusting is an ongoing task, along with watching out for and fixing small leaks inside the ship. This means that, even on 100% automated ships, there will need to be mobile robots that can climb all over the outsides and inside spaces to scrub, paint, and dry surfaces. They would also probably have roles doing repairs caused by combat or by accidents. A big difference between “robot crewman” and humans is that the former won’t need much in the way of self-support infrastructure inside the ship: there won’t need to be bathrooms, kitchens, laundries, rec rooms, bunks, mail rooms, etc. The robots would probably spend all their time at their posts, like you spending your whole life at your work desk, never needing to sleep. This means automated ships could be smaller, simpler, and cheaper than manned ships without sacrificing any firepower, speed, or other capabilities. And in spite of considerable design differences, automated ships would still have internal spaces like rooms and hallways. If you went inside, you’d see robots of some kind moving around, doing tasks.

The U.S. Army is spending $39.7 million to buy helicopter “nano-drones” that have heat-vision.

‘The μINS is the world’s smallest sensor module of its kind—approximately the size of 3 stacked US dimes. It provides high-quality direction, position, and velocity data for multiple applications by intelligently fusing sensor data from GPS (GNSS), gyros, accelerometers, magnetometers, and a barometric pressure sensor.’

Atlanta police used a helicopter drone to enter an apartment and arrest a murder suspect. The drone’s footage is here:

In India, a couple gave birth to a boy who had a fatal genetic defect involving his blood. After learning that a bone marrow transplant could permanently cure him, the couple used IVF to create a second child that would be genetically similar enough to the son to serve as a marrow donor. They didn’t want to have the new child for any reason other than to save the first. They gestated the new child–a daughter–and transplanted some of her bone marrow, curing the son. Additionally, to ensure the daughter didn’t carry the same bone marrow defect that the son had, the couple did genetic testing on her while she was still an embryo. This technique, called “preimplantation genetic diagnosis,” is only one step down from genetic engineering. The ethics of this case are indeed questionable.

By looking at a person’s genome, we can now guess their height with +/- 4 cm accuracy.

Genetics might explain why men are both more likely to be homeless and more likely to be rich than women.

‘The successful cloning of DNA collected 40 years is meant to introduce key genetic diversity into the species that could benefit its survival. The zoo said the cloned Przewalski’s horse will eventually be transferred to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and integrated into a herd of other Przewalski’s horses for breeding.’

Do all cells have tiny, organic computers in them?

Because of the twisted ways in which our cells develop at the embryonic stage, the average person’s facial features are slightly shifted to the left side of his head.

A computer simulation suggests that geographical differences caused the rise of many ethnicities and small countries in Europe, while a single ethnic group and country grew to encompass the vast area today known as China. Mountains, peninsulas, islands, and deserts are barriers to human movement and settlement.

A team of aerospace engineers at KLM flew a small-scale model of an interesting-looking “Model V” plane.

China just launched a copy of America’s secret X-37B space plane.

U.S. authorities have approved the first small modular reactor for use.

Solar power is cheaper and has a brighter future (pun) than ever!

On the set of the sci-fi show The Mandalorian, the sets have replaced green screens with gigantic wraparound TV screens that display high-def footage. The footage of them being manipulated by special effects crewmen is trippy. (I’ve predicted devices like this will become common in U.S. households in the 2030s)

‘No software is yet producing “Whoa, look at that” [chemical] syntheses. But let’s be honest: most humans aren’t, either.’

Scientists are finding new ways to make bulk quantities of the mind-altering chemicals found in magic mushrooms.

Even more importantly, a guy in British Columbia built a working mech warrior in his backyard.

Using “deepfake” technology, an app can convert images of clothed women into simulated nude images. I don’t have the app, so I can’t say how convincing the results are, but it will become more refined and will lead to another of my predictions coming true this decade.

My prediction: ‘[By 2030] “Deepfake” pornography will reach new levels of sophistication and perversion as it becomes possible to seamlessly graft the heads of real people onto still photos and videos of nude bodies that closely match the physiques of the actual people. New technology for doing this will let amateurs make high-quality deepfakes, meaning any person could be targeted. It will even become possible to wear AR glasses that interpolate nude, virtual bodies over the bodies real people in the wearer’s field of view to provide a sort of fake “X-ray-vision.”’

Disney made a wonderful, horrifying android that has human-like eye movements and gazes. (To be fair to Disney, human faces also look frightening without their skin.)

Three months ago, economist Robert Reich made this (totally failed) prediction: “Brace yourself. The wave of evictions and foreclosures in next 2 months will be unlike anything America has experienced since the Great Depression. And unless Congress extends extra unemployment benefits beyond July 31, we’re also going to have unparalleled hunger.”

This Icelandic study finds COVID-19 has a 0.3% fatality rate, which is close to estimates from other countries.

A disease model that has accurately predicted COVID-19 deaths so far now forecasts up to 410,000 U.S. deaths by the end of 2020. Some epidemiologists think it’s too pessimistic.

Another British COVID-19 prediction falls flat.
From September 22: “If, and that’s quite a big if, but if that continues unabated and this grows doubling every seven days… if that continued you would end up with something like 50,000 cases in the middle of October per day.”
Reality? In mid-October, Britain is having around 16,000 new cases per day.

…and another.
‘Researchers in Singapore said that there will be no more cases of the deadly bug in the UK by September 30.’

Mexico’s COVID-19 death count is probably twice as high as originally reported.

In spite of enormous hype and billions of dollars spent, we still haven’t found drugs that are effective against COVID-19.

Interesting articles, September 2020

More bad news for the once-famed surgeon who made a name for himself transplanting tracheas grown with stem cells into terminally ill people.

The first person ever cured of HIV just died of cancer. In the end, something will get you…unless maybe you’re an AI with a highly distributed and redundant consciousness.

In heavily inbred families, just “one generation of outbreeding can mask the deleterious alleles immediately.”

Bird brains are radically different from mammalian brains, but produce similar levels of intelligent thought. Bird brains might actually be superior since they are made of smaller, more densely-packed neurons, meaning a bird would be smarter than a mammal whose brain had the same volume. Hundreds of years from now, “humans” might have denser brains and smarter minds thanks to radical genetic engineering that takes inspiration from other organisms.

In 1991, Joe Biden predicted that “[By the year 2020] I’ll be dead and gone in all probability.”
Three months remain in this year so…

Using genetic engineering, scientists were able to transplant sperm from one male farm animal to a sterile male of the same species so that the recipient male produced the same sperm as the donor male. This could make it cheaper and easier to breed prized farm animals by using genetically inferior males as “surrogate fathers” for their offspring, and it could let us resurrect extinct species for which we have frozen sperm samples.

World-renowned scientist Stephen Wolfram gave a wide-ranging, four-hour interview. I set this up to play at what seemed like a particularly interesting moment, but you should watch it from the beginning.

BP released a report containing predictions about the future global energy landscape. Even in their most conservative scenario, global oil consumption for transportation peaks by 2030.

Progress is being made building the first, useful nuclear fusion reactor.

There is no known scientific barrier to creating a room-temperature superconductor. The superconductors that we already know of, which only operate at very low ambient temperatures, could work fine in deep space.

A recent experiment with an underwater server farm went well. Cooling costs were much lower because the capsule was immersed in cold seawater, and few of the servers failed because the atmospheric content in the capsule could be controlled better (a pure nitrogen atmosphere helped because oxygen corrodes computer circuits and cables). For this and other reasons, I think intelligent machines might live in the oceans.

Many common, manmade objects could be made more durable and longer-lasting, for relatively small up-front cost. However, this is rarely done since it goes against the interests of manufacturers, who want consumers to buy replacement goods often. Planned obsolescence is real and pervasive. It’s disturbing to think about how big a share of global economic activity is people buying replacements things that shouldn’t have needed to be thrown out.

The human backup driver was found criminally responsible for the infamous 2018 crash of a self-driving car that killed a homeless woman.

‘“Inertial navigation was perhaps the pinnacle of mechanical engineering and among the most complicated objects ever manufactured”…But in the 1990s these were superseded by micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)—chips with vibrating mechanical structures that detect angular motion. MEMS technology is cheap and ubiquitous (it is used in car airbags and toy drones). That makes it hard to restrict by way of military-export controls.’

Here’s one of those old inertial navigation units, used to guide U.S. nuclear missiles.

“Center Barrel Replacement Plus” is a maintenance practice in which an F/A-18 fighter plane has the middle section of its fuselage cut out and replaced with a new section. The aircraft’s wings and landing gear are attached to the “center barrel,” so the joints there wear out faster than any other part of the plane. One of the improvements incorporated in the more advanced F/A-18 Super Hornet is a modular fuselage. This allows maintenance crews to replace center barrels with greater speed and ease.

A electromagnetic aircraft launch catapult lets an aircraft carrier launch 12.5% more planes during combat than a carrier with an older steam-powered catapult.

China’s third aircraft carrier will be larger and more advanced than its previous two, and might have an electromagnetic catapult.

And the worst “aircraft carriers” ever were the CAM Ships of WWII. The planes were violently catapulted/rocketed into the air, did their thing, and were then expected to crash land in the water next to a friendly ship, whereupon the pilot would be rescued.

The U.S. Army has finally applied camouflage patterning to all the straps and belts on its infantry kits. Looks like all that’s left to do is to camouflage the Velcro patches. It’s not the biggest deal to have a big, solid green rectangle in the middle of your camouflaged shirt, but how hard would it be to fix it?

The Congressional Budget Office predicts the pandemic’s human and economic impact will be felt for decades. Declining birthrates and higher mortality will lead to the U.S. population being 11 million people smaller in 2050 than it otherwise would have been.

Bad news: The U.S. just had its 200,000th COVID-19 death.
Worse news: That means the University of Washington disease model has proved itself highly accurate once again: On June 16, the Model predicted the U.S. would hit the 200,000 milestone by October 1. It now says we’ll hit the 300,000 mark by December 10, and if we’re unlucky/incompetent, we could surpass 400,000 by January 1.

On June 11, Dr. Ashish Jha correctly predicted the U.S. would have its 200,000th death “sometime in September.” He now predicts a COVID-19 vaccine won’t be widely available to Americans until next spring (second link).

Interesting articles, August 2020

A Mexican drug cartel is trying to use bomb-rigged quadcopter drones to assassinate enemies.

A massive, accidental explosion ripped through Beirut when a warehouse containing 2,700 tons of fertilizer caught fire. The explosion was equal to 200 – 300 tons of dynamite (0.2 – 0.3 kilotons) and killed at least 190 people.

The 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Japan occurred. Those early, crude nuclear bombs had yields of 12 kilotons and 20 kilotons, and collectively killed about 214,000 people.

In WWII, the British terrorized Germany with low-flying balloons. Long, strong cords were tied to their bottoms, and they would often entangle in power lines, shorting them out.

In the 1950s, the U.S. considered using high-altitude balloons to carry nuclear bombs to targets in the Soviet Union.

Here’s a stunning visualization of the 57,000 new satellites that will be launched over the next nine years.

The two astronauts who made history by launching into space on a commercial rocket have safely returned to Earth.

Space-X had another successful launch of a new space rocket.

The first photo of a stealth Blackhawk helicopter has been released.

Anyone familiar with the WWII European Theater will have heard about the feared “German 88mm,” which was the most effective antiaircraft and antitank shell of the War. It could punch through the armor of any Allied tank. I then remembered that postwar American tanks had 90mm cannons, which is only 2mm different from 88mm. It occurred to me: Did we copy the German 88mm cannon after seeing how effective it was in WWII? Kind of! When the War started, the U.S. was already using a 90mm cannon, but only as an antiaircraft weapon. The shell’s ballistics were almost the same as the German 88mm. Only after seeing how effective that type of weapon could be if mounted in a tank did we decide to start doing the same (we made this insight later than the Germans, so our 90mm tanks weren’t ready until 1945). After WWII ended, we realized that tank combat had changed forever, and that 90mm should be the new standard going forward.

If the Soviet T-34 tank was so great, why didn’t the Germans copy it?

The Soviet MD-160 is neither plane nor ship, and instead is a totally unique, massive fighting machine designed to skim low over the surface of the ocean. It had six large anti-ship missile launchers. It is now being turned into a tourist attraction.

The MiG-35 is essentially a modernized version of the MiG-29. Though it sounds like a great fighter plane on paper, few sales have been made, and the new plane’s future is in doubt. Part of the problem is that a bigger, better Russian fighter–the Su-30–costs only 25% more money to buy and operate.

An AI just beat a human fighter pilot in a computer simulated dogfight between two F-16s. Both of the virtual planes were restricted to machine guns only. The AI, codenamed “Heron,” demonstrated superhuman accuracy with its weapon and was extremely agile flying its plane.

This U.S. Navy fighter pilot was impressed with the AI.

These other two U.S. fighter pilots were not impressed.

Ben Goertzel’s latest thoughts on AGI, including the failure of one of his key predictions for 2020, and the limitations of GPT-3.

Here’s another impressive demonstration of GPT-3’s capabilities, this time playing “19 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”

The world’s uncoordinated and largely disappointing response to the COVID-19 pandemic portends badly for our ability to deal with a hostile AGI in the future.

This random guy with a math degree from Harvard has built an economic model that seems to indicate the Singularity will happen in 2047.

A computer just solved a 90-year-old math theorem called the “Keller conjecture.”

After it becomes impossible to shrink computer chip features any smaller, we’ll still be able to improve their cost-performance by optimizing software, hardware, and algorithms.

‘How does the iPhone XS compare to the most powerful and expensive supercomputer from 30 years ago?’

Painting one out of three blades black makes a windmill much more visible to birds, reducing the odds of deadly collisions.

Coal consumption in the U.K. has dropped to levels unseen since before the Industrial Revolution.

A new spy device can use sound to deduce what shape a key must have to open a specific door lock. A 3D metal printer can then use the data to make a duplicate key.

Nothing like a long article that makes several predictions about the future, but essentially concludes with: “Or maybe none of what I just said will actually happen.”

In 1891, Oscar Wilde envisioned a future utopia where machines did all the work humans didn’t want to, and the government provided all basic needs for free, freeing people to pursue their passions. Many “transhumanist” ideas are actually quite old.

The impossible has happened: a hurricane that the National Weather Service described as being “unsurvivable” actually had a 99.9999% survival rate.

Facial recognition technology is now being used to keep track of the nourishment and health of farm animals. I’ve predicted that more advanced versions of technologies like this will let us track entire populations of animals starting in the 2100s.

Over three years ago, computer tycoon John McAfee said that he would…do something obscene in public…if Bitcoin wasn’t worth $500,000 within three years. It’s only worth $11,700 today.

Samsung has unveiled an improved, folding smartphone. It has three screens.

Elon Musk says that the “volumetric efficiency” of a typical car factory is in the “low single digit percentage,” and that the figure can be radically improved. It’s an interesting idea to ponder. Factories usually have very high ceilings, so reducing their height by 50% would presumably double their volumetric efficiency. How come no one thought of that before?

A new way to create magnets has been discovered.

Mainstream political pundits accurately predicted that Joe Biden would pick Kamala Harris as his Vice President.

A professor with an excellent track record of predicting U.S. Presidential elections says Biden will win this year. He was only wrong in 2000, when the election results were disputed, and the Supreme Court decided the matter, along partisan lines, in favor of George W. Bush. So, if we assume the professor’s model is right, that is Trump’s only route to reelection.

Elon Musk unveiled his “Neuralink” brain implants. Most experts weren’t impressed.

DNA analyses of mummies show that ancient Egyptians were more similar to Europeans than today’s Egyptians are. The latter have more ancestry from sub-Saharan Africa.

Another anti-aging drug has failed during clinical trials.

Lung cancer death rates in the U.S. have significantly dropped over the last 20 years thanks to better treatments.

Great news: a successful vaccination drive in Nigeria has eradicated polio from the African continent. The disease now only remains in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

More evidence that COVID-19 poses virtually no health risk to children.

The FDA has approved convalescent plasma as a treatment for COVID-19. Though the Trump administration trumpeted it as a “historic breakthrough,” it is likely to be expensive and minimally effective.

The first case of a person being re-infected with COVID-19 has been confirmed, which means immunity isn’t permanent, at least for some people. For what it’s worth, the man’s second infection was much milder than the first one.

This prediction from three months ago turned out wrong. Italy has averaged only about 10 COVID-19 deaths per day over the last month, and a second wave hasn’t started there.

President Trump listens as coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx speaks during a briefing at the White House.

Remember this White House briefing from March 31? The graph behind the podium showed that, with a lockdown, 100,000 – 240,000 Americans would still die of COVID-19. The X-axis was unlabeled, but since the figures in the graphs are shaped like humps, we can conclude that it pertained to the time period corresponding to the virus’ first wave. So in other words, on March 31, the White House said that the first wave of the pandemic would kill 100,000 – 240,000 Americans. The first wave has not ended, and as of today, the U.S. death toll is at least 180,000. Projections from other reliable sources I’ve found indicate that the second wave will start around mid-September, as the weather cools, and that the death toll at that point will be almost 200,000. So the first wave of the virus will end up killing a number of Americans that is nearer the high end of the March 31 projection.

Interesting articles, July 2020

Does the MiG-21 have an undeserved reputation for being unsafe to fly? Everyone agrees it is a difficult plane to land, but the high number of crashes seem due to poor maintenance and to the planes being used for roles they weren’t designed for.

The MiG-29 has excellent aeronautical performance, had an advanced missile system for the 1980s and 90s, but is inferior to Western counterparts like the F-16 in every other way (inefficient engines that are a hassle to fix; weak radar; short range, old-fashioned cockpit that forces the pilot to constantly look at gauges, dials, and paper maps in his lap instead of looking out the canopy for enemies).

What a mess: The Indian Army now imports three rifles from three countries that use three different sized bullets.

Here’s a roundup of a few of the U.S. military’s failed military projects.

Seventy-five years ago, the first atom bomb was detonated.

The USS Yorktown was a U.S. aircraft carrier that sank during the pivotal Battle of Midway in 1942. After being bombed by Japanese planes, it started filling with water and leaning to one side. At 2:28 pm on June 4, all of its crew abandoned ship, convinced it would soon sink.

They were wrong. The damage was not fatal, and from the safety of another U.S. warship, they saw that the Yorktown was still afloat hours later. Fourteen hours after leaving, they started returning to the stricken carrier to fix it. They worked feverishly for the next 24 hours, and were making progress pumping water out of the ship, reducing its tilt. Unfortunately, a Japanese sub spotted them and torpedoed the carrier, this time destroying it for good. The sub also blew up another U.S. ship.

This makes me wonder what would have happened if the crew had never abandoned the Yorktown in the first place. That extra 14 hours of time might have enabled them to sufficiently repair and move the ship out of the area to prevent it from falling prey to the sub.

The 1941 Pearl Harbor attack cost over 2,000 Americans their lives. In 1944, an accidental explosion involving naval ammunition killed another 163 to 392 people at the Harbor.

The B-1B bomber has a 1:1 digital simulation, and soon the UH-60L helicopter will, too.
‘It is taking each aircraft apart piece by piece, scanning them using high-fidelity scanners, and creating three-dimensional (3D) computer-aided design (CAD) models of the parts.’

It costs $10.9 million to train a pilot how to fly an F-22 fighter, and $1.1 million to train one to fly a C-17 cargo plane. All the USAF’s costs for training pilots for its other types of planes are in between. Of course, that’s not the end of it. Those are only the costs of getting a new person UP TO the level of being able to fly their plane. Since people forget things, the pilots have to frequently undergo retraining and re-certification, which means more money spent each year (the RAND analysis doesn’t show those figures) as a continual expense. This means the cost savings of inventing computers that can fly warplanes as well as humans will be massive. There will also be no risk of pilots being shot down over enemy territory, captured, and used as political pawns.

The FAA doesn’t know who was responsible for the mass drone formations that flew over the Great Plains last winter.

Are aliens hibernating until the day the universe gets colder? If they are intelligent machines, then they would generate a lot of heat, and a colder environment would let them radiate that heat more efficiently, allowing them to do more computation. “[If such aliens hibernated until the universe’s temperature dropped from 3 Kelvin to less than 1 Kelvin] they could achieve up to 10^30 times more than if done today.”

Turing Award-winner John Hopcroft thinks machines will make human workers obsolete, and he points out that, just because humans have been able to climb up the skills ladder in the past faster than machines could automate old jobs, doesn’t mean we will be able to do that forever. Past trends don’t continue indefinitely, and there’s no reason why we couldn’t get into a situation where machines took over 1 million human jobs in a given year, but only 900,000 new jobs for humans were created during that same period. Hopcroft suggests dealing with this by spreading out the remaining jobs among more humans by finding ways to shorten the amount of time the average person works.

Elon Musk is still scared of AI. He thinks they could get smarter than humans in five years, and that things would get “unstable or weird” shortly after. I think his prediction is way too optimistic, and what might happen in five years is a machine passing the Turing Test, meaning it can carry on conversations with people and answer questions as well as a human. Things will get “weird” after that because many people dealing with such machines will mistakenly assume that they are “intelligent,” and perhaps even smarter than humans (e.g. – you’ll be able to ask a machine to do a complex math problem, and it will give you the solution right away). But the Turing Test machines and the autonomous cars we’ll have by the end of this decade will not actually be intelligent, self-aware, or capable of creative thought. Only at the surface level will they seem so. I doubt a true AI will be built earlier than midcentury.

Musk is one of the world’s richest men, and his business achievements have been extraordinary, but he also has many stalled and failed ventures. Also, Tesla’s high stock price is probably unjustified, and Musk’s claims about future growth and the introduction of fully autonomous car models are likely too optimistic.

A coast-to-coast network of fast charging stations that can recharge an electric car battery in 20 minutes has been completed in the U.S.

Intel is falling behind other computer chip manufacturers.

An experiment shows that sound waves can be used to move tiny objects around inside of bodies.

The discovery that some colon cancers are caused by the bacterium F. nucleatum raises the possibility that a vaccine could be created, saving lives.

A new algorithm can look at cell biopsy images and diagnose prostate cancer with almost perfect accuracy.

A farm combine can weigh over 20 tons. As the vehicles slow drive over farm fields, their tires compact the soil, damaging its ability to grow more crops. Smaller farm robots wouldn’t do this.

Solar panels are really helping Afghanistan’s heroin farmers.

An experimental trimaran generates electricity from the ocean’s waves.

Flooding has become a worse problem in New Orleans and some other coastal areas because of “land subsidence.” As humans pump aquifer water, oil, and natural gas out of the ground, all the little voids empty out, the dirt compacts, and the ground level sinks. This problem is not connected to global warming, and shows that some flooding is not due to rising sea levels or worsening storms.

The Mediterranean Sea was warmer during the Roman Era than it is today.

Humans might have migrated to the Americas from Asia 10,000 years earlier than is widely believed.

Genetic studies of black people in the Americas have revealed new information about the slave trade, and about the pervasiveness of white masters raping their female slaves.

Cosmic rays are responsible for the right-handed chirality of DNA. If the rays are omnipresent in the galaxy and have the same energetic properties everywhere, alien DNA should share our chirality.

DNA and RNA are also more structurally suited to their roles storing genetic information than any other type of biomolecule, so it’s likely that all but the most primitive types of aliens will use DNA and RNA.

But what if aliens used some completely different type of biomolecule to store their genetic information? Well, then they’d probably be biochemically inefficient compared to us.

Silicon-based, ORGANIC life forms are unlikely to exist.
‘Only a tiny fraction of the theoretical chemical space of silicon chemistry can be stable in water (Section 3.2.1). In fact, some of the commonly held views about the low diversity of silicon chemistry come directly from the instability of silicon chemistry in water. Silicon chemistry in water also requires substantially more energy to access than equivalent carbon chemistry (Section 3.3). For all of the above reasons, we argue in this subsection that silicon is unlikely to be a scaffold element or a common heteroatom element in water.’

Infrared cameras can see through some plastics and fabrics that look opaque to the human eye.

Here’s an amazing upscaling of footage of Tokyo street scenes from the 1910s. Even better video reconstructions than this will be available in the future.

In 1969, Richard Nixon’s speechwriters prepared an address for him to read to the nation in case the Apollo 11 moon landing failed. Using deepfake technology, we can see what it would have looked like.

In the 1970s, there was an ambitious project to compile a 6 million-page history of America from its founding to WWI into a document called the Library of American Civilization. It would have been in “ultrafiche” format, with each ultrafiche being 3″ x 5″ and containing up to 1,000 page images, shrunk from original size by a factor of 55 to 90. The idea was to distribute the document, along with ultrafiche readers, to every major library in America.

Einstein and Leo Szilard invented three refrigerators.

Donald Trump was right! His prediction that either Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden would be the Democratic nominee for President was correct.

This prediction from May turned out wrong: ‘Professor Carl Heneghan from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University said: “I think by the end of June we’ll be looking at the data and finding it difficult to find people [in Britain] with [COVID-19], if the current trends continue in the deaths.”‘

The daily death toll never reached zero in June–the lowest point was 25 deaths on June 29th. Also, on the last day of the month, 689 Britions were diagnosed with COVID-19.

This is a smart, new metric: Number of positive results per 1,000 COVID-19 tests. It corrects for the fact that the number of daily tests is growing. That metric, along with the number of excess deaths above the expected baseline, is the most foolproof for understanding the scope and trend of the pandemic.

Bill Gates thinks the U.S. should send all its pre-teens back to school this fall, in spite of the disease risk.

Preliminary results from one of the COVID-19 vaccines are good.

Interesting articles, June 2020

In a 2015 speech to the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs, George Friedman predicted that Russia would start disintegrating around 2020, if not before. It hasn’t happened and there are no signs it is about to. (Skip to the 48:12 mark in this video)

Josef Stalin was a sadist and a thug, but he had a notoriously poor grasp of warfare and military affairs. This rang especially true for the navy, which he ordered to build several battleships that would have been massive but horrible.

Here’s an awesome video of nuclear bombs blowing up warships. Even if a ship is still floating afterward, the force of the shockwave has probably caused a lot of damage thanks to walls caving in and machinery and pipes being physically broken.

And here are even more awesome photos of Mad Max vehicles in Kurdistan.

Russia has sent mercenaries to help the rebel faction in Libya, and now Egypt says it might send its own troops there to support them further. The government forces are backed by Turkey, which has also sent troops there, and a few other countries. Does everyone agree at this point that the U.S. made a mistake helping to oust Qaddafi?

Ukraine’s army released a fascinating analysis of its war with Russia. The #1 killer of its tanks was Russian artillery, followed by shoulder-launched missiles. Tank-on-tank duels were rare events, and I suspect most of those were lopsided engagements where the loser was destroyed by one shot and didn’t even realize an enemy tank was in the area.

U.S. commandos in Syria are using “smart sights” on their rifles. The sights are big and bulky–about the size of a soda can and with wires coming out of them–but they will inevitably shrink as the technology improves. Smart sights and guided bullets will someday let any soldier be a sniper.

Chinese and Indian troops had a massive brawl along their disputed border in the Himalayas. Twenty Indians and an undisclosed number of Chinese died in the fighting, where knives and spiked clubs were used (they mutually agreed to ban guns from the area to reduce the odds of bloodshed).

China has finished building its own version of the GPS.

Space-X became the first, private company to launch humans into space. The two crewmen compared the ride favorable to the Space Shuttle, which both men flew on before its retirement.

A private U.S. company has built an experimental stealth-y plane.

A quad-copter “flying motorcycle” lost control and crashed during a demonstration in Dubai, nearly killing the pilot. It ain’t like it is in the Judge Dredd movie.

Nineteen years after its debut, the Segway will halt production due to insufficient sales. The machine’s patents have also expired, so anyone can legally make copies. Segways didn’t radically alter ground transportation as its inventor hoped, but the rise of lightweight electric scooters shows there was merit to the idea. Segway just represented the wrong form factor.

Thermoelectric stoves convert heat into electricity. Imagine an electric Jeep with one such stove for a motor. Two robot workers would sit in the front seats. It would drive through areas where there was a high risk of forest fires. The robots would get out, chop up dead trees and dry wood lying on the ground, load it into the stove, and burn it to make electricity to charge their batteries and the Jeep’s. Once all the combustible material in the area was burned, they would drive to the next area and repeat.

Fish “migrate” from one isolated lake to another when birds eat fish eggs at one lake, and then excrete them in their feces at another lake. Some of the eggs can survive passage through a digestive tract.

At last, a good explanation for why plants are green instead of black. The intensity level of the green wavelengths of light fluctuate the most on the Earth’s surface, and those variations would wreak havoc on a plant’s cells.

Human vision is pretty weak. We only see details and color in a narrow, forward-facing cone.

There’s growing evidence that transfusing blood from young people into old people improves the latter’s health. A new experiment suggests that an even simpler technique of removing half an old person’s blood and simultaneously replacing it with an equal volume of saline water and proteins might also be beneficial.

A medical paper published last month in the Lancet claimed that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine actually increased the overall odds of dying among people who took it to treat COVID-19. People from many quarters quickly jumped on it as proof that President Trump’s advocacy of the drug was mistaken. However, the paper was recently retracted after nonpartisan scientists pointed out it didn’t include enough data supporting its conclusion.

But it’s not over…the FDA withdrew its endorsement of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19 because other, better studies showed it did nothing, but still induced the negative (but not lethal) side effects that have been known for decades. President Trump had previously claimed he was taking it prophylactically.

People with type A blood are the most vulnerable to COVID-19.

We still don’t know if surviving COVID-19 gives a person permanent or temporary immunity to reinfection. Additionally, it’s possible that the first vaccine may only provide partial protection from the disease, and that its effect could wear off over time, requiring people to get booster shots. (There’s nothing surprising about this: the last flu vaccine was only 45% effective.)

Surprisingly, the George Floyd mass protests didn’t lead to spikes in COVID-19 infections. It seems very hard for the virus to spread among people who are outdoors, wearing surgical masks, and keeping a few feet of distance from each other. It is vastly more infectious in crowded, enclosed environments.

The COVID-19 quarantines are actually unlikely to produce a baby boom. Instead, there will probably be 300,000 – 500,000 fewer U.S. births across 2020 and 2021, mostly due to potential parents having financial problems.

America’s leading public health expert has admitted what many have suspected: earlier this year, the government lied about the effectiveness of surgical masks in blocking the spread of COVID-19 because it didn’t want ordinary people to panic buy all of them, leading to shortages at hospitals.

In the U.K., South Asians are the likeliest race of people to die of COVID-19 because they have the highest rates of diabetes and hence weakened immune systems. South Asians have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, made worse by the fact that their traditional diets are fatty.

The architect of Sweden’s hands-off response to the COVID-19 pandemic has admitted it was a mistake, and that more of his people died than would have had they adopted the same strict lockdowns as other European countries.

This model’s prediction of 110,000 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. by June 6th was almost perfectly accurate. Today it says deaths will hit 147,000 by the end of July.

If you think things are bad in the world right now with the pandemic, social unrest, and all the other stuff, crack open a history book and realize how good we have it in the grand scheme of things. Be thankful you weren’t alive in Europe in 43 B.C., when the Roman Empire not only fell into civil war, but starvation became rampant because a volcanic eruption in Alaska dimmed the skies, killing farm crops around the world.

A convicted murderer has solved an ancient math problem in prison.

“Internet sleuths” trying to track down an unknown man caught harassing people on video misidentified him and spread the wrong person’s contact information across the internet. Almost immediately, he got a surge of angry, threatening electronic messages.

Here’s an amazing and in-depth interview with AI researcher Joscha Bach.

A new computer program can generate photorealistic illustrations of human faces based on crude sketches.

Flat-panel TVs have come a long way from the fuzzy, motion-juddering, narrow-viewing-angle devices I remember from 15 years ago, and there’s room for them to improve farther.

The Tesla Model S now has an improved battery pack that gets 402 miles per full charge. That’s more than my gas-powered car.

“The first piston steam engine, developed by Thomas Newcomen around 1710, was slightly over one half percent (0.5%) efficient.”

The massive Ford car factory site at River Rogue, MI had a “car disassembly plant” from 1930-44. Hundreds of men worked there, systematically stripping parts off of Fords and other brands of cars, reusing or reselling what was still good, and melting down the rest to make metal for new Fords. I predicted this will return by the end of the 2030s thanks to cheap robots: “The same kinds of facilities will make inroads into the junk yard industry, as they would have all the right tooling to cheaply and rapidly disassemble old vehicles, test the parts for functionality, and shunt them to disposal or individual resale. (The days of hunting through junkyards by yourself for a car part you need will eventually end–it will all be on eBay. )”

Q: “How Will You Get Robots to Pay Union Dues?”
A: “How Will You Get Robots to Buy Cars?”
These are funny quips, probably exchanged between Henry Ford and union leader Walter Reuther in the 1950s, but the insinuation that it will forever be impossible to cut humans out of the economic loop is mistaken. There’s no theoretical reason why there couldn’t someday be a factory run entirely by robots that made cars bought entirely by other robots.

Interesting articles, May 2020

The Philippines Presidential Security Group

The Philippines “Presidential Security Group” has the most interesting camouflage uniforms I’ve seen. As wacky as it looks, it actually adheres to the best principles of military camouflage (coarse pixelation, use of parallel and perpendicular lines and hard angles instead of wavy lines). If you changed the color scheme to black with earth-toned green and brown, it would probably do an excellent job concealing you in vegetated areas from people looking at you from typical combat distances (50 meters and above).

A very bold and recent prediction that didn’t fare well.

The Kennedy administration considered building a nuclear bunker 3,500 feet under the Pentagon that could survive 200 megaton surface detonations. The biggest nuclear weapon ever built was ONLY 50 megatons.

During WWII, the British aircraft carriers had 3 inch-thick armor plates right under their flight decks, and also armored walls around the hangars right below that. Because of this, they could carry fewer planes than the un-armored American carriers, but they were also more durable. Several British aircraft carriers probably would have sunk had it not been for their armored decks.

After the U.S. had to dock its two Pacific aircraft carriers due to epidemics of COVID-19 among their crews, China sent its own aircraft carrier battle group out, alarming Taiwan.

A new analysis about China’s growing naval strength reveals that they could achieve numerical superiority over the U.S. Navy in a conflict in the Western Pacific.

One of China’s army training bases has a full-size replica of Taiwan’s Presidential Building.

Francis Fukuyama thinks that Xi Jinping has made China less free than it was 10 years ago, and that the U.S. should now treat it as an enemy with global ambitions.

You know you’re broke when your best tank is a T-34, and you shoot it by standing outside and pulling on a long rope tied to the trigger because you’re afraid it might blow up.

This thermal camera video of a Russian tank parade show that much of a tank’s heat signature comes from its wheels and tracks. As the tank drive around, those metal parts rub against each other, producing heat through friction. I don’t see how this can be ameliorated.

As warfare gets more advanced and sensor/communication-dependent, the size and prominence of each field unit’s “electronic emission signature” grows.

Ukraine’s military lost half of its aircraft in the first year of war with Russia. While many were destroyed in combat or were captured, some were deleted from the official inventory because they were found to be nonfunctional due to years of neglect when Ukraine desperately tried to activate its whole arsenal.

The U.S. Army is working on small, flying surveillance drones that infantrymen can send airborne using standard 40mm grenade launchers.

Boko Haram attacked and defeated a garrison of Chadian soldiers, killing almost 100 of them and capturing their weapons. This is the deadliest terrorist attack in that country.

Russia has sent fighter planes and ground units of its private military contractors to fight for the rebels in Libya’s ongoing civil war. Turkey supports the embattled central government and sent troops to help earlier this year. Syria is of course another battleground between Russian and Turkey proxies.

A large Venezuelan navy patrol ship tried to capture a German cruise ship in the Caribbean. The warship rammed it, not realizing that the other ship had a reinforced hull for breaking through ice, and damaged itself so badly that it sank. The cruise ship had minimal damage.

A Mickey Mouse plot to take over Venezuela, and involving at least two military contractors from the U.S., failed. It was so amateurish that it’s doubtful the U.S. government ordered it to proceed.

The Apollo 13 near-disaster mission happened 50 years ago. Videos that the crewmen filmed have been used to make new, hi-res still photos through a process that compared the images from multiple frames of video film that showed the same scene (a video camera from that era shot 24 frames per second). It’s similar to the single-pixel camera I linked to in a past blog entry.

The explosion that caused the Apollo 13 crisis resulted from an incredible series of small malfunctions. Also, had the explosion happened a few hours before or after it actually did, the crewmen would have all died.

“Fata morgana” is a rare atmospheric phenomenon that doubtless explains many UFO sightings.

This video explains why exotic forms of communication, like using only smells, touch, or gravity waves, are impractical and grossly inferior to the forms of communication we use (speech, looking at writing, radio signals). Also, it makes the point that aliens could learn human languages by listening to our radio broadcasts and finding simple patterns, like the fact that the word “breakfast” is mentioned most often in the mornings, and is usually associated with words relating to food and hunger. They could learn our languages, at least to an elementary degree, without interacting with us.

This video provides a good overview of radar jamming. Radar is of course used to detect the locations of planes and ships. A radar station does this by sending out beams of radio waves, and then waiting to see if any of those waves bounce off a solid object and are reflected back to the station. The radar’s computer compiles any such echoes into a visual representation of the planes and ships, which looks like the familiar, circular computer screen image of little white dots against a black background. A human sits at a chair watching this screen. To jam a radar, you point a radio emitter of your own at the radar station and shoot powerful radio beams at it. The radar station’s receiver is overloaded, and the circular screen displays static, or goes 100% white. It’s conceptually the same as blinding a human by shining a very bright flashlight in his eyes.

Air radar coverage map

Large parts of America’s airspace are not monitored by aircraft radars.

Before radar was developed, militaries would use “acoustic mirrors” to listen for the approach of enemy planes.

“Artillery sound ranging” is a technique in which the location of a piece of enemy artillery is triangulated by measuring the time delay between when the blast of its discharge is heard at different locations. This can also be used to find sources of small arms fire.

An American private military company has bought Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu’s personal Boeing 707 and plans to turn it into an aerial refueling plane.

The article doesn’t make the case that the 737 Max’ computer hardware was the problem. Flying a plane is complicated, but there are only so many variables your computer needs to keep track of, and a 20-year-old processor design might be fully adequate (by the same token, a Godlike supercomputer would not be better at tic-tac-toe than a teenager). Rather, a particular software algorithm installed in the 737 Max planes was the real defect.

The “Baltimore Stockbroker Scam” is kind of ingenious. It touches on a point I made about good futurism: ‘You can be right thanks to luck alone, and “a stopped clock is right twice a day.”’

The Apple Watch is five years old.

The average human’s brain size has significantly shrunk over the last 20,000 years. Have we gotten dumber as a result? Maybe.

Most of the fruit fly’s brain has been mapped. It’s a step forward, though it should be remembered that a human brain has 600,000 times as many neurons. Mapping the brains of progressively larger, smarter animals will be a long pathway to building AI.

Another small step towards building an AGI: “With Agent57, we have succeeded in building a more generally intelligent agent that has above-human performance on all tasks in the Atari57 benchmark.”

The rise of AI will revolutionize warfare because it will let countries build arbitrarily large numbers of combat robots. The size of a country’s military will no longer be limited by the size of its human population. Conventional warfare will become as big a threat to humanity’s existence as nuclear war is now.
“We envision fleets of smaller, multi-mission vessels, operating with surface warfare leadership. People talk about a 355-ship Navy, how about a 35,000-ship Navy?,” Maj. Gen. David Coffman…[he] explained it as a “family of combatant craft, manned and unmanned, integrated in a distributed maritime operation.”

It will be interesting to see the prototype ship designs that result from this.
‘NOMARS will challenge the traditional naval architecture paradigm, designing a seaframe from the ground up with no provision, allowance, or expectation for humans at sea. By removing the human element from all ship design considerations, NOMARS will demonstrate significant advantages, to include size, cost (procurement, operations, and sustainment), at-sea reliability, survivability to sea-state, survivability to adversary actions (stealth considerations, resistance to tampering, etc.), and hydrodynamic efficiency (hull optimization without consideration for crew safety or comfort).’

The examples of the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors might offer insights into how AGIs could take over the world. Machines could play different human groups against each other, and then turn on their allies at the end.

This interesting exploration of “slack” underscores why species and civilizations are more successful if they all for some diversity, even if that diversity makes them slightly sub-optimal most of the time. This is part of why I doubt intelligent machines will eradicate the human race.

I like it when a distinguished but elderly scientist (Dr. Martin Rees) states that we’re going to evolve into genetically engineered cyborgs, some of whom will live on Mars.

Ben Goertzel offers good challenges to the notion that suffering and death give meaning to human life.

The citizens of the U.S. and Canada would get richer if their countries fully merged. Even with a “free trade agreement,” there’s a lot of potential cross-border trade that isn’t happening, costing everyone money. A fully unified internal market would solve that.
“Borders and Growth”
“Gravity with Gravitas”
“National Borders Matter”

Here’s an interesting list of everyday things that have improved for Americans since the 1990s.

The process of innovation and invention is a team effort full of trial-and-error, failed experiments, and small modifications to existing ideas and things. It can also be slowed or quashed by something as mundane as government red tape.

The ACLU is suing “Clearview AI,” for violating the privacy rights of some Americans by compiling a searchable, massive trove of face photographs taken from publicly available internet sites.

If manmade impermeable surfaces (e.g. – roads, roofs, parking lots, sidewalks) increase by 1%, then the frequency of floods grows by 3.3%. What fraction of today’s flooding is caused by this and not by global warming?

Global warming will make snowstorms less frequent and less severe in the U.S.

The cost of solar power has dropped faster than any credible person predicted, even ten years ago. This supports my prediction that the 2020s will be the decade when better, cheaper solar panels and grid storage batteries will make solar power cost-competitive with standard forms of energy, even without government subsidies.

A big problem with solar and wind power is intermittency. To compensate for their sudden swings in electrical output over the course of the day, the people in charge of the electric grids have to throttle other power plants up and down. Natural gas power plants are best suited for this, but quickly dialing them up and down still greatly reduces their efficiency, releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere than they otherwise would. (We REALLY need to invent better batteries for grid energy storage.)

There are genetic differences between northern and southern Italians.

A graduate math student just solved the 50-year-old “Conway Knot Problem.”

Just as the air gets thinner as you go up a mountain, it gets thicker as you go down into a mine.

Here’s a video of 300 Amish men picking up a barn and moving it across a field with their bare hands. When robots become cheap and widespread, we’ll be able to use them to do things like this all the time.

Finland’s big experiment with giving a UBI to unemployed people found that the money doesn’t make them any likelier to get jobs, but it makes them feel happier. (Who would have thought free money would do that?)

Internal U.S. State Department communiques show that diplomats were concerned about lax safety protocols at a Chinese animal disease lab in Wuhan. The lab had samples of diseases similar to COVID-19.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic SAVING some lives? The lockdown means less air pollution, which in turn means fewer people dying of respiratory distress. (Also, less car traffic means fewer road fatalities)

The U.S. COVID-19 death toll has hit 100,000. Remember the White House press conference from two months ago when Trump’s advisors put forth that number, and how sobering it was? It’s strange that we’ve arrived there.

In this interview from two months ago, Bill Gates predicted that that the number of active COVID-19 cases would peak in every part of the U.S. by late April. He was pretty accurate, though a handful of states didn’t peak until early May, and Arizona has still not peaked. Gates went on to predict that a month would have to pass after those peaks for states to start safely lifting their lockdowns, meaning that we’d start seeing a lot of that around late May (now). Again, he was right.

Bill Gates now predicts:
-The world won’t return to its pre-COVID-19 state until a good vaccine has been invented and given to almost the whole human population.
-A vaccine won’t be invented until early 2021 or mid-2022.
-After that, distributing the vaccine to everyone will take months or years.
-By the end, the COVID-19 pandemic will have cost the world tens of trillions of dollars. (2019 global GDP was $85 trillion)
-The vaccine will probably become part of the standard vaccine schedule given to infants.

Though we’ll endure a sucky “new normal” for the next year or two, I disagree with predictions that the pandemic will permanently alter how people interact (e.g. – no more hugging, no more going to restaurants). Such predictions run contrary to human nature.

What color is your power armor?

My recent analysis of the combat exoskeletons from Edge of Tomorrow made me realize that there are at least three types of humanoid or animal-like mechanical fighting machines frequently depicted in science fiction, and I’ve decided to explore their feasibility. I think they can be grouped into these categories:

  1. Power armor / exoskeleton
  2. Mechwarrior (“Mech”)
  3. Jaeger / Zord

Power armor / exoskeleton

Defining characteristics:

  • Can only accommodate one person.
  • Provides some combination of enhanced strength, endurance, speed, or carrying capacity.
  • Best thought of as a “suit.”
  • If worn, the person’s overall size is not so big that they can’t fit through standard-sized doorways or into vehicles designed for un-armored people.
  • The suited person remains narrow enough to fit between trees and duck under branches in wooded areas.
  • Depicted in Edge of Tomorrow, the Fallout, Starcraft, and Halo video games

Problems and disadvantages:

  • Limited power supply (can’t fit a big battery into a relatively small machine and expect it to last long)
  • Could limit mobility and agility so much that you’re better off not wearing it.
  • Potentially dangerous to the wearer and to comrades who are not wearing their own, protective suits. Risk of serious accidents rises if your strength is amplified and you have lots of heavy, unyielding metal strapped to your body.


  • Mildly feasible.
  • Light exoskeleton that increases load-carrying capacity of infantrymen, or lets them carry heavier weapons than otherwise possible (like .50 caliber machine guns) could be valuable and practical someday.
  • Heavy, fully enclosed exoskeleton for short duration, close-combat missions might also be practical.
  • Best use might be in noncombat logistic roles, like picking up and moving heavy cargo around bases.
  • Discussed at length in my blog entry about Edge of Tomorrow.

Mechwarrior (“Mech”)

Defining characteristics:

  • Can accommodate one or two people.
  • Can’t fit through standard-sized doorways or into other vehicles except large cargo planes and maybe large cargo helicopters.
  • Similar size and firepower as a tank or attack helicopter.
  • Should be thought of as a military vehicle and not as a suit.
  • Primarily or exclusively designed to fight using guns, missiles, and other ranged weapons. Usually ill-suited for hand-to-hand combat.
  • In theory, can traverse rougher terrain than wheeled/tracked vehicles thanks to its legs.
  • Depicted in Return of the Jedi, the Mechwarrior and Titanfall video games
The “spider tank” from the Ghost in the Shell anime movie is a more realistic type of mech since it has more than two legs and a low center of gravity.

Problems and disadvantages:

  • Having legs instead of wheels or caterpillar tracks would be problematic.
    • Legs would propel the vehicle slower than wheels or caterpillar treads. The ride would also be much bumpier, which would be exhausting and potentially disorienting for crewmen. Combat performance would suffer if the crewmen were dizzy and beat-up by the time they arrived at the battle site.
    • Mobility advantage over wheeled and tracked vehicles is questionable since mechs would have higher ground pressure–all of their weight would be concentrated on two feet, whereas traditional armored vehicles spread out their weight over 6-8 large wheels or two, long caterpillar tracks. This means a mech would have worse problems sinking into the mud and getting stuck.
    • Having a humanoid or animal-like layout (i.e. – legs for sure, and possibly arms as well) would increase a fighting vehicle’s surface-area-to-volume-ratio compared to a traditional wheeled or tracked vehicle with the same size and firepower. A mech would thus need to devote more of its mass to armor to achieve the same, all-around ballistic protection as a tank. Increasing the armor would necessitate deleting other things to save weight (e.g. – reduce fuel, ammo, or main weapon size/power).
    • The powertrain would need to be heavier and more complicated. A conventional tank like a T-72 essentially has a big truck engine that is transversely mounted and spins a shaft connected to one wheel on either side of the vehicle. It’s a simple and compact layout. A layout designed to move two, multi-jointed legs would be much more mechanically complex, requiring multiple motors and many spinning shafts, meaning more weight and more moving parts that can fail.
  • Its width would prevent it from going down alleys or between closely-spaced trees. Human enemies could run to constricted areas like that for cover. The mech’s big selling point–that it can go places where trucks and tanks can’t–is eroded thanks to the tree problem.
  • Its tallness would impose many problems.
    • Forested areas become even more impassable since branches can block mechs and/or obscure their crewman’s view of targets at ground level. Power lines, some road lights, and bridges/overpasses also turn into obstacles. The mechs definitely can’t be used for peacekeeping or domestic policing if they’re going to be constantly snapping power lines and cutting off electricity to whole neighborhoods. High ground pressure might also damage roads by leaving footprint indentations.
    • The taller and wider a mech is, the bigger of a target it becomes, and the easier it is for enemies to shoot it from longer ranges.
    • Mech would have high centers of gravity that would introduce the risk of tip-overs. Even if falling over didn’t destroy a mech, it could do enough damage and injury to the vehicle and crewman, respectively, to knock them out of the fight.
    • The torque from shooting heavy weapons mounted high on the mechwarrior would tip it over.
  • Accidental injury problem would be worse than in power armor / exoskeletons. For example, if a mech fell over by accident, it could crush friendly 20 infantrymen.
A “walking excavator” provides the design basis for the most practical type of combat mech


  • Probably infeasible. There’s a reason why there are tens of thousands of advanced tanks in global military service, but not even one, basic mech.
  • It would be better to use aircraft and infantry to patrol and fight in areas where the terrain is too rough to bring in tanks and wheeled vehicles. Probably not worth it to build mechs just for specialty engagements in those places. Mechs might provide an advantage there, but would be inferior to traditional military vehicles in all other types of terrain. Not a flexible asset.
  • Building a useful mech is a much bigger technical challenge than making powered exoskeletons.
  • If we decided to build combat mechs anyway:
    • Designing them with four or more legs would make them safer, more stable, less likely to get stuck in the mud (ground pressure problem), and would offer a smoother ride than mechs with two legs. Problematically, a human pilot wouldn’t be able to intuitively control a machine that had more than two legs. Like in a car, the pilot would probably use a steering wheel and pedals to input direction and speed commands to the mech, and the mech’s computer would figure out exactly how to reposition the 4+ legs to achieve that. However, this disconnect between inputs and fine movements of the vehicle could lead to problems if the computer stepped on, say, a land mine, friendly infantryman, or an open sewer hole that the human pilot could see and wanted to avoid.
    • Making it as low to the ground as possible, with its volume distributed horizontally as opposed to vertically, would make it more stable and reduce its target profile.
    • Spider-like or beetle-like mech makes more sense than human-like mech.
    • The number of legs would present a tradeoff between vehicle stability and smoothness of ride vs. fuel efficiency and mechanical complexity/breakdown rate. Unsure what the optimum number of legs would be, but “two legs bad” for sure.
    • Would probably need built-in wheels for easy transport over roads and flatter ground. Remember, it won’t be climbing jagged hills or stepping over big logs in the forest all the time. This would also be easier on the crewmen.
    • The most practical design might resemble a “walking excavator,” but with armor and heavy weapons comparable to what is found on APCs. Couldn’t have the same firepower, speed, or protection as a main battle tank. (Videos showing walking excavators in action: 1) 2)
    • Would have a 360 degree rotating gun turret, like almost all armored vehicles. Wouldn’t need as big of a cannon since heavily-armored tanks wouldn’t be able to get into the rugged terrain areas where mechs would operate (20mm – 40mm cannon would be fine against other mechs, infantry, structures, and entrenched positions).
    • Might make sense to have heavy-lift helicopters transport mechs to their battle/patrol zones (mountain top, forest clearing, sand dune area).
    • A fully automated mech that lacked human crewmen wouldn’t suffer from many of the problems listed in this section, like disorientation and exhaustion from a bumpy ride. Small, unmanned turret would reduce center of gravity as well.

Jaeger / Zord

Defining characteristics:

  • Huge. At least 100 ft tall. Size and firepower are comparable to warships (modern destroyer or cruiser).
  • Strong enough to win fights with big groups of armored vehicles and planes attacking it at once.
  • Best thought of as a “one-man army.”
  • Can go anywhere since its feet are so big it can just step on and crush trees and walk up hills like they were steps. Can also wade through shallow bodies of water.
  • Has standoff weapons like missiles and cannons but is also designed for hand-to-hand combat and striking with oversize, handheld weapons like giant swords.
  • Depicted in Pacific Rim, several Godzilla movies, the Power Rangers TV show and movies.

Problems and disadvantages:

  • The “square-cube law,” along with limitations on the strength-to-weight ratios of physical materials, effectively prohibits the construction of machines this big that can also rapidly walk around and violently swing their arms (it also prohibits the existence of animals in the same size range).
  • Massive investment of money and resources into a single weapon that can only be in one place, at one time would probably be better spent on many smaller weapons (e.g. – tanks, fighter planes, mobile missile launchers) that can be spread out to patrol and fight enemies across large areas, and concentrated in one place when necessary to fight against a strong enemy.
  • Falls and tip-overs would be fatal to human pilots. Accidentally falling onto buildings or groups of friendly troops could kill hundreds of people at once.
  • Shares many of the same problems mech have, but to a worse degree.
  • They would be gigantic targets that enemies could see and shoot at from dozens of miles away, or bomb from high altitudes. They wouldn’t be able to hide themselves except in cities among skyscrapers, in canyons, or perhaps by diving into deep bodies of water. In every other environment, they would be impossible to camouflage.
  • Explored in my End of Evangelion review.


  • Infeasible for many scientific and engineering reasons.
  • We would need Star Trek levels of technology (radically stronger and lighter materials, miniaturized fusion reactors, and cheap ways to build both) to make the sorts of Jaegers and Zords shown in the movies. With current technology we might be able to build Jaegers and Zords that were extremely slow, fragile, expensive, and of almost no military value. They would be missile- and gun platforms only, and would break themselves if they punched or kicked anything hard.
  • Even if the Star Trek technology existed, it’s doubtful anyone would make a Jaeger/Zord since it’s better to create a land force made up of many small, expendable units than to invest everything in one giant, all-important fighting machine. A single point of failure is really bad. A force made of many units is also more flexible since they can be spread out across a large area.

Additional thoughts on power armor / exoskeletons

  • The most realistic of the three types of fighting machines.
  • A minimalist exoskeleton with attachment points for big weapons like .50 cal machine guns, grenade launchers, and recoilless missile launchers would let infantry squads bring heavier weapons on patrols into rugged terrain areas. Squad members wearing the exoskeletons could fill some of the firepower niche that mechs are intended to fill.
  • Instead of all the troops wearing those exoskeletons with big weapons, it might be worn by every fifth or tenth man, specially trained for that equipment. Most of the troops would have normal weapons and would have no exoskeletons or lighter exoskeletons just designed to increase their load carrying capacity and to ease the physical strain of long marches.
  • Might work like this: Squad leader keeps the .50 cal exo-soldier in the back of the line unless needed. If so, he calls him up and deploys him carefully.
  • My thinking is guided by assumptions about existing science and tech. Exoskeletons would be totally plausible with Star Trek technology (e.g. – super light, super strong metal; flexible bulletproof body panels, personal fusion reactors).
  • Avatar final battle would actually be ideal scenario to use heavy weapon exo-soldiers. Forest environment blocked air support and wheeled vehicles (the tree cover would have also made it impractical to deploy mechs). Idea was to use helicopters to insert troops, win, and then recover them after a few hours, so no risk of batteries dying. Enemies were large, so abnormally large weapons needed.
  • Unclear if Edge of Tomorrow beach landing was well-suited to exo-soldiers. Mimics were very fast, but not actually that robust. Regular troops with normal weapons would have been better since they were faster and more agile. Also could have landed greater number of regular troops with same number of transport craft.

Interesting articles, April 2020

The V-22’s (left) engines AND rotors tilt upward to hover, but the V-280’s (right) engines never move, so ONLY its rotors tilt upward to hover.

One of Google’s AIs can now generate songs, complete with human vocals. It doesn’t sound bad.

In another blow to globalism, Argentina signals it might drop out of MERCOSUR.

Kim Jong-un’s absence from public view has some speculating that he is gravely ill or even dead.

Ethiopia’s construction of a major dam on the Nile River is making downstream Sudan and Egypt nervous about their future water supplies. The region is already water-scarce and rapidly growing in population.

The Hubble Telescope is 30 and still working!

Interesting facts about the Space Shuttle:
-It was originally supposed to be a fully reusable, two-stage craft. That design would have been more expensive but probably better.
-The notion that the Shuttle would be a cheaper way to launch cargo into orbit that traditional rockets was never supported by data. Politicians just made it up to sell the idea to the public.
-The Soviet “Buran” craft was more advanced than the U.S. Shuttle, and fixed some of the latter’s known flaws.

The U.S. Navy has officially released copies of the famous UFO videos that were leaked to the public in December 2017. The Navy also said it didn’t know what the UFOs were.

Interesting details about the V-22:
-“Many of the challenges in developing and operating the V-22 are the result of designing a fairly large platform to operate within the confines of US Marine Corps amphibious ships. This caused several compromises, such as a smaller proprotor diameter, which increases the download and reduces the hover efficiency, and a shorter wing, which reduces the amount of lift and range.”
-“These engineering lessons and the lack of shipboard size constraints enabled Bell to reduce the downwash from the rotors, design the rotors to tilt from horizontal to vertical without rotating the engines, and improve the reliability and availability of components. The V-22’s downwash, or high velocity air from the two tilting proprotors producing 22,680 kg of thrust to keep the aircraft aloft, can damage objects or injure people below. It also means the Osprey must burn more fuel to hover.”
-“In addition, the V-22 required a rear-ramp exit to avoid hot-engine exhaust blasting onto ship decks and grassy landing zones. As the V-280’s engines do not rotate, this solves the hot engine exhaust issue, which can start brush fires, and means troops can ingress and egress via side doors.”

The U.S. Air Force is going to 3D scan a B-1 bomber to make a highly detailed computer simulation of it to identify faults and components that are wearing out. Today, it’s only cost-effective to do this for large aircraft, but in the future, we’ll have computer simulations for every type of manufactured object and will use them to optimize designs.

Russia has cancelled the construction of several advanced warships due to lack of money.

The realities of submarine combat and of how torpedoes work are totally different from what you see in movies. Interestingly, many torpedoes stay connected to the subs that fired them by way of long wires that rapidly unspool as the torpedoes move forward.

An interesting video about the downsides of upgrading tanks. Adding weight in the form of applique armor or a bigger gun can push the tank’s engine and suspension past their design limits, increasing the odds of a breakdown. Drilling holes through tank armor to run new wires to create mounting points for gadgets can also make the armor much weaker.

Sodium- and mercury-based streetlights are going extinct, meaning someday, kids will watch old movies and wonder why things looked yellow-tinted at night.

An incredible-looking machine has been built in Japan to study antimatter.

Could we insure against species going permanently extinct by collecting sperm and egg samples from endangered species and freezing them for future use? The samples could stay good for hundreds of years.

If more farmers adopted today’s high-yield agriculture methods, we could grow the same amount of food with half the amount of cropland.

Cut off from most international trade and able to use artificially cheap domestic labor, the Soviets developed advanced ways of growing citrus trees in cold climates. One method involved planting the trees in deep trenches.

The University of Washington’s disease model has been very accurate predicting the course of the COVID-19 epidemic in the U.S. A snapshot from March 30 predicted that U.S. deaths would peak on April 15 at 2,271. It did peak on that day, but at 2,693. The model shows that the virus’ first wave will be almost done by June 1, and will claim 72,400 lives.

Almost half of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle’s crew got infected with COVID-19. The ship’s crowded conditions proved ideal for disease transmission.

In mid-March, Elon Musk predicted that the coronavirus pandemic would end soon, and that the U.S. would have “close to zero” new cases of the disease by the end of April. The CDC counted 26,512 new cases on April 29 alone.

For the first time on record, and probably for the first time since the era of Mao’s Mickey Mouse Economics, the Chinese economy shrank. The pandemic was the obvious cause.