The CSIS has a very good analysis of the coming year of the Ukraine War. There will probably be a turning point.
‘Russian forces gained 4,168 square kilometers, largely comprised of fields and small settlements in Ukraine and Kursk Oblast, at a reported cost of over 420,000 casualties in 2024.’
Overall, Ukraine’s armored vehicle and warplane fleets are not shrinking because inflows (reactivations of mothballed equipment, manufacture of new equipment, captures of Russian equipment, donated equipment from NATO) are matching outflows (battlefield losses). As a result, the force ratios between Ukraine and Russia are the same as they were at the start of the war.
North Korean troops are rapidly learning on the battlefields of Ukraine. This combat experience could help them in the future.
Hamas and Israel have agreed to a cease-fire, which includes an exchange of hostages. Pressure from incoming President Trump evidently sealed the deal.
General points from this briefing about robot ground vehicles in Ukraine:
- Unmanned ground drones are harder to develop than aerial drones because the ground-level environment is much more cluttered and complex than the sky. AI isn’t good enough yet to understand what it’s seeing at ground level and to react appropriately. The presence of physical obstacles like hills and buildings also makes it much harder to maintain a line-of-sight between human operators and ground drones they are remote-controlling.
- Big advantage over aerial drones is payload capacity and cost per unit of vehicle weight.
- The small number of ground drones that are armed with guns and designed for direct combat have done poorly in the Ukraine War.
Here are the incredible details about Israel’s large commando raid against an underground missile factory in Syria last September.
While U.S. intelligence found no evidence that a foreign adversary used a brain-damaging remote weapon to hurt American diplomats suffering “Havana Syndrome”, it’s technologically possible to create such a weapon. It probably shoots tightly focused microwave beams at the target’s head.
Russia will reward North Korea for its help against Ukraine by giving it advanced space technology.
Five years ago, Boris Yeltsin’s Former Chief of Staff said he was ’99 Percent Certain’ Vladimir Putin Will Not Be Russia’s President in Five Years
Arthur C. Clarke predicted it all, 51 years ago.
Politico’s “Unpredictable But Entirely Possible Events That Could Throw 2024 Into Turmoil” totally failed to materialize, except for “A violent attack on a candidate.”
If that terrible track record inspires you, here’s what Politico thinks might happen this year.
This prediction from 2022 that Elon Musk would be a trillionaire by now failed. He ONLY has $416 billion.
‘9 Video Games That Tried (And Will Hopefully Fail) To Predict 2025’
Ed Calderon’s prediction that the U.S. military would be in Mexico by now failed.
In 2016, “futurologist” Dr. Ian Pearson predicted “Women will be having more sex with ROBOTS than men by 2025”
Roboticist Rodney Brooks gives another sobering yearly update on progress in several important technology fields.
This Morgan Stanley prediction was half right and half wrong, with the most important outcome (median house price) being wrong. Financial and economic predictions, even from elite-sounding firms, are usually worthless:
‘According to the firm’s analysts, in 2024, the United States will escape a recession, mortgage rates will decline, salaries will keep rising, and increased listings will encourage more activity in the housing market. All these factors should lead to a drop in the cost of homes.’
A professional chemist gives commentary on the practices of Mexican fentanyl labs.
Facebook is ending its use of paid Fact-Checkers and will copy X’s use of Community Notes instead. All of its old Fact-Checkers had left-wing or neutral biases; there were no right-wing ones to balance things out. Conservative users have also been much likelier to complain about censorship of their content than liberal users.
‘Creators know their audience is scrolling through an endless stream of videos they could be watching instead, so a clear and urgent emotional appeal can make them stay, she says. But according to Basu, there’s something about images of grief, in particular, that can blur the lines between the audience and the content, creating the opportunity for a special kind of connection.’
‘A French woman was swindled out of over $800,000 by scammers posing as Brad Pitt who made her believe she was dating him and that he needed help paying for medical care.’
Google’s new “Veo 2” video generator has a mastery of how physics works.
‘While older benchmarks challenged specialized AIs to compete with the general population of humans, today it’s more common for prominent benchmarks to challenge general-purpose AIs to compete with expert humans on problems that demand both expertise and complex reasoning. This change in the state of benchmarks is unlikely to be a pure measurement artifact, as it has coincided with fast and measurable growth in relevant practical applications for AI.’
“We are now confident we know how to build AGI as we have traditionally understood it.”
-Sam Altman
Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei says AI could surpass human intelligence by 2027.
President Trump and several tech titans announced the creation of the “Stargate” initiative, involving a multi-year investment of $500 billion to build several, massive data centers in the U.S. to support future AI. The government will do its part to clear regulatory red tape for the private sector.
This is a great essay that accords with things I’ve also realized.
1) Intelligent machines and robots could fully replace humans. There’s no reason to believe that “humans will always be needed to fix the robots” or “machines will never be able to replace human creativity.” There’s no roadblock to them gaining the ability to build and repair each other and to be more creative than we are.
2) The economy could keep functioning without humans. AIs with political control over countries and AIs that run companies could just trade with each other, and eventually cut us out of the loop entirely. In fact, their overall consumption and production levels would eventually come to greatly surpass all current human consumption and production (but the things they make and trade will be sharply different from what humans do). The adage that “if we automated all the factories, no one would have any money so none of the stuff made in the factories” will fail.
3) Humans will eventually be economically and politically marginalized. The fewer humans there are inside a country or an organization of any kind, the better off it will be. We will become resource drains. The temptation to reduce our numbers and freedoms for the sake of efficiency will be massive.
Jeff Bezos’ “New Glenn” space rocket had its first, successful test flight.
China has a massive space tracking station in the middle of Patagonia.
A former astronaut claims he saw two UFOs at close range while flying his private plane.
The FDA banned Red No. 3 dye from food out of concern it might cause cancer. The added risk is incredibly small among humans who consume normal quantities of it.
The U.S. government concludes that drinking water that has more than twice the recommended fluoride content can slightly lower the IQs of children.